It went up

It went up


Just returned from cinema after seeing it. I kind of don't understand the praise to be honest. It simply wasn't that good. The first half an hour or so(basically before they reach Saakar) were genuinely bad with awful pacing. Rest of the movie was better and I appreciate how much more comic book-like some of the moments were, but it still just wasn't that good. And there was way too many fucking jokes, some parts which could be genuinely great scenes with much gravity(Asgard destruction, the last sequence with the ark, even the opening dialogue with Surtur) were ruined because they just had to put a fucking joke in there.
To clarify, I'm not some muh greyness DC shill, I liked the majority of previous MCU movies, but I feel they struck a much better balance between comical and serious writing. This one went way too far on the comedy side in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it, but I would put ir rather in the "meh" part of the MCU.
Hel was a total waifu material though and I'm not a guy who often considers movie characters as such. Would serve and drown the galaxy in blood on her side

Totally not paid off critics. Oh no.

They didn't even give it that good of a rating, average rating 7.8
Inoffensive and enjoyable is I think what that means

Stop saving screenshots as PNG's fuckass

Call me when they make a Thor movie that adequately combines high fantasy with sci-fi and superheroics instead of being a comedy based on a Hulk comic and maybe I'll be interested

>take the bus
>read the latest Metro
>a review of Ragnarok
>"a hilarious quirky indie comedy disguised as a superhero blockbuster!"

I mean, if they had just cut out half of the jokes it would have been good. They really fucking overdone with comedy. Same with GotG2, but not to this extent.

Why does RT display the percentage of positive reviews so much more prominently than the average score anyway?

Based Waititi driving DCucks into mass suicides.

IM has a 7.7 rating
WW has a 7.6 rating
SMHC has a 7.6 rating
GoG has a 7.7 rating
Logan has a 7.9 rating
Avengers has a 8 rating

high sevens is great for capeshit.

What was wrong with the pacing exactly?

Everytime one of you faggots want to critisize a movie you say that the pacing was awful etc. Can you clarify why?

>I kind of don't understand the praise to be honest. It simply wasn't that good.
Every Marvel movie two years later.

And Civil War got a 100!

By any reasonable standard 8/10 is a great score. 5/10 = average, 6/10 = above average, 7/10 = pretty good, 8/10 = great, 9/10 = amazing, 10/10= nigh-perfect masterpiece (no film ever gets a 10).

I honestly have to admit that it's kind of hard for me to properly explain it, especially since English is not my first language, but what I basically mean by "bad pacing" is that the events happened and changed way to quickly, they don't have this feel of natural "evolution" or they don't have enough "weight" to them.
We have the Surtur scene which is supposed to be about stopping an apocalyptic event, but is really a joke scene, then we're on Asgard where Loki's obvious masquerade is so obvious it's an insult to his schemes from previous movies, then zap!, we're on earth, half a minute later Strange appears out of fucking nowhere, serves as a deus ex machina and disappears just as quickly as he appeared. Then we have Odin's death scene, which is supposed to be sad and serious but we don't feel the gravity at all since the entire movie up to this point had like 6 jokes per minute. We also learn about Hel, who conveniently appears right out of the ass right there just seconds later.
Rest of the movie had mostly all right pacing though

Bad pacing means they either went through plot points too fast or too slow. Im sorry you are retarded.

Just realised progression would be a better word

Hail Waititi.






What did YOU think of the Dr Strange movie?

Wait, genuinely why?

Actually haven't seen it yet, will have to soon. Why?

>99%! It's a fucking 99%
>Which means it's rated .6 higher on average than the 56% cape films

I fucking hate rotten tomatoes.

>positive reviews must be paid
The absolute state of snyderfags

>brings Snyder out of nowhere
Triggered you that much huh? Jealous?

>Meanwhile JUSTice League had to put tickets on sale early and bribe people with a shitty poster because their tracking numbers are so low they won't even release them
DChumps beyond suicide watch

Dumbed-down dweebs more like it

Prepare for headlines about how this movie is the remedy to White Supremacy, Drumpf, and being 40+ without kids.

>someone says positive reviews must be bought
>in a marvel thread
Gee, I wonder who was behind that post

Thor: Ragnarok is the movie we NEED right now, especially in this political climate. 10/10 didn't watch lol

I like the director
but the trailer looks like crap
(Thor is cool but his movies have been pretty lame)
Think I'll wait to see this one on tv.

High percentage of positive reviews means the number of critics recommending it is fairly high. That's it.

The first one was decent, but the second one was quite possibly the worst in MCU

take that to the JUSTshit League thread where it belongs

Yeah but the american press isn't reasonable. Movies need to be as awful as Emoji the movie to get below 4.5. And it's worse for video games where 7 means average.

>avengers have the highest rating
I guess its impressive that they managed to pull it off but its a pretty dull movie taken on its own.

Would you rather have 40+ kids?


>this is going to be the highest rated comicbook movie of all time

Why do you continue to doubt based marvel?

Are you also going to be shocked when Justice League is the LOWEST rated comic book movie of all time?