>Hoping to make money to see an out-of-town concert, 17-year-old Hazel Newlevant takes a summer job clearing ivy from the forest in her home town of Portland, Oregon. Homeschooled, affluent, and sheltered, Hazel finds her job working side by side with at-risk teens a new world that she has no skill in navigating. She loves hip hop, but spending time with kids who are black and Latino is a new experience for her. As the weeks pass, Hazel’s once-comfortable homeschooled skin has become more ill fitting. Things come to a head when she finds herself the butt of a black peer’s sexual insult and, instead of trying to work it out, she reports him. The consequences of her actions play out not only for the boy but for Hazel herself, as she’s forced to confront the reality of white privilege. This uncomfortable and compelling memoir is an important story of a girl’s awakening to the racial insularity of her life, the power of white privilege, and the hidden story of segregation in Portland.

Other urls found in this thread:

well post it so we can laugh at it together

Yee, check yo privilidge white gurl. You in the ethnic ghetto that is the Pacific northwest now.

There are black people and Latinos in Portland? Huh...

>Hazel Newlevant
Is she white?

So wait, she reported a guy for sexual assault, but because he is black she is the villain?

Why are all liberals so terribly retarded?

Here's the rest of the press release:

>“No Ivy League is an extremely vulnerable, close-to-my-heart work, and Lion Forge and Andrea Colvin are the perfect people to publish it” says creator Hazel Newlevant. “I’m excited to send this comic out into the world, where I hope it provokes both enjoyment and self-reflection.”

>“Many artists gravitate toward autobiography, but Hazel’s willingness—and ability—to show those parts of herself that are unlikeable, awkward, even ugly, elevates her craft,” says Andrea Colvin, VP and Executive Editor at Lion Forge. “We identify with Hazel, because we know we have those parts of ourselves as well. We cringe with her when she makes the wrong decision, and ultimately cheer her on as she forces herself to learn from her mistakes.”

>“Hazel promises to be a strong voice in the world of graphic novels that grapple with real-life issues like race, gender, class, and sexuality” says Tanya Mckinnon of Mckinnon McIntyre. “I believe this will garner much attention and possibly controversy as it speaks directly to ongoing debates about political correctness and white privilege.”

>Black Kid makes sexist remarks about White Woman
>We should care about the Black Kid and allow him to act like a perverted chimp because of his skin color
>This is the world SJWs have created

Sorry you were triggered by this OP.

>black commits sexual harassment
>we should let it happen because he's black
So basically if Harvey Weinstein was black he could have gotten away with everything is what I take away from this.

Not that many blacks, but I see plenty of Latinos.

>Things come to a head when she finds herself the butt of a black peer’s sexual insult and, instead of trying to work it out, she reports him. The consequences of her actions play out not only for the boy but for Hazel herself, as she’s forced to confront the reality of white privilege.

I'm not really sure how she is supposed to be the bad guy. Like MAYBE she should have just said "Hey, knock that shit off, I don't like it" and if he keeps doing it anyways, then report him, but in light of all this shit about Weinstein, I figured it'd be a good thing to report sexual harassment as soon as it happens instead of waiting a long time, that way it'd be easier to prove, especially if there were witnesses.

enjoying hip hop music = being okay with being sexually assaulted by black kids.

white girls like this are the epitome of usual idiots. and the minority kids know it and exploit them because they know all they are to that white girl is a playing chip. "if I'm popular enough with the beaners, I get to wear hoop earrings, right?".

Stop using Logic, Mishalover!

Well, about that...


Some local remarked that the Hammerskins cleaned the city out good. It was the reason why there was lots of cheap non-ethnic housing available.

>woman is wrong for doing the right thing and reporting sexual harassment
This just dumb and awkward. Especially with the Weinstein controversy.

Wait does the city of Portland have a forest? When did that happen?

Maybe you guys should read the story before jumping to conclusions based on the back cover summary. Or bet yet just don't read and then not think anything about becuase it obviously isn't your type of story

>cheap housing
>in Portland

You gonna storytime it?

Yeah because we know how well the race card worked for Bill Cosby

Well then why don't you post it so we can stop making conclusions based on the summary

>Sup Forumscks will actually deffend this shit

and they say Sup Forumsmblr isn't real

sacrificial lamb to keep-up the illusion

If we'd punish kids like we punish adults, the private prison-industry's profits would be going through the roof.

The book is advertised as the evils of white privilege and literally says that the woman reporting a guy who made a sexual remark to her is very bad because his race matter.

I doubt it's going to be anything less cringy.

then just make the death penalty faster and more widely applied

>instead of ignoring sexual harassment, she reports it
>this makes her the villain
Okay Mr. Weinstein.
Bill Cosby made the mistake of pointing out the elephant in the room: that maybe it isn't systemic racism keeping blacks in poverty, maybe it's the toxic culture that ridicules trying to educate yourself and glorifies violence, drugs and contempt towards law and order.


functionally he got away with it

he dodged it for a lifetime and now he's just paying perfunctory dues

>why don't these women come forward when they are sexually harassed hmmmm?!!!
Make up your mind.





That was punishment for trying to make a difference

>reports sexual harassment
>is the wrong thing to do
I can't tell if this is suppose to s red-pilled? or blue-pilled?

you seen it is only wrong if the person doing the harassment is black

She wasn't supposed to ignore it, according to the summery she was supposed to "work it out," whatever that means.

that basically means "apologize for being white, and let the shit-skin do to you as they please"

aka the German/French/Scandinavian/Bay-Area way

you forgot Canada

In the 1990s the PNW was 90%+ white, with Asians and a few blacks

However because Californians destroyed their own state they've been migrating like a cancerous plague to every other state in the West, trying to turn them into neo-Californias which they'd presumably flee to the east across the Mississippi once they ruin.

One result of this is that the mexican maids they had in California followed them wherever they went, so anywhere with a large number of Californians is also bound to have a large number of their Mexican manservants.

Calexit when? Deport all Californians back to their shithole.

It's neither, no one sane has any concept of what the fuck this is

>Posting some obscure comic summary to trigger Sup Forums
>not even storytiming it so we can all make fun of it
OP is a fag. Here's a preview, looks pretty cringey:

Not enough

nuke every infected state out of existence
only way to be sure

>maybe it's the toxic culture that ridicules trying to educate yourself and glorifies violence, drugs and contempt towards law and order.

That's funny coming from somebody who drugged and raped dozends of women...

All the black people act like assholes in the preview. Not really doing a good job selling why we should care about their feelings.

write what you know

so just like niggers IRL

>the black characters are assholes that make fun of how people's names and how they walk while also acting mean when someone white likes rap
Yep, definitely red-pilled.

>black sexually harasses white
>she reports it
>she is at fault
Man, whyte womyn really need to make up their minds about who's ahead of who on the oppression totem pole between black males and white females.

>Calls OP a fag for not posting the preview.
>Doesn't even post the preview themselves.

>while also acting mean when someone white likes rap

Eh, cut them some slack. They have to live with the fact that their musical heros are being paid by white kids.

>be homeschooled
>be relatively well adjusted

>Neogaf refugee

Your kind arent wanted here

>mean black chick acts dumb and mean as hell
>standoffish black kid doesn't like white people and doesn't want to talk to them
>lazy shitty hispanic bitching and moaning about having to play a game while theyre getting paid for it
>only nice friendly person at this hyper-diverse portland gathering is the white girl

>this is a story about coming to terms with white privilege

So which of the three black males is the one that says he wants to smash her pink pussy until it's purple? I'm taking bets here, 2 to 1 on Jayden.

>niggers act like niggers

are we sure a Sup Forumsack didn't write this?

>try to make a book about understanding other races
>not realizing that black culture has a bad habbit of excusing sexual misconduct of black men
>meaning the book is still coming from a place of ignorance

Leave Sup Forums alone you assholes.

>write a story about minorities being cunts
>pretend there's a moral about white privilege in there somewhere
>watch idiots lap it up

So if the dude who came onto her was white you think the author would still portray her as a villain for reporting him?

You leave us alone you fucking tumblr scum. We were here first.

This is just literally nothing. Who here would have heard of this if not for OP?

That's absolutely not true.

Don't you see? They only act like that because of oppression.

>How about you make your own shit?
>They make their own shit

Don't you get it? She's only happy because she has privilege, if she didn't then she would be sad and angry like the others!

>making a thread on Sup Forums is somehow harming this person

Hello tumblr, I know you think criticism is a microaggression but we just don't see it that way.

Also tumblrinas like you have already been making your own shit on top of invading everything else.

It's not harming them. The issue is you faggots fishing for shit to cry about and use to confirm your biases. I would have never fucking of this book if I didn't see this thread today. That's entirely your fault. Kill yourself and take OP with you.

Even in sjw comics niggers will be niggers.

>tumblr boogey man


You think these retards are able to read books that don't have pictures in them? Come on, user.

>How about you make your own shit?
>Wow, I didn't mean literally.
>Yeah, it's pretty shitty shit.

We made Sup Forums!

>says this shit while literally believing in le Sup Forums boogeyman

some people really must be killed in concentration camps

>aggots fishing for shit to cry about and use to confirm your biases

you just described an SJW

way to project Sup Forumsck

Proven innocent.


>not realizing that black culture has a bad habbit of excusing sexual misconduct of black men

Sounds more like an US issue than a specific black US issue these days though.

>He thinks that doesn't apply to him.

>proven rich

fixed that for ya.

You know it's funny. I hear this word "White Privilege" being thrown around a lot so let me share with you some of my privilege. I live in a house with more holes in the roof than an antifa members logic, hoping that the ceiling doesn't come down on me; My father worked 45 years as a truck driver just for his legs to give up and have two corinaries, because he had to support 5 people at home, just for him to die 2 years ago; I'm too "rich" to get food stamps and have to go on one meal a day because my job provides for crap. I often fear getting killed by the cops and fear going out, ironic considering I have a BS in Police Admin. Sometimes I consider what's the point anymore and think about my uncle's gun and whether or not it works anymore. Tell me Sup Forums, where is some of that "White Privilege" I can get a hold of, because I could sure damn use some now.

I'm also half Mexican

Did you mean
>They only act like that because of
>the toxic culture that ridicules trying to educate yourself and glorifies violence, drugs and contempt towards law and order


>literal tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who does not respect the law nor the consensus of people much more qualified than them and exposed to the facts in infinitely more capacity than they have been

Sup Forums's that way

Over a decade ago, when I was 15, I remember saying some of the same shit. But you know, you have to be over 18 to post here. That's a rule.

C'mon, man. You know as well as I do that there's hundreds of thousands of whites just like us who've been through more hardship than these fuckers have ever experienced - collectively. Just hang in there, pal. We will make it if we stick together. I'm gonna pour a glass for you right now and leave it on the window sill.

All that shit you mentioned, sad as it is, has nothing to do with you being white. White people aren't going to look down on you because you're white, they'll look down on you because you're poor. Assuming you wear your poverty on your sleeve that is. If you can blend in with other whites, they won't care. That's all "white privilege" is, really. Sorry some people have hyped up the idea so much to the point where people act like white privilege is some kind of automatic godsend. Some minorities treat white privilege that way because when we can't fit in with whites, it's very noticeable to us.

Thank's man. The political BS doesn't really affect me. It's just, I constantly fear that this mentality is going to drip over to where I live. I live in an area of Texas that is really below the poverty line, where most of the people go from paycheck to paycheck, where "new" clothing, is whatever the thrift store has on special that isn't ripped and at least presentable. I guess that I should be thankful that the only ones who align themselves with the "poor" are the ones who have never had to worry about whether or not they'll be alive tomorrow.

Link for donwwload?

aren't you Sup Forumsmblurs always going on about how comics should be for everyone and that nothing is above criticism? why would you post it here if you didn't want people to critique it

Sure, she has the right to make something like this, just as we have the right to make fun of her for doing so.

>just as we have the right to make fun of her for doing so.
No one is making fun of it though. All I see is crying about SJWs and asspain.

White privilege isn't 1:1. White people can be poor and have a hard time. White privilege is walking into a store at the same time and having only the black guy be followed by staff. White privilege is being able to get away with things other races can't. Like if a black guy and a white guy got caught for weed the white guy is more likely to walk away with no charges and no jail time.

Why does nobody specify which one anymore? Am I just supposed to assume they're talking about Portland Oregon every time?

I always thought it was a common city name that applies to a lot of places, like Springfield, and not such a big well known place that even though there are places sharing the name, you know people are talking about the big one when they say it on its own like Paris.

>No one is making fun of it though. All I see is crying about SJWs and asspain.
If you don't think it's funny, you're the butt of the joke.

The summery says "Portland, Oregon" though.

No link for download?

I am not the OP and haven't read the story. And it might very well be shit, I just think everything is worth giving a shot

>Minorities portrayed as complete dicks
>We're supposed to feel bad about them for no other reason than they're minorities
Fuckin' hell

>And it might very well be shit, I just think everything is worth giving a shot

If someone posts it, I'll read it. I'm just making observations based on the information I have, which is just the summery for now.

>I've never been forced to play a team sport before. Why start now?

Bitch, it is a teambuilding exercise designed to help you bond with your coworkers to maximize output and you are literally being paid to do it, listen to your damn boss.

Shit, I missed it at the top and thought that last line was its first mention. My bad. I was reacting because I've seen this done before, but I guess this summary did it properly.

I'd laugh if there was a joke but there is no joke here. It's just complaining about SJWs in general.

What you're lacking in is called Class Privilege. Which really is something that people should talk about more, but is still also a different thing from racial privilege and doesn't need to be related.

Found this stray page in google image search. I really want someone to storytime this now.