Why so few white characters?

Seems hypocritical

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inb4 asinine kangs meme.

so diverse

>Set in Africa
>Most the actors look African American
For fucks sake

As a representation of the broad mosaic of African peoples Wakanda is severely lacking in diversity. Wakanda is made of several Wakandan tribes, there is no reason they can't provide a more modern multicultural representation. Escape the entrenched stereotypical, and frankly discriminatory, view of what an African person is. Have the groups representative of Chinese African peoples, Berber, Dutch. The concept that a nation is a people of a particular skin tone and not a shared culture is steeped in toxic right-wing connotations.


>entitled white peons can't have one thing not be about them once

It's an American film made with American actors, dumbass/retard

Takes place in Africa, dude

The guy in purple looks cool. But what's with the lady with the gauntlets? Can she not tuck her chin? How do you do a boxer character who can't tuck their chin?

stop bitching, they took away his penis

We conquered the entire fucking world, we aren't entitled to shit we basically own. We need to go rape India for another few decades to remind the world that we don't owe them shit, they belong to us.

I don't understand how the people who normally complain about black people being shoehorned into movies now want white people shoehorned into a fucking Black Panther movie lmao

>Takes place in Africa
So you agree that casting people who don't look like actual Africans is stupid?

You didn't do shit

>Why so few white characters?

Because there's a small but vocal subset that has somehow convinced liberals that "diversity" means "more blacks" instead of "a broad range of different things."

pretty sure they just shoot energy blasts.. besides it's a superhero movie, who cares about something like that

this is false flag/bait, there's no way you're this pathetic. "We" didn't do anything cause you sure as hell didn't do shit

>not even applicable copypasta

It's pointing out hypocrisy, not actually wanting whites shoehorned in.

did you read my entire post...??

It's an American film, they aren't going to import actors. They didn't import swedes to star in Thor

fuck's sake

Diversity means black, user.

It takes place in Africa.

Also, the MCU is using up all actors in Hollywood, so why not get a lot of them in one swoop?

noone mentioned 'diversity' except that one fucking article that always gets posted. Give me literally 1 reason you actually think there's a problem with a film with a majority of one race as the cast

i suggest you get started un-brainwashing yourself asap so you can come live in the real world

Why are there so many light-skinneds?
Purge the light-skinned from all PoC casts. You cannot be racist towards them anyway.

Beast Of No Nation went to Africa and got primarily African actors for their movie, what's this movies excuse?

noone said the flick was diverse except that meme article, you sure put a lot of stock in that sort of thing. Maybe you shouldn't? Consider

this takes place in fantasy-land whereas that was intended to be a window into a real life situation

what the fuck is your beef with this movie?

Diversity? No, it's all about minorities big enough, and willing enough, to pay for tickets.
Don't go to the movies? watch some other group get featured. That's capitalism for you, and it's beautiful.

I'm just waiting for a film with Asian women.

it bothers me that everything is so new and shiny, it feels like cosplay and not lived in. but thats just a glamor shot so what do I know?

The fact that all of the actors look like they're from New York instead of Africa, gives me a "WE WUZ KANGS" vibe

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of "acting"? Did "Thor" give you the vibe of "WE WUZ VIKINGS"?

It takes place in Africa, so unless they go to a south African city or the states, I don't really care if I see any white people, just like I wouldn't care if I didn't see any black people in a film set in Medieval Europe.

EW airbrushes the hell out of all their promotional images

Lemme guess you think all Africans look like jiggaboo caricatures right?


The kitty fists will never not make me smile.

to expand on what this guy said, it would actually put me off to see a black knight for example, so idk why people are wanting/expecting half the cast of BP to be white

I want Sup Forums out

Honestly African American's look more like caricatures in my eyes.

So, is Shuri replacing Tony?

>Sup Forums
>Goes on about how white people are superior to nig nog pollywogs
>Are terrified about one movie catering to niggers
Just don't watch the movie you fucking pussy.

This you?


>you now remember that this exists.


Black Knight was a comedy user, the whole point was how silly putting a baseball American in medieval Europe would be.

He said black knight and that was the first thing that came to mind. I had to do it. No regrets.

>Who cares about stuff in a superhero movie?
I do. If you do a boxer and they can't tuck their chin, then they'll look like a chicken wobbling around asking to get KO'd. It's just good aesthetics to commit to the inspiration aside from that.

I am more concerned that they used african american actors and not african actors to portray an imaginary advanced african society.

no, your ancestors did it. You are mostly a mongrel with a 9-5 job.

Whoever designed those costume is a genius.
Taking traditional African clothes and futurizing it.

The fuck are these Voltron gloves she's got on?

Oh, hey, Forrest Whitaker is in this movie! I didn't know that.

Literally panther gloves. I thought they looked goofy as fuck in the trailer but got shouted down when I mentioned it

Diverse means American blacks, jews and muslims.
Everyone else is racist and needs to die.

This, africans and haitians are actually kinda cute.

It's African-American and I am sure a few Brit Africans too.

Also Black Panther is an African-American wet dream.

What is the white equivalent of "WE WUZ KANGZ"?

WE WUZ ANIME because a lot of whites believe that Japanese people hate themselves and want to be European so they make themselves white in anime

Nothing really. They were right proper Kangz.

It's set in Wakanda with a sidetrip to South Korea. The only two white characters are Black Panther relevant.

Don't be a reverse-nigger. It's this kind of whining that gets us black medieval knights.

What does that even mean?

AA's are west Africans

Wakanda is East African.

There are more white characters in Black Panther than there were black characters in Iron Man 1, 2, and 3.

"nobody but us wuz kings"

African Americans are mutts and have native american and european DNA in them. No AA in America looks remotely African

I'll remember that the next time a black person claims they were a king or queen

>and have native american
They actually did a broad genetic test and found out this was for the most part a myth. Only something like five percent of black Americans have any native ancestry. Family legend passed off the white features their European ancestors had as 'native' to try and get away from the stain of slave rape.

maybe they're expecting whites in BP since every recent olden european-set production shoves in blacks

>Be part of that 5%

>Still not enough to get injun money

>Wakanda is in East Africa.
>Advanced city state with meta-humans.
>Should be THE advanced culture. But instead... They stay in their shitty city.
>1250 BC. Bronze Age Collapse. Egypt and Nubia descend into anarchy as the savage sea people pillage, loot, rape and burn everything in sight like bronze age road warriors. Wakandans don't do shit.
>100 BC- 200 AD. Roman expansion, border wars between Abyssania and the glory that is Rome. Wakandans don't do shit.
>600-1400 AD. The savage Moslem, in his infinite jealously, attacks his betters and destroys the advanced cultures in Aegyptus, Abyssania, the roman colonies in north africa, and Vandalia. Nubians ran off into the desert. Copts all but exterminated by Jihadi. Millions of Africans enslaved and worked to death by ragheads. Wakandans don't do shit.
>1400-1800 AD. The Europeans observe the Moslems use of blacks for cheap labor, kickstart the transatlantic slave trade as there's now a literal black goldmine. Rival tribes sell off excess slaves to pointy nosed merchants who then in turn, ship said slaves to nasty plantations in the new world where they live a life of hard labor. Ottoman Empire storms Sudan. Wakandans don't do shit.
>1800-1945 AD. Africa colonization. The thrones divide Africa and effortlessly subjugate the natives. Then there's the Congo Free State that's so shitty even the other colonists denounce it. Wakandans don't do shit.

Wakanda is a fucking embarrassment.