I just finished the Venture Bros. What do I do now?

I just finished the Venture Bros. What do I do now?

Be miserable because it will never have it's official ending.

You shall be doomed to suffer like the rest of us.

tell me if it's worth watching

Wait a decade for the next season.


Wait in ever-still despair and suffering

Enjoy the 2-3 year wait for the next season

Go find that one Larkin Love video with her dressed up as Triana

It's one of those slow build shows. Not really in the sense that it takes forever to get going, but more in the sense that the world grows on you to the point where you enjoy it more for it.

If at the beginning of the show you'd have told me I'd eventually find Dr. Girlfriend's voice attractive, I would have told you to fuck off. Now here I am, masturbating to Doc Hammer's voice

highly relatable
>tfw you will never have a villaness waifu to fuck up shit around
Why even live?

Rewatch it? Also wanting to get a tattoo of pic related. Would that look dumb? I think it would look subtle but nice.

Watch all the shows, games, and movies you have in the back burner.

Who knows! By the time you clear it out, maybe a teaser trailer for the next season might get shown at SDCC 2023!

You wait.

Wow, yep, that's real.

Just of the skull mask? Where would you get it? On your face? You'd get it on your face, right?


This. It starts out as a slightly above average parody of Johnny Quest, and takes its time over the course of seasons to slowly develop the characters and world.

It kinda reminds me of Bojack Horseman in that it's deliberately anti-cathartic for the most part. The show's central theme is failure, and because of such the characters rarely properly succeed, and what victories they do have tend to be more introspective. The Venture boys, and Dean in particular, go through a lot of development, to the point where he's practically a different character in season 6 to what he was in season 1.

It's most impressive with Dean. I've never seen a show explore that edgy phase of puberty each teen has as well as Venture Bros did

My vote is rewatch it for all the neat foreshadowing you missed the first time. Then watch it with commentary. It's great.

Join the cirxlejerk of faggots who pretend it was good.

Wait until Fall 2018 for Season 6.

Slit your wrists and check out.

The wait between seasons on VB is a killer.

>No guy dressed up as Dean saying embarrassing stuff the entire time

Thoroughly disappointed.

Listen to some Depeche Mode?

>tfw listened to the commentaries for the series at least 10x over

Publick and Doc need to make a podcast. These two are fantastic.

>eventually find Dr. Girlfriend's voice attractive
It took it year after I first started watching but it happened.

Constantly wonder if the show is cancelled or still on hiatus.

And be sad you never participated in the T-shirt club.

>If at the beginning of the show you'd have told me I'd eventually find Dr. Girlfriend's voice attractive, I would have told you to fuck off. Now here I am, masturbating to Doc Hammer's voice

Haven't fapped to VB but the voice definitely doesn't jar anymore

wait 2-3 years

>What do I do now?
Listen to the commentary—those tracks are just as funny and endearing as the show itself.