ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

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the scene where they flew a tank is pure kino.
But yeah, the movie was shit overall.

that was pretty fun actually

>Likeable cast
>Fun movie
>No one went and saw it anyway.

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good movie desu
back when Bradley Cooper had the hair transplant but didn't get jawgains

>Oh yeah, that happened
That's soyspeak

had a fun time you faggot

It wasn't that bad tbqh famalam

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we aint fond of soy speak around these parts

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It was fun but it felt like some Hollywood exec looking at something like crank and realizing there was a market for over the top action, but wanting to maximize profits by making it a remake of an 80s TV show and also not letting them go for the hard r rating. It was enjoyable but I wanted it to go even farther

Im glad it did

Kinda liked it. Not enough dinosaurs though.

>i love it when a thread comes together

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>Raimi trilogy will always have a place in history as the "original" and what brought capeshit to the forefront of cinema along with X-men 1
>Holland Spidey will be remember for being the longest tenure with the most appearances and the first to be a part of a greater Marvel Universe
Not quite yet, but pic related will eventually lost to the annals of time as that weird failed thing between two memorable things to the general public.

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Lol annal

and it was actually pretty fun

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No it wasn't.

this was pretty good

>Fun movie

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I didn't dislike the first one. They way Ben died was actually pretty well done in establishing the guiding principles of Peter Parker as a character and the Lizard is a pretty good foil for spider Man although it could have been done better. The storyline with Gwen Stacy was cute enough and stone and Garfield had chemistry together. I don't think Garfield was bad either, he had the classic sarcastic "friendly neighborhood" snark in costume that kept everything right and fun.
The second one was ass though

The Matt Lauer bit at the end is funny.

Same with Baywatch and we all know hot litty it is.

The part where they trick the bad guy in the helicopter into getting blown out of the sky by an American fighter jet was pretty fuckin based, but the movie overall was kind of bland.

Having said that I think about 5 guys at my high school tried way too hard to dress like and do their hair like Peter Parker and it was extremely cringey

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it wasnt bad

it wasnt good either

the original series was garbage too