World of Warcraft: Ashbringer Storytime

A few days ago we wrapped up the WoW ongoing series, which covered vanilla through TBC content. Now it's about time we jumped straight to Wrath of the Lich King!

Fun fact: there was originally going to be several new series based on the Warcraft universe that got cancelled, the first were Alliance and Horde ongoings made to replace the previous volume. These series were repurposed into a couple of OGNs that we'll read at some point.
The other one was a miniseries centered around Arthas called World of Warcraft: Lich King. Unlike the other two, this one never saw the light of day in any way.











I really liked Ashbringer. Compact and had Lullabi. Lullabi is pretty much a necessity for Warcraft comics.


I've actually never read it, so this is a first for me.





























man, maybe this is just my nostalgia talking but this feels better than whatever the fuck Blizz is doing now


>Whoa, bitchin' sword, Magni. What's it enchanted with?


It's funny because a lot of people complained about Wrath back in the day.







The ashbringer gameplay/official storyline lore is so confused



































Last issue!


ah, that tier 3







