Why, I do believe it's time for something a little seasonal!

Why, I do believe it's time for something a little seasonal!


But enough about me, how was your weekend?

I'll try and get as many of these posted as I can, but I won't make a promise I can't keep. Sound fair?











I didn't realize this story was more or less Carrie until now.




Sergio Aragonés drew the superb one-shot "Sergio Aragonés Stomps Star Wars", as a tie-in with the release of the Special Edition OT VHS cassettes, of all things.














Bumping to read later.































Give it to me straight Sup Forums, are the Simpsons comics good or they are mostly shit?


From what I've read, they're fine.

My general experience is that the main Simpsons ongoing isn't amazing, but is at least better than Zombie Simpsons. The Bartman, Pie Man and Radioactive Man comics are fun pastiches of Silver and Bronze Age comics, and the Treehouse of Horror can range from "pretty good" to "Holy cow, this is great!", with only the occasional clunker (unavoidable in an anthology title)


Having a lively nephew in the house is not conducive to storytiming good 90's comics


Man, I know Kuper is a big noise in the comix scene, but his style kinda looks like ass here. I don't mind artists going off-model (Aragones did a great job) but this looks off in a bad way.

I dunno, maybe I'm just being fussy.
















Yeah, look like I'll only be doing two issues today. Sorry, but them's the breaks.














