So you see that Slott turned his OC Silver Surfer character into the origin of Kirby dots today?

So you see that Slott turned his OC Silver Surfer character into the origin of Kirby dots today?

>Silver Surfer is my all time favorite comic book character
>he's been written by Slott the past few years
What did I do to deserve this.

You said SJWs were alright

It's called the Kirby Krackle, you plebeian

I thought this new series was good? I think it has a couple of Eisners

Eisners don't mean anything. Just like every other award.

It's called both.

Hell, TV tropes calls it Kirby Dots

Wat there's two silver surfers?

Man, Slott needs to die already. This is just insulting to Kirby.

You tell me

he pulled a tenth doctor.

>This is just insulting to Kirby.
In what way?

>Take man's trademark visual flair
>"It's actually a love letter to my waifu :3c"

It's like if someone took Steranko's wavy bullshit and said it was the universe crying out to Nick Fury's lost lover that the writer just made up.

>My stuff is better than this old white guy stuff. Who gives a damn about him? I work at Marvel, we do not give a single damn about Kirby! Man, I wish I wasn't white and male...

Acceptable reasoning

>Don't talk shit about me or I will throw a tantrum on twitter and make your favorite character a dumbass loser pussy whipped faggot that will fall in love with my OC!

No one pays attention to this series so it's not like it matters.

Plus I think this got canceled and next time Surfer pops up Dawn most likely won't be mentioned.

Who are you quoting user? Are you alright?

.... isn't his wife still alive?

Truly, Dan Slott is among us today.

But user agreed with the sentiment, just not your stupid way of phrasing it.

I'm quoting you, you semen slurping slut.

Slott made Shala Bal into a villain and had Alicia Masters get shit on then he had her praise Dawn and recognize her as Norrin's perfect soulmate or some shit.

I think you're very confused and should take a break. Maybe go for a walk.

She turned out to be evil or some shit.

I don't hate Slott but I fucking hate this.

His Doctor Who fetish is becoming borderline plagiarism.

>Make a series "inspired" by Moffat's worst.
>Out-Moffat Moffat.
This man needs to be stopped.


>retcons Amazing Fantasy #15 so that the spider bit Cindy after Peter instead of dying immediately after biting Pete
>now this

Slott just wants to be remembered. He wants his work to matter and not simply be something for people to enjoy.

What is with this man and character assassinating women so he can push his own waifus?
Why has he not been stopped?

Of course he did! Because we are right! I am right and you know it! That's the point!

like anyone will remember this.

The hacks trying to be important is the worst part of cape comics. If they acted more like Giffen people would actually care about them.

No, because i'm right. Dan Slott needs to fuck off.

I promise you something. If I ever see this man in the street I will physically assault him. I don't care about the consequences, I will hurt him.

That's kind of cute

Two me's

What in the fuck.


>Silver Surfer was Slott's good series they said
What a joke.

Dude, don't be stupid.
Just disrespect him. That'll make him way angrier.

Nah m8. That face needs a good pounding.

It was awful

Alright. You do you, autist.

Fuck that fat cunt. I will do it too.

Slott''s a man child and the worst aspects of fanboyism. He believes his ideas are the best and coolest and wants everyone else to as well. All of his Spider-Man ideas are fanboyish. Go back to Avengers Academy and She-Hulk and his whole Reckoning War seeding that nobody cared about or his constant using of She-Hulk to retcon stuff he personally had problems with.

He's like Johns except Johns just keeps to himself and his cereal and isn't an abrasive jackass like Slott.

Woah dude, they are just comics. Get a life


Could you explain to newbies??

I lpve that he retconed Jen and Juggernaut one night stand as a She Hulk from another universe but the latest Hulk date story with Jen made it canon that it was her again.

But that's retarded. The dots in the Kirby krackle are NEGATIVE SPACE. It's supposed to be a lightning effect, not a bunch of space bubbles.

Here is Norrin "dead" and Alicia who has been intimate with Norrin and his companion before Dawn can only feel sorry for her.

Why does every single writer who's ever done anything related to Kirby shit on his grave at every opportunity?

Because he wanted to make Dawn Greenwood Norrin's epic one true love that even if they aren't together in tje future that no other woman would compare to her.

The problem was that Shalla Bal kind of occupied that spot on Norrin's heart so he had to make her a villain and ruin her so his OC could take that spot. He also has Norrin do outrageous displays of love for her to try and cement her as "the one"

Of course Slott is a fat virgin who has never touched a woman and doesn't know how relationships work.


Simonson's Orion is very good.

For the first arc

That was his second retcon. The first was not long after that UXM issue where he claimed (in an inteview I think) that it was a She-Hulk LMD that Juggernaut slept with.

It's funny because Jen IS kind of slutty and was portrayed as such in his comic at the time so Austen was being fairly in character. Plus I like the idea of Jen and Juggy. They'd make a good couple.

What the fuck.


Retcons should only happen when shit is getting in the way of your story and nobody is building off that old one.

Like if Bendis kills off a character haphazardly and nobody follows up on it, or if a character's backstory is retconned for just one story. You get your free "that was a robot I don't know" right there. Slott tier "changing characterization because I don't like it" is shit.

Also nobody read Silver Surfer so she'll never be mentioned after this.

Good thing no one fucking read this book so nothing that happened in it will ever be brought up anywhere again. Slott needs to stop trying so fucking hard to "make his mark" on comics.

Yeah, I don't have any problem with Slott undoing Fraction killing off like 95% of Spidey's C-list and below villains (including guys like fucking Chameleon) in Punisher by saying that hey were all treated for stomach poisoning and burns. That was a retarded thing that needed to be undone.

But his "every bit of OOC stuff I don't like for any character ever is due to tourists from an alternate reality basically pulling a Space Phantom hijacking" is retarded.

Ok. No hurting the man... how about raping him?

t. shitter who never read it

As long as you don't get caught, sure.

Why are namefags always retarded?

Aside from that, it's basically Doctor Who with Marvel characters. It wouldn't be bad (and I personally think it's one of the best things that Slott has written in the last years) if it wasn't a Silver Surfer title. Also, Dawn's whole shtick is a bit annoying.
That being said, the story itself is fairly entertaining, and Allred's art is spot-on as usual.

I'll storytime it, if that's fine for you.





>we went through the whole tick-list of everything that could be a fake out, just to rule it out
>alternate universe version
>piece of cardboard with a picture on it











It is but Slott did things they didn't like in Spider-Man and hurt their feelings on Twitter so now everything he's ever written or ever will write is automatically bad.





Slott can be a good writer but I've read about 1/3 of his Silver Surfer stuff and it reeks of hipster doosherism.

Saying that it won Eisners doesn't really mean anything anymore.

I run hot and cold on Slott. Really liked the first 2/3s of Superior Spider-Man. Find his ASM to be generally 3-star work with a few 2.5s and 3.5s on occasion.

The whole reaction to Silver Surfer, though, seems more based on the tryhard "quirky" (not really eclectic, but seemingly so) vibe of the work. Some people are total suckers for this sort of thing. Others completely hate it. I've found it okay but boring. Based on the way the female lead is written, I'm not sure Slott has ever been in a relationship.

Also a lot of prominent Slott critics still like his work. That guy on Youtube (you know who I mean) actually thinks Slott should be promoted.


Jesus Fucking Christ


>That guy on Youtube (you know who I mean) actually thinks Slott should be promoted



The letters page.
Yeah, that one was a bit on the nose.

This. Who did I piss off to make Slott write consistently for my two favorite characters?

Squirrel Girl has an Eisner.

>It is totally you so no one can retcon this!

Holy mother of fuck, why is this praised?

>actually starting his reaction by screaming YES IT'S YOU AND THERE'S NO WAY TO RETCON THIS

what a fucking hack