

!(gr8 b8 m8)

Got to bed, user.

Have sex, pinhead

fuck it, I'd give it a shot

fuck it i would want to see a sassy carnage who needs no man


I don't care. I just don't care anymore.

I can't believe she didn't understand with ghostbusters.
Is she mentally disabled?

If I thought this wasn't done for the sake of "diversity" I'd be actually interested in how the fuck this is going to turn out. Alternatively, how did she get another job after Ghostbusters?

You all know it's fake, stop feeding him.

because she was the only thing relatively funny about that movie other than its failed marketing

I'm enjoying these Leslie Jones casting bait images

The worst thing about this is that I can imagine Sony doing something like this.

It's not real. 5 seconds of searching shows that.

Token "funny" tall/ball black woman will always be a highly sought. Especially when there is only her.

I wouldn't mind it tbqh, an ugly black woman who's angry at the world getting to unleash her worse impulses with a symbiote would actually be fitting and she could probably play distressingly unhinged and easily angered easily since that's basically her comedy persona already

Almost got me, but hey.

Lets be real, Carnage's name is Cletus.

They would have made him a redneck and/or make it a trump thing.

Clitoris Cassady

It is pretty good bait, though.

>Hey y'all, I'm black and sassy!

No, she wasn't. If anything, Chris Hemsworth was the only thing close to making me not want to die.

I'm gonna make america dead again!


Y'know what, that's actually not too bad.

wasn't excited for it to begin with, and if i were this wouldn't affect it.

Oh god, this movie's gonna suck.

The OP is bullshit, Carnage cannot be a black woman, because then Venom can't uppercut Carnage across the city.

Cannot fathom how much I dont care about super hero movies, they can do whatever, itll still be treated as a modern classic yet be forgotten in a week and noone wants to rewatch it later, it doesnt matter.

makes sense, why not cast a horrifying beast to play a monster

Just the fact that I had to look it up says a low about the state of Sony Pictures.

*says a lot

>black female villain
>current year
c'mon user

Agree, it was racist funny.

Sadly , people hate that humor now


Is this trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, or do some people actually believe this?

I mean, it'd make sense. Who would hire her if not Sony? And which character would they cast her as if not someone terribly miscast?

It's a very believable bait, I'd give it a strong 7/10. Would've been higher if OP added some kinda bullshit link.

well played my friend

This would be very ridiculous if it wasn't bait and if someone still cared for Cape movies since the synergy died last year

So I can imagine fucking Carnage guilt-free now, right?

I'd be okay with this only to see how the fuck they pulled it off (or most likely didn't)

do you guys even fucking google?

>implying this won't be a PG-13 movie
