Nearly 38 years old, and no one has made a funnier movie yet. How is this possible?

Nearly 38 years old, and no one has made a funnier movie yet. How is this possible?

Attached: Airplane!.jpg (666x1000, 155K)

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>c-c-c-combo breaker

Attached: 157634913921357_mainphotos[1].jpg (900x679, 393K)

The naked gun is funnier tbqh.

I don't even remember the plot, I laugh too hard every time I see it. The scene where some guy in the terminal beats up a bunch of people turns my sides into dust.


I enjoy Top Secret more, although I still recognize Airplane's legacy

>I take it black, like my men

A little girl likes having sex with niggers real funny op.

its so easy to trigger people now it would probably be difficult.

This movie is amusing at best, and too long

This and Naked Gun are two of the best ever, but I would have them both tied with Borat

They're on an Airplane! and the pilots get sick and a passenger lands it. It's probably the thinnest plot possible but works because it's just all about the jokes which never stop coming.

Stop I didn't enter this board to be turned on


Recently I watched Airplane for probably the 50th time with some male friends of mine, who all enjoyed it and recognized how consistently funny it is, but their girlfriends all got quiet as the movie went on and were clearly offended by it. One of them even walked out of the room and went to lay in bed without saying a word. I love Airplane even more now knowing that it triggers sjws.

>haha opportunity to nigger and loli post on Sup Forums
Why is it you Sup Forumstards are so obsessed with female children and nigger cock?

>the Jews

On the basis on how much I laughed, Borat is my favourite comedy. Airplane is definitely impressive with its consistency and inventiveness, one of the greats.

Why is it you're so obsessed with Sup Forums?

which scene proved to be too much for her delicate sensibilities

More of a violent action movie than a comedy. Real let down since it looked good from the trailers.

I think the pilot and little boy in the cockpit jokes rubbed her the wrong way plus my friends and I kept yelling all the jive lines

watched it the other day. wasnt very funny

You have bad taste.

>not an argument
I will bite anyway cause bored passing time.
It's because Sup Forums its populated by low IQ degenerate scum that should be interned indefinitely in concentration camps. I wouldn't mind you mongrels so much if you kept your inbred opinions in the Sup Forums echo chamber. But no. You scumbags have to shit every board up with race baiting, virgin tier misogyny, conspiratard nonsense, political faggotry, ect. I understand. Sup Forumstards think this behavior and posting red pills people. It doesn't though. It just makes you faggots worse then sjw tumblrinas. Even rebbitors have better shitposts then you Sup Forumsfucks.

The TV show being cancelled after 6 episodes was the greatest crime in the history of comedy

This. Blazing Saddles is good too.


Airplane is funny and revolutionized comedy but I don't think it was as funny as a Naked Gun or Caddyshack

>you will never have this much PTSD over some fake boogieman that someone has 0 proof they do anything other then "BUT MUH POOOOOOOOL MUH ARETHE DHONALD"
pic is you

Attached: 1521312137145.jpg (600x900, 143K)

"have you ever seen a grown man naked timmy?"

The scene where the airbag goes off and the cats drives itself while he's shooting at it. Rofl!

Meant car

Frank Drebin: [describing Jane; voice-over] I couldn't believe it was her. It was like a dream. But there she was, just as I remembered her. That delicately beautiful face. And a body that could melt a cheese sandwich from across the room. And breasts that seemed to say... "Hey! Look at these!" She was the kind of woman who made you want to drop to your knees and thank God you were a man! She reminded me of my mother, all right. No doubt about it.

Ed Hocken: Frank, snap out of it! You're looking at her like she was your mother for Christ's sake!

Attached: 1498002303237.gif (480x320, 2.99M)

Perhaps you should stay on plebbit

fuck, police squad was a great show
>was there a ransom note?
>yes it was tied to this window and thrown into the rock garden

>Wrongfully Accused is great
>no one ever talks about it

Top Secret is funnier than either desu

That movie only works if you laugh at how funny it is that bongs think they're funny.