What is the best Jean Grey outfit Sup Forums?

what is the best Jean Grey outfit Sup Forums?

A casket


xmen evo

aka xmen but with raging teen hormones

4 is literally the only good costume she ever had

what the fuck were they thinking with the 90's one

number 6 with number 4's colors



I came here to say this



How is that even a question?

I like 11 and 16, but I'm just a sucker for sashes.

Her current one, honestly.

It's 4 Also 12

I always liked the Morrison era jackets, but just as uniforms for school grounds.

Shit, does the x-mansion have any uniformed guards/prefects wandering to make sure the kids aren't fucking killing each other with their powers?
That would make a lot of sense.

>No Black Queen Jean

Pleb tier list.

6, 11, 12.

Honestly only one book as far as I know ever took any effort into how the school runs, New Mutants/New X-Men vol 2

Right. Before that, it was usually just late teens and adults in the school right?
Yes I'm a very casual X-Men fan, but I had a lot of the late 80's, early 90's comics

That 2-3 mask will always have a special place in my heart and also 12, goddamnit, 12

4>3>12>dontcare about other ones
Also i like new teen jean look, although i may be the only one...

Phoenix costume is one of the best costumes for any character ever.

>Also i like new teen jean look, although i may be the only one...

You think you're the only one here who likes teen Jean?

7 > 5 > 10 > 15

What is the context of that image?

You're definitely not the only one.

The only real iconic one is 4 and even though fake nostalgiafags will choose 4, it makes her look like any and every other female character with a dress back then.

Close second is 11

...And that Goblin Queen nod.
Good stuff.

14, minus the jacket. Something about how it was always drawn to look like she was wearing a sweater made it stand out.

4 and 11 is best. That Xfactor outfit was also one of Scotts best


4/6, obviously. Just straight up classic.

11 is probably the best of her X-Factor looks, although it comes with a straight downgrade for Cyclops (because his blue and white suit was his best ever)

I am also partial to 13.

12 for me. I do like 11 as well. Never cared for phoenix outfit too much probably because i get sick and tired of phoenix stories so much.


This book was the worst, but it was worth it for post-Decimation.



4 is one of the best superhero costumes ever designed. So that one or 5.



Double dubs of truth.

14, the Morrison one
but without the Jacket.

like here

surprised to see someone with the same opinion
Morrison is the best Jean writer, even if he killed her for a decade.


This so much. Jean Grey is by far the most insufferable Marvel character ever created.

Every issue or story she's ever had has either been "control your powers, Jean!" or Scott having common sense and banging someone other than that manipulating bitch. Her most noteworthy arc was where someone with a brain finally let her get killed off and she stayed dead for a good while.

Just think, for every Jean Grey story out there that's one less for Nightcrawler or Rogue.

He was a good writer for the book until planet X


3 and 13 seems really off.
3 it just seems like a step back from the first two designs and looks more like some 70s S&M porn outfit then a Super heroine's and 13 is just a blurry mess however that might have more to do with the artist than the outfit.