Scenes from movies that look like paintings

Scenes from movies that look like paintings

Attached: Guardians of the Galaxy 2.jpg (1280x536, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: cia 4k.jpg (3840x2160, 2.72M)

Attached: Thor.Ragnarok.mkv_snapshot_00.12.38.jpg (1920x800, 735K)

Attached: 000000.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

what movie?

Attached: Wilson_punched.jpg (129x175, 7K)

Attached: barry-lyndon_1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Attached: 1509401777994.jpg (1024x576, 99K)

Attached: foamedium.png (1708x946, 3.47M)

Attached: a-glorious-death.jpg (1773x785, 301K)

Is this photoshopped?


Attached: queen-amidala-throne-room.png (1434x611, 1.12M)

In a manner of speaking, yes. Green screen.

Attached: files+news+33368+1482249817.jpg (900x601, 251K)

better picture

Attached: 97T3DJs.jpg (1920x1233, 431K)

Attached: CwdH13h.png (822x491, 332K)

Such a good movie.

almost every frame from that movie really

Attached: 06.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Attached: lBW0lqN.gif (800x450, 1.47M)

Attached: AoJJ-9999.jpg (1800x800, 628K)

>100% black
>land of the nordic gods where there is diversity



Asgard has truly fallen

Attached: 1F45F951-1CB2-46B9-9697-0D51F433E85C.png (1729x734, 2.25M)

diversity means white genocide

i wish modern movies would do lighting like this, with elaborate physical setups to suit the shot, instead of trying to cheese it by using digital effects and color grading.

Attached: Lamentation of Christ by Andrey Zvyagintsev.jpg (700x393, 44K)

hurr durr he asked a legit question

Greenscreen is cancer for modern film, if Exorcist was remade today it would be unrecognizable

a lot of that flick

Attached: 4050.jpg (1920x800, 393K)

>post containing best waifu
>not yet acknowledged

This is under lokis rule and showing how much the kingdom is fallen

Attached: Fredderaat.jpg (1280x688, 380K)

Attached: 1439244780531.jpg (2760x2717, 789K)

Thy BCC truly was delightful last night, Dyrone

I wonder (((who))) could be pushing all this sexual deviancy, destruction of the white race, and promoting homosexuality

Attached: 1521400652895.jpg (1920x800, 314K)

Attached: The Master (2).png (1920x800, 1.76M)

Attached: Calvary.png (1920x800, 1.71M)

Attached: Q8lksc5[1].png (1280x720, 738K)

Attached: taojjbtcrf.png (1920x800, 980K)

Attached: Slow west.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

the fire rises, brothers

Attached: 1481598476312.jpg (2738x2094, 647K)

Attached: Thequell.jpg (1280x688, 512K)

Attached: requiem-for-a-dream-2000-13-g.jpg (1200x781, 256K)

Attached: Freddiesimo.jpg (1280x688, 327K)

Attached: ttol.jpg (1920x1040, 825K)

its ripoff had a decent one too

Attached: immortals.png (1278x686, 1.6M)

based Snyder

Attached: 6zggRenI1WCEKWQQ6mZYX925wMt.jpg (1280x534, 459K)

Attached: Sicario.png (1920x800, 1.01M)

Attached: gallery-1456401028-the-witch-3.jpg (1600x928, 90K)

Attached: 1436773038507.jpg (558x397, 21K)

I need to rewatch this, saw it in a rundown theater and it was amazing.

Only if this was painted in soy


and that's a good thing

All the had to do was turn into fucking Skeletor. Goddammit, he even mentioned building a Skeletor statue.
If they were gonna go this route at least choose something threatening.

Subverted your expectations, did it?

Attached: 1444001112844.png (1145x1560, 1.68M)

Immortals was ridiculously underrated.

Every time I see scenes from Excalibur Wagner's funeral march floods into my head.

>Slow West
My nigga.

Attached: slow_west_2-620x337.png (620x337, 369K)

Great idea OP, have a bump

Attached: bvimprovedsmall.png (2298x978, 3.76M)

Attached: 1453259598840.png (1920x805, 1.89M)

My favorite james bond movie

Attached: mendelbro.jpg (534x401, 59K)

So many good shots from that movie.

Attached: caren.jpg (1425x809, 235K)

Attached: one goes this way.jpg (532x810, 251K)