No touchy my monkey!

No touchy my monkey!

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Can I still spank my own monkey?


Can't blame a guy for trying...

I want to get dominated by Shego...


shipped shego an ron since episode 1

Plebs need to leave.

You must have been very disappointed then.

i still have my fantasies, and porn


I Still find it weird these two were paired up together in the end. They’re relationship always felt more like Bumbling father and Aloof Daughter to me.

It was the only pairing that made sense with them.
Why else would they keep coming back to work with each other, especially after the season 4 shit?

I got a vibe of, "I care about you and could potentially sex you, but that's icky and I don't really want to," from the two.

I think they could end up together, but you don't actually SEE any romantic progress throughout the series. They're both loners. They both develop relationships at a snail's pace, because they're unwilling to care about other people.
Drakken's a nerd outcast scientist, and I doubt the thought of a relationship ever even enters his mind. Shego could get just about any guy she wanted, but she probably wants a relationship with depth, and there's no way she'll get that from anyone we've seen but Drakken.

You sort of HAVE to care about anyone after spending so much time with them, even if only a little. There's no need for their dynamic to turn romantic, they can just care about each other...from a safe distance. But I can see how it would.
I get the impression neither of them originally cared if they died alone with no loved ones, but you start to re-ask yourself those questions as you get older.

Personally I liked the Ron x Shego ship mostly because it appeal to my autistic "Villain/ess" x Hero/ine trope shit that I like

Here's the best analysis I've ever seen by far on the subject of Drakken and Shego shipping:
>Well, they're well aware that some fans like the idea of D/S, and that some like Kigo, Ron/Yori, or whatever. I've heard people tell them these things. It seems like what happened was they tried to separate Drakken and Shego in Season 4— in particular showing Shego romantically interested in a Greek masseur, Martin Smarty, and Steve Barkin, at least— I don't think Junior and Motor Ed were ever contenders— and hey, the Drakken/Shego chemistry won out.

>As a novelist, I've created plenty of my own characters, and often they prove to have minds of their own, and do things I didn't originally intend.

>Shego likes older men— that's pretty clear from most of her other choices. She likes them rich and with nice bodies. Drakken has, what, about thirty lairs at this point, all nicely equipped with hot tubs and acid baths. And we've seen the shower commercial from "Rappin Drakken." Her main reason for working with Drakken in season 4 seems to be that he amuses and entertains her.

>Guys, when the girl laughs frequently, you're making progress.

>Throw in a life-threatening situation (he was kidnapped by aliens), which makes her realize she cares about him, and an actual victory (okay, he helped save the world instead of conquering it, but it was pretty impressive all the same). Hey, my guy gets a medal from the freakin' United Nations, with the head of Global Justice and my dorky brothers watching— and I'm smirking at them all, and beaming at Dr. D...

>It doesn't seem that improbable— more like inevitable. Put him in danger, he pulls out a victory— she's gonna feel good to be in his arms, or vines. Ya think he puts out a new bloom of petals every time they kiss?

And a Drakken follow-up, since that focuses mostly on Shego's side of the equation:
>GREAT post! And I thought the same thing pretty much about Shego's change in attitude towards Drakken! I always had a feeling Drakken liked Shego because of 2(out of many reasons) obvious reasons:
>1.)In "Partners" he whipers to DNAmy that Shego isn't his girlfriend, like he didn't want her to hear that, and neither got up-set when DNAmy called Shego his girlfriend.
>2.)In "Kimitation Nation" when Drakken states he misses Shego he plays with his finger along the window, which is a sign of attraction towards that person(don't believe me? Watch some silent movies, specifically Harold Lloyd! In many of his movies, when he likes a girl he'll play with his finger exactly like Drakken did!). Then he is sitting there with his head rested on his hand with a dreamy happy look on his face and then gets startled at his henchman who is looking at him in a "Awww, somebody misses someone, tee-hee" way. lol

>Shego gets jealous or angry looks when another woman is around Drakken in a romantic way(like in Partners she seemed upset, and we all saw her reaction to Warmonga! But that could also be taken as "He replaced me with that!? eh...) and she flirts with him and sits next to him in sexy ways and she constantly jumps on him and touches him!!!!! I am a girl and if I didn't have romantic feelings for a guy I would not touch him nearly half as much as Shego does with Drakken, nor would I sit all sexy like she does around guys I'm not attracted too! Anyways, I'm just stating there has been hints of an attraction between the 2! They just needed the right type of "push", lol! Also Steve has said that Kim and Ron hooking up was a "give nerds a chance" message to people, meaning the hunky perfect people are not always right for you, sometimes the little guy is the best! I think this message goes for Drakken too! A beautiful girl like Shego hooking up with a nerd like Drakken is very realistic!

BTW in case anyone actually cares, and for completeness, here's an equally great analysis for Kim and Ron from the same forum:
>As someone who’s been married for six years and counting I find the arguments being put forward regarding why Kim and Ron's romance is in trouble to be either laughable or evidence of a lack of knowledge of how a successful real relationship actually functions.

>We know that Kim and Ron enjoy spending time with each other; that they have common interests ranging from saving the world (remember, it’s a volunteer activity for both of them) to cheerleading to watching Agony County; that they’re physically attracted to one another; and that even many months after they began dating they can still make goo-goo eyes at one another. All of this is good, but for a relationship to last over the long haul, the participants need to be able to function independently (eg working at Club Banana and Smarty Mart), need to be able to share concerns with one another (eg. Kim telling Ron he needs to get a job and watch what he eats), need to make sacrifices or changes for each other (eg. Ron conquering his fears so he could save Kim in Odds Man In), need to support each other (eg. Kim letting Ron take the leading role: star running back is a primary role; cheerleader is a supporting role), need to grow and mature (Ron adjusting to his role as big brother, taking a job, tackling his anxieties), and most important, need to like each other for who they are (“Shh. I like weird!”). Kim and Ron do all of this.



>Even given the constraints of the show (22 minute episodes targeted at tweens), the creators have done a commendable job of portraying a solid, healthy developing romantic relationship between Kim and Ron. What we see are two teens who are able to maintain an incredibly close relationship while adjusting to the demands of growing up. Example: both are now holding down jobs, something they will have to do in the future. One poster critiqued Ron for ending a call with Kim to help with the lemurs. That’s not insensitivity on Ron’s part; that’s responsibility. Smarty Mart is paying Ron to help his colleagues move lemurs, not listen to his GF grouse about her inability to see the latest Club Banana designs, something that is more appropriately done after working hours.

>Others have complained that there’s not been enough kissing. Kissing is not what defines a romantic relationship. There needs to be more, much more. But for those who do see kissing as a barometer, consider the times Kim and Ron try to kiss or make eyes at one another -- eg, on the sidelines of a game, during a mission, at Bueno Nacho, in Paris: it’s easy to infer they’re locking lips with some frequency and passion.

>Ultimately, the basis of any long-term romantic relationship is a friendship. When one is seventy years old, hotness doesn’t matter – whether you like your partner does. Kim and Ron have already shown that they like each other for who they are. Is their relationship perfect? No. But no relationship is. But based on personal experience, I feel comfortable saying these two can go the distance.

I'm rewatching A Very Possible Christmas. There's a part where Shego's on vacation, only to find out the whole thing is being paid for, with a note:
>Just my way of saying thanks for a super year, and Merry Christmas.
>Yours in evil,
>~Dr. Drakken
It's honestly really heartwarming and not something you would expect from him. Plus at the beginning of the episode, he's all sad that she leaves for vacation early, saying "Don't you want to stay to see the culmination of everything we've been working toward?!"
That guy is lonely during Christmas.

Also in whatever episode it is where Drakken switches bodies with a fellow nerd, and he's angry at Shego for losing his original body, she says, "Y'know this body's kinda cute when you're angry...."
It was obviously just her flirting in the futile hope it would lessen his towering rage, but it seemed like it came from a genuine place.

The second episode you mentioned is "Mind Games" in season 1. However Drakken was acting pretty OOC there, as in much of the first season, so I'm not sure how much that counts.

BTW AVPC is an absolutely incredible episode, and not just for the reasons you mentioned.

How old are Drakken and Shego? When they go 20 years into the future, they only have small streaks of grey in their hair.

Shego is supposedly around her mid-late 20s, never fully disclosed exact age, Drakken went to the same college as Kim Father so ... ???

>Shego is supposedly around her mid-late 20s, never fully disclosed exact age
She had a full teaching degree as a backup, so she'd done it long ago. She must have been in her late 20s at least.
>Drakken went to the same college as Kim Father so ... ???
He did seem a bit younger than the others in the flashback.

The gap isn't nearly as big as many would think.

One day there will be a sequel series geared toward adult audiences.

When I'm 65....

I really don't think so, as the fandom is virtually non-existent now. Not the case for so many other shows of the same era.

This is adorable.