*blocks your attempts at adaptation*

*blocks your attempts at adaptation*
pshhhh, nothin' personnel, kid

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You spelt "kid" wrong, you dope.

can someone be so kind as to explain lovecraft/cthulhu to me? I'm very intrigued by it. But I have no idea what the concept of it is exactly. For example, in the OP, what do you mean by "blocks your attempts at adaption" ?

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>Lovecraft hates niggers
>stories had a lot of interspecies romance

honestly just want to see another adaption of The Shadow over Innsmouth. There was one in the works about three years back that released a decent trailer and then went completely silent

It's because a lot lovecraft's horror monsters are essentially gods from outer space who do not adhere to our laws of time, space, and reality.

Your physical brain literally cannot comprehend their form.

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>interspecies romance

romance? what are you talking about? the miscegenation and questionable bits of ancestry are always portrayed as terrifying or leading to degeneracy

Fine. It wasn't romance. It was manipulation, rape,and space horror fabric warping

In Lovercraft's stories, every product of interspecies breeding is portrayed as monstrous. It explains itself, user. Lovecraft was horrified of race-mixing.

>Read The Horror At Red Hook
The story is literally "stay out of the ghetto because they summon satan when nobody's looking"


The point of a lot of Lovecraft's stuff is exactly that it is so alien and incomprehensible to the human mind. It's cosmic horror. It's the realization that humankind is an insignificant speck in a universe ruled by evil gods. It's the knowledge that our time is ending. A recurring theme in his works is that the protagonist discovers some ancient and utterly terrifying information, which pretty much causes them to commit suicide to get peace.

You're right. Along with his cosmic horror, another prominent theme of Lovecraft's was the power of blood and of people devolving. He has several stories where people literally cannot escape the effect of their ancestry, and is compelled by their blood to unspeakable things. He also often has humans devolve to a state that is nearer to a grotesque animal than anything else.

It seems kind of silly now, because it's been nearly 100 years since some of these stories were written.

In the past century, our society has been so inundated with atheism and nihilistic existentialism that the very notion that we're not at the center of the universe is more of a foregone conclusion. Of course we're not the center of the cosmos, why would we be?

I guess what I'm saying is they were different times.

>*ear shattering fart noise*
>Tee Hee excuse me!

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I don't think so, the Shadow out of Time still covers this sense of human civilization's meaningless in the larger picture of time in a pretty uncomfortable way

You're very right that times have changed, which has definitely blunted the effect of some his stories a bit. They can still be quite unnerving to read today. It doesn't even have to be some cosmic terror. It's also often discovering that humans aren't masters of the Earth, or that are antedilluvian evils lurking out of our sight. Like the story of a sailor coming across a new island raised from the seafloor by an earthquake. He sees strange monoliths and a single, large fish creature, which promptly causes the sailor to lose his mind.

Oh don't get me wrong I do agree with you.
But I think the unnerving realization would be, not that we are not at the center of existence, but rather, that our abilities of perception are so limited, that we have no clue what the hell "reality" actually is, and our human concepts of reality are a joke in the grand scheme of things

Yeah exactly, which is what makes it so difficult to show visually. How can you show what is incomprehensible to the mind?



....snnnniiiiifffffffff...oh yes dear...sssnnnniiiiiffffff...quite fragrant indeed...is that...dare I say...sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?....sniff sniff...hmmm...yes...quite so my darling...sniff...quite pungent eggs yes very much so ....ssssnnnniiiiiffff...ah yes...and also...a hint...of...sniff...cheese....quite wet dear...sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely...sniff....please dear...another if you please...nice and big now...

...Oh yes...very good!...very sloppy and wet dear...hmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm....let me...let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling....hmmmm...hmm...yes...that is a delicate....bit of chocolate dear...ah yes...let me guess...curry for dinner?...oh quite right I am...aren't I?...ok...time for sniff....sssnniiiiiffffff...hmmm...hmmmm I see...yes...yes indeed as well curry....hmmm...that pungence is quite noticeable...yes....onion and garlic chutney I take it dear?....hmmmm...yes quite...

...Oh I was not expecting that....that little gust dear...you caught me off guard...yes...so gentle it was though...hmmmm...let me taste this little one...just one small sniff....sniff...ah...sssnnnniiiiiffffffff...and yet...so strong...yes...the odor...sniff reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep no immunities sniff...hmmm...is that...sniff...hmmm...I can almost taste it dear....yes...just...sniff...a little whiff more if you please....ssssnnniiiiifffff...ah yes I...have it now...yes quite...delectable dear....quite exquisite yes....I dare say...sniff...the most pungent one yet dear...sssnnnniiiifffffff...yes...

Just read “The Call of Cthulu” it’s short and free and gives a good idea in Lovecraft’s brand of horror

>It's the realization that humankind is an insignificant speck in a universe ruled by evil gods

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>it's a lovecraftian movie trailer bursts my eardrums episode

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>Of course we're not the center of the cosmos, why would we be?
The point of view of the horror industry is still pretty much anthropocentric. Think of vampires, zombies, ghost and all the permutations of the human monster.


At this point I just want lovecraft-esque movies but none of his story directly translated to cinema.

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Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, could get dis dick

That's completely untrue. Around 90% can translate directly. And of the 10% leftover, about 1% of their scenes can't, but we know how to depict metaphysical, psychedelic shit (see Annihilation), so it would be no problem.

>see Annihilation
I plan on doing that this week

thanks for letting us know, where can I subscribe to your blog?

>It's the realization that humankind is an insignificant speck in a universe ruled by evil gods.

Not really, "Good vs Evil" was never a theme of Lovecraft's works. It's more the acknowledgement that there are things that are to us as we are to microbes. Or, in some cases, that our notions of reality are so riddled with misconceptions and flaws that we could barely be said to understand anything at all, and that knowing the truth is often all it takes to gain the attention of things that normally do not even register our presence at all, which often leads to the "enlightened" being preyed upon by them. That latter instance is very well illustrated in "From Beyond", and the fate of the mad Abdul Alhazred who wrote the fictional "Necronomicon".

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well he's mention it as an example but I didn't see it, I was merely stating that.

>and the fate of the mad Abdul Alhazred
wait, what happened to him? I remember only references to this character and not his end

One of my favorite of his non Cosmic stories is still Rats in The Walls, because it has no monsters whatsoever and is just about a guy and his fucked up family history.

IIRC, he was violently torn apart and devoured by something only he seemed to be able to see in broad daylight in front of dozens of terrified witnesses.

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Well put, user.


Lovecraft's stories are kind samey if you read them in successions because they were meant to be read like that considering they were originally published in serialized episodic format. It just makes some works like The Dunwich Horror, The Colour Out of Space, etc stand out.

>dat feel when in The Dunwich Horror three professors basically not only save the day but retain their sanity in the process
Probably the best outcome out of all of his stories I can remember.

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>It's the knowledge that our time is ending.

I think this is something somehow got lost over time - ending is inevitable because the stars WILL align right one of these days. Humanity is already living on borrowed time. Overwhelming majority isn't aware of it and what few individuals can piece things together sadly realize just how hopeless it is to even think of struggling.

>when in The Dunwich Horror three professors basically not only save the day but retain their sanity in the process

I think they're just lucky that the creature they were facing was invisible.
