Damn. That's powerful

She's absolutely correct.

Other urls found in this thread:


True. She still needs dick in her mouth tho.

She kill Matt?

>you haven't been paying attention
Sometimes, but writers also stopped being subtle.

What the fuck was that?

A point. Stan Lee used an analog for issues with X-men.

Nowadays these troglodytes just go with a damn club.

That's why Manga is better honestly.

Stating a well-known fact is not powerful. The problem is the movie shitposters who don't read comics but like to pretend the subject matter has changed for some reason.

This is not true. It was rarely subtle outside of the 80s. The problem is that deterioration. Once you get some good stuff you can't go back to silver age styled PSA shit without people hating it.

Look at that womansplaining face.

True. X-Men obviously has a political message but that's different than panels where you're making the characters deliver "Gamergate" jokes & references.


And her hipster collection of vinyl.


Comics have always been political
It's just comics used to be good

They certainly weren't under the control of champagne socialists. Jack Kirby drew Cap punching nazis because he fought in WWII. What wars have these humanoid-shaped Beautiful Ones fought outside of twitter?

So if comics were more like the old days, they would probably have comic book characters beating up Islamic extremists or DPRK soldiers?

Reply here if OP needs to kill himself today.

> Comics are always a platform for political change
Why can't hand drawn cartoons just be fun

I'm not saying you should make it apolitical. I'm saying you use some intelligence and nuance when dealing with politics because those are things political commentary and social commentary desperately need right now. Blunt and cringy commentary leads to things like Wonder Woman being mad at mansplaining or that godawful page in America where Gabby writes a Great Wall of text about how lesbians are the best thing in the universe.

Manga's not exempt from political commentary as well. Since the spectrum of genres in it are larger than western comics at a brief glance, you're not going to find much commentary in a high school slice of life work or something set in a total fantasy work but every so often I read a work that comments on something like gender/sexuality relations or Japan's relationship with America. Depending on the writer, the commentary can either be "Gaijins out REEEEEE" or it can be "America's occupation of the country, while beneficial to us economically and militarily, makes it truly impossible for the country to determine it's own course and thus should be questioned." or something

Certainly better than claiming terrorists are heroes.

Scary woman

reminder, both fraction and her left marvel because they were being forced by editorial to put sjw shit in the comics. and now she's defending them. what a naughty.

These chucklefucks wouldn't last a year in the Depression.

Nobody disagrees that comics used to be political. It's just the political side was subtle and well-written instead of a fat ugly hambeast pushing nonsensical agenda that married a twink with no talent.

>America's occupation of the country, while beneficial to us economically and militarily, makes it truly impossible for the country to determine it's own course and thus should be questioned
Sounds like "Gaijins out REEEE" except with more words. You're not a very bright individual.
The real problem is that murrican writers can't help but use characters as mouthpieces instead of creating characters and letting them develop a personality on their own. Murricans are afraid if showing a villain do a terrible thing because it means the writer supports these terrible things.

Wow. It's almost as though comic book writers are talentless hacks.

She knowsnobody disagrees with that, she's just being a dishonest cunt.

What's political is actually political while what should be about adventure is about adventure. Where the two mix is stuff like Gate and the like, and with Gate, it was toned down a lot from the LN since the author seems to be a big right-wing kind of guy and, really, it's the fantasy adventure stuff that gets people interested. If the politics are interesting, it's not because it's touching upon real world economics, but with the fantasy world governments.

Then there's stuff like Akumetsu which touches upon a lot of real world politics and is just generally fun because of the FLASH.

There is a difference with political messages being introduced or being used as allegories in a story and still be superhero related and not just a story with a political agenda, The X-men used to be a clear example of this,

Is Bitch Planet legitimately good? I don't get triggered by feminism,and I think the exploitation angle is good

There's a difference between political and polarizing.

If you like it then go ahead.

For me being a college student, I already have to deal with SJW shit all the time. So it does "trigger" me in comics

Same point but it's explained better and it doesn't insult my intelligence however meager it may be according to you. Modern comic book writers wouldn't be hated for their politics if they used nuanced or wrote their books intelligently. I agree with much of what they're trying to say, it's just worded so atrociously and is so fucking preachy that I hate it.

>LGBT/Women/Minorities are human beings worthy of respect and dignity.
Fair enough
>LGBT/Women/Minorities are miracles and the best examples of us all. They are strong and tough and free, everything racist sheltered white men aren't.
Fuck off.

There's a yuge difference between good and bad writing tho

It's terrible.

If Cap was still done by Kirby today all he'd be doing is punching neo-nazis. To quote the king himself, "The only real politics I knew was that if a guy liked Hitler, I’d beat the stuffing out of him and that would be it."

Sounds like you don't agree with them, actually.

>LGBT/Women/Minorities are miracles and the best examples of us all. They are strong and tough and free, everything racist sheltered white men aren't.
Straw man argument.

Comics have always been political but it usually used to fall more in the "propaganda for children" camp as opposed to the "vital expression of self expressed through complete public subservience to commercial products and brands" deal

The SJWs on my twitter feed all really like it. I've never seen anyone else mention it, and I haven't tried, so I don't know beyond that.

>Nobody disagrees that comics used to be political. It's just the political side was subtle
Bullshit. You had Superman evacuating and tearing down entire neighborhoods to force the Government to rebuild them. You had Captain America decking Fifth Columnists. Fantastic Four getting irradiated trying to get to space because America can't lose to those fucking Commies.

Bleating about the subtlety of the comics of the past is a sure sign that you've never fucking read them.

Yes, there's always been politics in comics, just like in every other aspect of culture/life.

But the point of comics was not to be political, it was to entertain which in turn meant escape from the drudgery of ordinary life, which is why the most popular theme was that of superheroes, and a very clear distinction between good and bad.

Now, particularly with Marvel, politics is the 'raison d'etre' for their comics, there is no longer an escape from the mundane bullshit of real life, instead they bring it to their comics and put it at the very forefront.

Why would I pay money to be lectured about politics, I can just get a pamphlet for free, furthermore being lectured in politics I don't even agree with (SJW/gender). Fuck that.

There also used to be a broader scope of political views expressed in comics. Like most art forms, if you're not bending over backwards to show that you, The Artist, are down for the one PROPER ideology of the day, your art is considered haram.


It's not a strawman if it's real.

Somebody post that America panel.

When they say subtle they mean "comics weren't written with the intention of pissing off half or more of the people reading them"

I really hated the art, so I peaked at the first few pages and stopped. I don't know about story considering I only read the first few.

>writers also stopped being subtle.

So fucking typical.

>Fantastic Four getting irradiated trying to get to space because America can't lose to those fucking Commies.
And if FF4 were created now, writers would have them SIDE with the commies.

>straw man argument with cherry-picking on top.

I just wish you'd get a spectrum in what politics appear in media, comics especially.

It's all leftist/SJW shit. You don't really see any other political opinion expressed.

Yes, thats right, but the characters werent sock puppets for the writer to spout their Twitter feed through and assert their own biases and cult like thought process.
They are incapable of writing a compelling narrative because their minds are just not there, they are thinking about politics and talking about politics in every conversation with people, they are absolutely incapable of thinking about anything else and writing about anything else because of it.

The reigns have been given to people who think politics is the only story that can be told, because these people think 24/7 about how everyone is a white, racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic, fat shaming, alt-right, bigot, and nothing else.

If we analyse motives, goals and methods, comparing "SJWs" to superheroes seem unavoidable. People speaking against social activists treat them like their activism is somehow harmful, they almost take it personally. It can be unnecessary, low effort and ineffective, but wouldn't actions of Captain America or Superman appear like that if they had limited resources of typical social activist? Social justice activists ARE superheroes. Just on small scale.
Tiny changes build bigger picture. One microagression eliminated from someone else's behaviour can effect in a minority not having their day ruined three months from now. Pointing out how toxic masculinity can result in attacking women may save a decade from now a woman, who is destined to develope a cure for cancer, from being raped, developing PTSD and abandoning her studies. It's butterfly effect.
Lecturing and teaching others how not to be shitty human beings can and will change the world for better. Unfortunately it's a thankless task.

>Comic book characters were never sock puppets for the writer

I think most of the subtlety comes from social commentary rather than national politics commentary. Which is basically the issue we have now.

The X-men was a clear allegory to racism, you even had characters based on Malcom X and MLK, Though while the comparisons aren't one on one and basically fall apart if you dig deep enough, two confronting ideas of what to do against a problem was obvious and many kids grew up (including black kids) seeing their own struggles reflected in a way in those comics, most of those characters were white but that didn't stop an entire generation of people relating to it.

While most of the x-men characters had decades to develop and some of this "modern" characters have not, the issue isn't that writers are using their own political views into their comics but is the way they do it. Having Wonder Woman being mad at Mansplaning, having characters that behave like perfect entities with 0 flaws while being black/lesbian/trans/whatever been their only source of struggle (because muh evil heterowhitepatriarchy is holding me down) is basically shit on the characters and the readers and in some cases the readers of characters that saw a change for the worse in the last couple of years.

That shows you who actually won the cold war, they have turned an entire generation into commies.

>The X-men was a clear allegory to racism, you even had characters based on Malcom X and MLK
The X-Men represented anyone who didn't fit in and was bullied for being different. It wasn't specifically a race thing as far as the Stan/Jack comics went.

The problem with politics in modern comics isn't lack of subtlety. It's shitty writers.

Well that is also true but the defining factor for them to be hated on was something they were born into and didn't have a choice.

That's not an actual comic, it's just a social message placed as a advert, like so many others saying you should avoid drugs etc.

Nowadays the entire comic book is like this page, I wonder why people are dropping Marvel...

It's both.

>That's not an actual comic
Okay but this one is. Now what?

Dwayne McDuffie thought this was embarrassing and cringey back then.

You’re right. The poltics back then weren’t subtle, but they did reflect the majority sentiment of their times. They were wish fulfillment for a better world, and they didn’t condescend to the readers. Heroes fought real evils, not perceived evils.

Today, comic politics reflect the sentiment of a loud minority of people. A subset of a subset. They are wish fulfillment of a world where “everyone is equal” except for straight white males who are inferior and evil. The writers condescend to their readers all the time, in their work and online. Heroes now fight subjective evils, and they also fight each other.

What exactly does he want Green Lantern to do for black people?

>Save the world god knows how many time with the Justice League.
>But what have you done to help black people?
Every time.

This story was considered groundbreaking because of how rare sociopolitical comics were. You could count the amount of comics like this one using one or two hands. Now, every Marvel comic is like this.

Have you read older comics? Even ignoring the ones that were straight up propaganda, they weren't subtle at all.

Use his platform as a superhero to speak out against the injustices black people face every day.

>Save the world multiple times with the justice league
>Too much of a pussy to speak out against racism and inequality.

I'm aware of that. But I just wrote a summation of what their twitter feeds seem to be. They have no creative ideas so they just retreat into ideology and identity.

You are missing the point user, a few throwaway lines in one issue out of 5 is not the same as changing characters ethnicity, sexual orientation and overall character and having every single release being about political shit. Yes its always been there, but it wasnt the point of the comics, nowadays its just straight up propaganda with nothing else on offer.

If anything, it's a display of a wider variety of political positions and ideologies, which is always healthy.
Ironically, all the bitching comes from people who are pissed off that comics aren't their safe space anymore.

You would have “special” issues like this every so often, but eventually the stories would continue as normal sans politics. It’s not about the level of subtlety, it’s about the frequency and intensity.

This too.

Not who you're replying to but if that's true then the old writers must have just been smarter.

It is insufferable to hear the current writers spouting their political thoughts with zero subtlety and at strange moments

What injustices and inequalities would that be? Was that comic set in the 1960s?

Dude, you're saying that while replying to a post that had fucking John Stewart as a character. They made a new black Green Lantern and people weren't bitching as much as they do when they have someone black taking over the mantle nowadays.
I do agree that it's tiresome when it happens in every single title, all the fucking time, but it was also fucking tiresome when every single comic was about fighting communism, or without going that far back, all the terrorism shit after 9/11.
Maybe we're reaching an apex in shittiness on identity politics, just like they were on other subjects back then. Still, straight white men are the vast majority of protagonists in superhero comics, so relax.

John really seems like a total cunt.

I criticized their writing style, not their message. I'm not some Sup Forums user who cries about "muh white genocide" or whatever inane bullshit they believe.

>Injustices and inequalities towards black people ended in the 1960s
Man, I wish everybody had to be black for a week or something.

>If anything, it's a display of a wider variety of political positions and ideologies, which is always healthy.
Okay, name me a mainstream right wing comic writer.

>What injustices and inequalities would that be?
Almost got me.

Nobody cares about the characters being white. Fucking no one. People care that this "diverse" characters are not their own, they are basically taking over roles of previous established characters and bringing nothing new nor interesting and in some cases this new characters are fucking garbage, there are a few exceptions but even then some of them still have this preachy liberal tone in their writing.

No, really, name an inequality and injustice black people face in the modern day.

Both of you.

>What exactly does he want Green Lantern to do for black people?

It's not about black people actually, it's about a greedy landlord throwing poor people out, if this was made today it would be called racist as it presumes poor bums are black.

Oh boy, take the time to read some of the Golden Age comics. Stardust will teach you that the works of yore were just as filled with morons beating you over the head with their politics as they are today.

It doesn't lean into enough of the exploitation angle plus all the male characters are essentially caricatures.

>name an inequality and injustice black people face in the modern day.

Stop-and-frisk in New York City.
Aggressive gentrification of historically black neighborhoods by landlords using underhanded tactics and displacing people who've been living there for decades.
Racial profiling.
Undercover cops planting drugs in black businesses. youtube.com/watch?v=pJSTfKXDVrg
Black men getting shot in front of their wife and daughter while obeying the law and letting the officer know they have a legal weapon in the car.

Watch the news sometime.

I've no idea who's right wing or left wing of the newer writers. I do know Chuck Dixon is still writing for DC, so is Frank Miller, and I doubt Tom King is much of a lefty, considering he used to work for the fucking CIA.

>Black men getting shot in front of their wife and daughter while obeying the law and letting the officer know they have a legal weapon in the car.

You forgot the best part, the cop got off. Jesus fuck.

Superhero comics (at least the good ones. Frank Miller can suck it) have been liberal/left-wing for the past 50 years. If you alt-right losers don't like it then stick to jerking it to anime.

Keep posting Green Lantern from the early 70's, next will probably be Green Arrow.

These are cherry-picked examples, I could post a gazillion of comic pages with no trace of politics whatsoever, and say comics where never about politics, and I would be more correct than you.

>Stop-and-frisk in New York City.
This was a good thing, it reduced crime. When they got rid of it, crime started rising again.

>I doubt Tom King is much of a lefty, considering he used to work for the fucking CIA.
The CIA is in the tank for Hilldog and so is King. They're swamp government.

They're still only a few. Most characters are still the ones they've always been, and if they changed, it will more than likely be temporary and will be back to status quo, as it always was.
It's not new, it might be happening a bit more nowadays because of the social climate, but ever since John Stewart this has been happening. We've had a latino and a muslim Green Lantern, Batwoman taking over Detective Comics, and even a ginger Flash.

Those are exceptions that happen so rarely they don't even make the statistics. Literally the only difference between black people facing injustices from cops vs white people is that the news don't report on the latter incidents. In fact, according to actual data, white people are MORE likely to be shot by cops than blacks.

Also, racial profiling can't really be avoided when the ethnicity in question DOES commit a disproportionate amount of crimes.

>When they got rid of it, crime started rising again.
Bullshit. I've lived in NYC for 28yrs and the crime rate has been going down regardless.

>Superhero comics (at least the good ones. Frank Miller can suck it) have been liberal/left-wing for the past 50 years.

>If you alt-right losers don't like it then stick to jerking it to anime.
Anime isn't for them either but they'll pretend the writers of most anime and manga don't have left leaning views.

>Those are exceptions
Stopped reading there. Put the goalposts back where you found them.

I post those 'cause I'm more of a DC comics reader, but Marvel was full of that stuff back then. Just read some X-Men comics for fuck's sake. They weren't subtle at all.

Wait, you think Hillary is left wing?

>Stopped reading there. Put the goalposts back where you found them.

Well, I'm sorry that reality does not fit your anrrative, but the amount of black people being shot by cops is very low and completely within the same margin as that of latinos or white people being shot by cops. Obviously, every time something like this happens is terrible and cops should be held to a higher standard, but to pretend this is a problem unique to black people is just not true.

>Anime isn't for them either but they'll pretend the writers of most anime and manga don't have left leaning views.
Citation needed and Ghibli/Miyazaki don't count.