Can anyone from Sup Forums take her on?

Can anyone from Sup Forums take her on?

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What can she do?


You know, even though I am pretty sure you used that as a joke, given Barbatos seems to be able to give people reality warping abilities and make shit like dragon Jokers, it could work. No idea who the OP is talking about though.

Hey, you mind giving some background for those of us who are not up to date on anime?

to give some info, people that are absolute worthless fodder to her can freely manipulate time, space, reality warp, manipulate cause and effect,they can manipulate gravity, are acausal (so going back in time to kill them does jack shit), are above entire universes and many dimensions and see everything below them as mere fiction and can manipulate the "plots" of said fiction as such. they can resurrect themselves freely and regeneration from mere thought even if they are essentially erased from existence they have clairvoyance, and duplication, creation and mind manipulation.
and they can attack and manipulate abstract concepts

these characters from her series are above the concept of dimensions and such so...for a example Mr. Mxyzptlk is a 5th dimensional being.

Aurora here can do ALL of that and much more to a far higher extent.
and she is immortal through effectively being a goddess.

I know it sounds bullshit....but I ask cause Im geinunely curious if there is co character just as bullshit.


close user, but Thought Robot is still in a dimension of sorts and Featherine above is beyond the even the concept of dimensions,

it'd be like a 2 dimensional creature trying to attack us from their sheet of paper while walk out of the room.

>Featherine Augustus Aurora
Either the Living Tribunal or The One Above All

Featherine was cuter when she was a loli


Except the Thought Robot was implied to have gotten to full meta status, wasn't he? Really, the only way to counter such an entity as this is to be the sort that exits the comic and hits the "real" world. Then, for all the power the author gives them, the character is still just ideas on pieces of paper to said character.

Best witch coming through

So she's the Gentry?

Literally brushed aside by a low ranking suggsverse character

>Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons
Featherine is then pretty mch on that level Thought Robot is on.

Also to give a direct example of something she did.

A character Lambdelta went to attack her but she basically stopped existence (it was describe in game as if the turning of a page in a book. so it was heavily implied to be beyond "stopping time"
She then proceeded to create the event of "Lambdadelta had all her limbs cut off and was slammed into a wall, but was too bored to think of HOW it was caused and just bothered to come up with it later and started existence again. then Lambdadelta basically just kinda died and was dumbfounded as to what the fuck even happened. Lambda btw is so far above huamnity its like trying to fight a celestial being when you're a one celled organism.


Any toon force user

I've looke at em, and nah they dont compare

OP also failed to mention a shit load of other things Featherine and those below her can do and the scale of said things.

She could erase the concept of "toon-force"

Anyone could win be default because witches don't exist.

She can't.

I think you underestimate the sheer autism of the suggsverse

Neither does Superman.

krpytonians dont exist either.

Shut up, Battler

She can.

I think you underestimate Umineko verse.

to pull a bit of text that explains the hierarchy of that verse:

The cosmic hierarchy of the When They Cry series (including Umineko and Higurashi) is based on perspective. The strength of an individual depends on the height of the realm/world/layer that it exists on. Anything (even infinity and violation of logic) within a lower layer is limited when comparing it with a higher layer.

Characters can have multiversal abilities (like Battler's Endless Nine) within their own layer of existence, but in the higher layer they are just characters or chess pieces from stories/books or chessboards. Stories of lower worlds (including all characters, universes, physical and spiritual realities, afterlives, mirror realms, pocket worlds, higher dimensions and all fates in linear time and even timeless events) are visualized as tiny crystals (called Kakeras/Fragments/Pieces). And even ordinary people (such as Rika) within a higher layer can literally move, merge and change these small kakeras with just their hands.

To higher layer beings these lower worlds are simply records of information. Some kakera may contain countless worlds, or endless worlds/kakeras can exists as a limited amount of regular matter of a higher layer (it is not actually physical matter, just visualized concepts, much like everything else in the higher worlds).

However, even higher beings and realms where they exist are just characters and stories to creatures from even higher layers. But these creatures are also limited compared to beings that are even higher. The upper world is an infinite hierarchical ladder. Outside of that ladder is the boundlessness that is the lack of even perspective, the status of the Creator (the identity of a being that reaches this status disappears completely, because it is not limited to even its own life, death, or anything else).

That is what you think