While there's no doubt that the executives steered Nefcy in the right direction...

While there's no doubt that the executives steered Nefcy in the right direction, how much of the series' developing plots do you think she had for Star vs. since the show began? Does she have a completed plot written out somewhere, or is she just wingin' it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Originally her idea for the show was that Star imagined she was this magical princess and was a kid, not a teenager, but then the executives asked Nefcy to change it. I don't know how much time she had to change things and how far she has envisioned, so who knows?

>tfw we get an "Art of Star vs" book
>goes over older concepts she had for the show

Did you guys know that Janna was actually the best girl in the show?

She wasn't even planned though

Just like you

Janna and Marco are literally perfect for each other.

Yes they are

>Jackie was planned
>Still no significant character development on her part to elevate her from plot device

this is true

>yfw actual gag characters have more depth/endearing qualities

Give me a Manna request before bed. I promise this time I won't finish it and not post it like I keep doing. This time I probably won't even finish it.

I want to boop Starfan13's little pig nose

What do you think her real name is?
It's probably going to be Stefanie.

I wanna boop Janna's little pussy

Darcy Nefon

The fact that Janna wasn't even planned just makes her perfect chemistry with Marco all the more miraculous.

Clearly it was not the work of feeble finite humans, but truly Manna falling from Heaven.

Leni or some variation of it, calling it now.


Yep, yep, yep

I'm going to need your cutest Jannas right now motherfucker

>Imagine Marco spending the entire month of October trying to scare Janna only to no avail and Janna keep teasing him about it.
>I want a picture of Janna teasing a frustrated and flustered Marco in a scary costume by calling him cute and then kissing him on the cheek.

Give me your cute Jannas right now you ignorant sluts

Janna will take Marco from Star like she took the burrito.

How do Jannafags reconcile with the reality that their waifu as presented in the show is a mean, shallow bully with no redeeming or attractive qualities, even something as simple as a pretty face?

I want to eat pizza with Janna!

Janna's love for Marco is the most genuine and pure in the whole series.

The absolute purest of pure!

I read that she knows how to end it already. Making Star magic real just opened new doors for the writing.
And while she enjoys the fanbase, she separates the fanbase from the writing.

Umm... this is a Janna thread. Please post and discuss Janna only plz

No thanks, I'm good.

man does Sup Forums just have a crush on that tripped girl from high school?

I knew that girl in high school. she died

That sounds like a terrible idea. For once the network execs did good.

Two Bears High Fiving

I love Nefcy and all but from what I know if her pitch it doesn't even really sound like the same show in any capacity. I think Disney was in the market for a magical princess show and Nefcy showed up with 20% of the work done so they rolled with it.

Did Tim Burton tried to draw the first one?

Is she holding a porn comic?

Weren't Marco's guy friends mandatory in the first season? I'm glad she just straight up dropped them in the next season. Hopefully if they show up again they'll have some actual relevance.

No fucking one is planned, unless your parents are fuck dimwits that waited until they were in their late 30's and facing fertility issues.

Of course, Nefcy is a time traveler, she has the volume 1 of bf.

I actually want Marco to have some more guy friends that are actually interesting. His episodes with Tom offer a pretty neat dynamic.

None of this conversation related to Janna you fools. Stay fucking focused on what's important, Janna.

Janna Janna Janna Janna Janna Janna JANNA

Stop this senseless bashing of Jackie.

He practices shopping mall Karate, he is not supposed to have friends.

>thinking development and characterization are the same thing
Newsflash, most characters on this show are static, and many are plot devices. Jackie is not alone in that regard.

This one

>I'm the captain now

Not saying she's bad, sweetie.

>actually thinking StarFan is deep

My Janna Banana of course :)

hahaha! :D

It's my Jaaaaaaanna Banana! :) hahah

ITT: The cutest girls ever - my answer is, of course, my Janna Banana! :D


Okay fine my bad. Jackie lacks a solid characterization beyond "She's chill, likes skateboarding, and history." She's flat heh. And also I do recall a lot of side characters like River, Moon, Ludo, Skulneck, Tom, Ponyhead, Sensei, Buff Frog, Rhombulus, and Ruberiot undergoing some development.

Deeper than Jackie at this point.

And Jackie is next

>Starfan13 without her glasses

Helpful and brave

Fuck you. There is no evidence of this. StarFan has literally been nothing but crazed Star fanatic.

You guys are just as bad as the OOC-Jannafags.

Why the fuck are jackiefags so insufferable? Why can't they just accept they latched onto one of the LEAST interesting characters in the show?

And Jackie has been nothing but Marco's crush and then eventually his girlfriend. What's your point?


I want Jackie in my life. I want to take long walks with her down a California beach, I want to make out with her under a ramp at the skatepark at midnight. I want to listen to her ramble about history topics that she's passionate about. I want her to fall asleep on my lap while we're watching shitty horror movies. I want to make love to her on a cliff overlooking the city, getting a sniff of every natural scent she gives off. Kissing her all over. Feeling safe, warm, loved.

Well, she is the tallest, and who knows what she's been doing while she writes her "spicy fanfiction"...

Wait, what were we talking about?

Life goals right here

>StarFan has literally been nothing but crazed Star fanatic.
Yet is still somehow more endearing than your glorified eye candy.


Can't wait for this bomb to kill us all

Lewd things, user. Very lewd things.

You guys all fucking suck.

You seem upset.

Please post more Janna

I want Star in my life. I want to take long walks with her at the park along with Marco and Jackie. I want to make out with her in Marco's room while I'm dressed in a red sweater. I want to listen to her ramble about her best friend Marco she's so passionate about. I want her to fall asleep on my lap while we're watching Marco's karate tournaments. I want to make love to her while she's using the all seeing eye spell, as she gets a sniff of my sweater. Kissing her all over. Feeling safe, warm, loved.

Seriously. It's times like these I really just want Jackie to disappear so the Jackiefags can all whine about it for a few days, then disappear forever.
I'm sick of hearing all this shit about a character that has literally ZERO DEPTH. 99% of the characters on this show are more interesting than her, save for maybe Jeremy.
Why is her getting development so important to you fags? Most people get attached to characters AFTER they proved themselves. You just want more fucking fapbait from this character who is completely uninspired and bland.
I can't fucking stand you guys trying to put her on the same level as Tom and Janna. She is getting dropped because there is NO LONGER ANY USE FOR HER.

I'm fucking sick and tired of Jackie not getting the respect she deserves.


Just end this thread already, this Jackiefag's gone off the rails

Not Janna

>You will never be Star's Marco tonight

I like her just fine, but dorky beats chill any day of the week.

> Star matchmakes you with Marco for her perverted pleasure
> then she tries to steal him when your relationship start establishing
> you did nothing wrong to anyone
> always caring and supportive to Marco
> but Marco is insensitive and constantly prioritise Star over you
> evryone blames you for Star's departure
> fandom hates you, blames for everything and wish you dead (even Marco's voice actor)
I think unjust universe is creating new perfect ship.

there's different kinds of dorky

Guess I'm going to bed. Men with taste post early in the morning it seems.


>sees rabid Jackiefags
you're delusional

>Adam actually hates Jackie

The Jackiefags are way worse than Jannafags ever were. At least Janna has fucking CHARACTER.

He doesn't but he likes to taunt her and her fans.

At what point has she been anything resembling dorky?

Literally during that scene, acting like a huge dork trying to get Marco's mind off of the awkwardness with Star.
Note I said dorky, not geeky.

Post cute lolis


While I feel some elements were probably there from the very beginning, I think a lot of it started to crystallize when Aaron and Dominic rewriting Mewberty from the ground up inspired the show to go in a different direction and especially when they got promoted with Season 2

wew lad, what kind of level of cuckoldry is that, Starfan13 x Marco tier.

It was just all tongue in cheek.

I should've said geeky then.

It's *strip mall karate, and it's pretty sweet.
Not him btw.

>> you did nothing wrong to anyone
She let someone have an unhealthy fixation on her for more than a decade, and was never going to tell them she doesn't think she'll return their feelings, because it felt nice to her.

None for you!

That's right, spin the blame onto her

>someone says bad things about Jackie AGAIN and turns thread into shit
>it's somehow Jackiefags' (who just love their waifu) fault
The delusion continues

>tfw you wanna take requests but Star's art style makes her look like a loli
I could age her up but what's the point


What are you, gay?