Rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean in preparation for Sea of Thie/v/es, let's talk about it

Rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean in preparation for Sea of Thie/v/es, let's talk about it.

First of all, this guy did absolutely nothing wrong.

>CGI holds up really well for a 15 year old movie.
>30-45 minutes too long.
>Keira Knightley was kind of annoying.
>Makes the sequels look like even more dogshit than they already were. Why did those suck and does the property deserve a full reboot?
>Why does it only have 79% on RT? It's one of the best live action disney movies ever made.

Gonna watch Master and Commander tomorrow. What am I in for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Master and Commander
mediocre movie that virgins on Sup Forums make threads about idolizing Crowe in a homoerotic manner and insinuating that women can’t “understand” it

Is it really not that good?

t. """woman"""


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>in preparation for Sea of Thie/v/es


>The POTC sequels aren't ki-

he's baiting. I feel bad, it seems like you made this thread with good intentions. M&C is great, some people are put off by how straightforward and simple the story is.

based dropped poster

>doesn't have any friends to play a fun game with

I feel bad for you

did you even read the whole sentence?

Fuck off, it was an underwhelming flick, wasted potential

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what would make it good, since the potential was there?

>CGI holds up really well for a 15 year old movie
>15 year old movie

please be my girlfriend

did you? Orlando's stepfather is Jewish

Even if it was his biological father, judaism is matrilineal. Being near jews only makes you more likely to be redpilled.

After first 30 minutes I expected a deeper character study - it seemed like Jack was going to be pushed to the edge by his own ambition, with crew slowly turning against him due to deteriorating conditions near the Horn, morale etc. Instead it turned out to be just a happy goodie-goodie flick with everything working out perfectly in the end. It even ends with a Marvel tier quip.

best Jack moment

Though I hated how they turned Jack into a blithering idiot in the sequels, he was merely pretending to be a retard in the first film but in the sequels he actually was retarded

>I expected a deeper character study
Seems to me you expected a character study of a different type, not a 'deeper' character study.
The conversation Maturin and Aubrey have in the cabin about the flogging of Nagle is incredible for looking into both characters.
Just because it wasn't Mutiny on the Bounty doesn't mean it was a happy goodie-goodie flick.


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>Gonna watch Master and Commander tomorrow. What am I in for?

Sorely disappointed that the damage effects in Sea of Thieves come nowhere near that of Master and Commander. The opening salvo by the Acheron will literally leave you gobsmacked by the sheer brutality of it. And best of all? The Acheron was just CG scans of the USS Constitution, they even use this as a plot point (in their own way) later on in the film.

>deteriorating morale around the horn
one guy died. Maybe they should have adapted a different part of the books, and had Jack run straight into an iceberg and barely survive, while the crew contracts plague. I don't think what you're describing is possible with the characters they chose though. The movie was mostly about Stephen.


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>Why does it only have 79% on RT?

Critics used to be more picky. Capeshit has destroyed their souls. Or maybe it's due to the number of reviews expanding dramatically.

Hey girl, where are you from?

Don't be baited by the simple fucks who can't comprehend the pure kino that is Russel Crowe and Paul Bettany in Master and Commander. It is the most accurate portrayal of naval warfare/lifestyle that has ever been produced. Fuckin Crowe had to learn how to play a violin for this movie. If you appreciate realism you will appreciate this movie for what it is. That being said, watch it with subtitles or you wont understand half of the lines because they try and stay true to the lingo of the time era.

If you're a woman or a woman trapped in a mans body then I understand why you feel this way. Plus, Bettany is the only one you should be feeling for if you actually payed attention to the movie you would know this.

He should change his name to Roland Stone.

He's just being a b hole. It is an objectively accurate historical movie and if you enjoy naval warfare and the camaraderie (or lack thereof) of brothers in arms then you will enjoy it for what it is.

show tits

why didn't jack start brutally torturing his men and cause a mutiny though? That's what I expect to see in a sailing ship movie, having seen POTC.

All the Pirates of the Carribean movies are great, but Dead Man's Chest is the best. Prove me wrong.

The first is hands down the best. They get worse in a linear fashion from there onwards, although I haven't seen the latest one.

2 is decent while 3 is bad, and 4 is fucking TERRIBLE.

#2 has my favourite moment though, when barbossa comes back from the dead and everyone is actually pleased to see him. Felt so cathartic

I'll prove you wrong with some reddit video essay

So you watch no movies, or TV and are just Sup Forums shit poster

4 and 3 where suppose to be great, to fucking bloom, or knightly just pure jack, but by then they decided to flander him

The first three movies are kino. Don't care what anyone says. Bill Nighy alone saves the original trilogy, the CGI is some of the best ever done. Plus Keith Richards was a nice touch.

At World's End should've been the last, though. The last two have been complete soulless shit.

>Rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean

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Even before the meme, the movie was great
I really deslike him, he's the worse think in Lord of Rings

M&C is one of those movies I turn on every now and then and just watch for the fun of it, like when I'm eating. It's a great flick, don't let anyone fool you. There really isn't enough of that kind around.

the worst part about this post is that is probably a faggot wanting yous

>A deag mag ain't tell no fuggin tails jags barrow