Alt Hero

Hey Sup Forums this is the last day of the Alt Hero kickstarter. This is your last chance to do your part to save the industry and BTFO SJW Marvel and DC once and for all. This is the last day so do give all you have , this is your last chance.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please do not reply this thread for everybody with a brain.


But then newfags might actually think this shit is desired on the board. Can't I just sage?

No, because I will just bump

I admit I am looking forward to this comic's eventual release.

>All those private donations of multiple thousands of dollars that will never be collected on.

Don't tell me what to do nigger

Note this is not a kickstarter. Freestartr appears to be run by the (((people))) behind Alt-Hero. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a scam, but it’s a setup that’s pretty much ideal for it.

So, we're okay with shilling but only if it's for nazis?

>alt right

So this is the power of liberal brainwashing?

isn't advertising against the rules

So Freestartr is the Fig of non-specific crowdfunding?
That's somewhat good to know.

Totally not reminiscent of anything bro.

>hundreds of thousands of dollars in private donations
This is just as big of a money laundering scam as every GDQ is every year

Wait, what is GDQ laundering money from?

Manual reminder that this won't even finish the first issue.

I want to read the comic the same way I want to read the next issue of Sonichu; it's nothing I'd pay money for, but if it happens I'll read it out of curiousity.

Yeah, and leaders in the group writing about how maybe we should start thinking of ways to remove the black race is totally not like anything we've seen before.

Did they give a set number of pages as to what defines an issue? With the pacing the writing of the preview pages that we got, I don't think completing a short, rushed, story is impossible.

Standard american comics are at least 20 pages. Don't know how he'll stick it to the comics industry if he can't even match that.

Reminder that the website is owned by the same guy who is running this project, all that donation is literally just him putting it in himself, probably for laundering purposes.

>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Why is advertising on Sup Forums allowed when alt-right organizations are doing it?

Do you anons know that Freestart is the platform that alt-right groups created because Kickstarter and Patreon starting holding them accountable when they scammed Sup Forums and the_donald users?

>whining instead of reporting

Source:your ass
Sup Forums is alt right now so deal with it cuck

>Sup Forums is full of wannabe nazis

I mean, that's true but you probably shouldn't be proud of emulating a bunch of dead German idiots.

Nah, Sup Forums is full of people who pretend to be Nazis in order to piss people off

>I'm 16 and just developed a political identity


I'm looking forward to seeing the actual people who backed it try and convince themselves and everyone else that the shit is actually good.

>/r/thedonald crossposters are Sup Forums
We will outlast you all. It's not about left or right, it's about attitude and you faggots don't have the attitude

>This comic actually getting a release
HA x 200

Autism isn't an attitude. It's a mental disorder.

I predict an atrocious but actual release.

>EU Man is caught in the middle instead of helping the antifa side

This comic may be more balanced than real life is.

I wonder if that Diversity and Comics guy is going to slobber all over the guy's dick for making this comic.

>>EU Man

fuck off

Are you suggesting the EU is helping "antifa"?

>Save the industry
>BTFO Marvel
Except it won't do either, you fucking retard. Its the same exact shit as Marvel's trash, only right wing. It has shit art, shit writing, and you'd be an idiot to give money to a jackass who badmouths Jack Kirby. Mods need to delete these shill threads on site.

Still thinking we care.

So Alt Hero trigger you Nagger?

So?, What is your point?, Free speeach bro...Chill out and read some comics

I asked Vox on twitter how a comic not distributed through Diamond will influence Marvel and he said that diamond wasn't the only distributor, revealing that he knows about as little about comics as his shills on here do.

Free speech means he has the right to call you one-testicled-nutjob-worshipping faglords out.

gonna be a blast

>has the EU flag on him
this is pro-EU trash

You could argue that using Patreon/kickstarter/whatever could influence the big two by NOT using diamond, and there ARE books that do well by doing that... but Vox's shills should know that his comic is not one of them and is actually doing quite poorly compared to others. Especially since a lot of the big donations are private and are probably just Vox putting money into his own project.

He could distrubute it as a webcono I can't even finish the sentence this thing isn't getting made

Honestly there's a pretty good chance he wouldn't even be allowed to run a patreon. He'd have to make his own alternate platform just like he did kickstarter.










>people actually paying money for this

It's weird how a project ostensibly about putting story over political ideology is obsessed with pushing it's own obnoxious ideology, to the point of creating an alternate history that portrays the EU as this oppressive fascist institution rather than a really ineffective system that can't even keep the UK from bailing on it.

It's almost like the guy behind the project is less interested in crafting an original story than he is in feeding his own conservative fever-dream about his confederate-flag wearing waifu.

it would be fun as in "reading marvel's America" fun.

>"Fear not my True Patriots of european heritage born in the american soil... Alt Hero is here!"

still not gonna pay for this

>it would be fun as in "reading marvel's America" fun.
I prefer to read good comics.

Alt hero will be great. Screencap this. The shitty preview art is just a ruse to make the SJWs not see it as a threat and shutting it down

>rather than a really ineffective system that can't even keep the UK from bailing on it.

I hate to say this, but the postwar agreement (to which the US never really felt beholden to, yes) was that states would accept each others sovereignity to a high degree.

So if Parliament decides that a non-binding vote is what they're going to leave the Union over, then the EU has to accept Parliament's decision as it is the ruling body of the UK.

The real issues in the EU is crap like allowing tax theft among the member states rather than creating regular, controllable mechanisms of monetary tranfer that would help the smaller states to keep their citizens from becoming uprooted on grounds of their economy being sucked up by the larger states.

>merely pretending

Praise Kek!

Reported for violating global rule 11: No advertising.

Oh boy, if it was Kickstarter it might be a tiny bit less of a scam. Nah man, the crowd-funding is being done on a site created and ran by the person making Alt-hero. That's right. Rather than running it on Kickstarter or any of the other Kickstarter alternatives, he's using his own private site to host it which he's advertising as an "alt-right alternative to the leftist-funded crowdsourcing sites like Kickstarter."

The whole thing is a scam top to bottom. If you look at the list of donators, most of them are massive donations from "private" donors who either have no comments attached or comments that sound like they were written by a fucking bot. They're inflating the actual money they're earning on the back-end through "private" donations to both make the comic look like it's making way more money than it actually is (to convince people that it's a massive success and that they should also donate since everyone wants to back a winner) while also trying to position it as "see? look at how much money this one indie comic was able to make on our kickstarter alternative. Clearly you should also use our site instead of them." Because, surprise-surprise, VoxDay gets a cut of any donations made to his crowd funding platform. Including Alt-Hero, which means that he's basically using fake donations to increase the amount of money "earned" then using the fact that he gets a cut of the total donations "for the site" to pocket the money that is actually getting donated.

So let's say it earns 100k total. 60k of that is fake donations. He gets 10% of the total donations. So now he's pocketing 10k cash straight of the 40k actual donations. Earning him some easy money and 30k cash to spend on the comic which, mind you, is being made using fucking poser art. The single cheapest and laziest excuse for "art" in the industry while having his shills say up-and-down how the poser art is revolutionary, amazing looking and BTFOs SJWs.

Only a rube would donate.


Nothing makes me more happy than alt-right cucks getting scammed

>spending $30k to make the comic
At that price, you could commission an actual comic book artist AND writer to make the book for you.

Wouldn't be the first time.

This is an English-speaking board.

This is now a Kamala Khan thread

reminder that vox didn't know her powers or that she was from new jersey


It's kind of weird how the guy wanting comics to change to suit his political tastes doesn't actually know anything about comics, or even care about them for anything besides a political talking point to raise money.

It's like the alt-right is everything they complain about Tumblr being.

Truly they are a bunch of fake geek boys.

Actually, since this is theoretically about alternatives to Marvel comics, I'm just gonna storytime my own comic, Saffron and Sage. Feel free to continue Kamala-ing.

>how to save comics from politics?

I just read valiant and boom studios books to get away from political commentary in my books. Waiting for volume 4 of mmpr to drop next week

Unlike Vox Day, I don't want money to make it. I make it free and put it on the internet for anyone who wants to read it.

Also unlike Vox Day, I hired a real artist who can draw.

This first chapter was actually written fairly late on. I wanted Saffron to be better set up as a character before adding two more people to the ensemble.

So, here's this giant enemy crab.

Early on, I was scripting out each individual panel, but this was changed halfway through chapter 2, because it made some of the action scenes a little harder to read if I didn't let Sofia off the leash.

Case in point. The idea is that Sage cut Cassette lose, and then Saffron threw her axe at Cassette to knock her away from the crab. You can kind of see that here, but it's a little unclear. If I ever go to print, this chapter will have two revisions, and this is the first.

Cover page! I'd been sitting on this story for years, and the image of Saffron coming down hard on a crab like this was what helped me realize that she, and not Cory, should be the protagonist.

This is the second revision I'd make. The idea here is that we're cutting to after the battle, and Saffron is surprised to find it's some other asshole being held captive instead of her prince, but it's a jarring cut in practice.

Okay user after this That's when you wait for feedback instead of dumping more.

I think this chapter is a bit weak, but Sage's lines here are good. Also a first hint that Saffron is uncomfortable with sexy stuff, which comes up a bit later in the bathhouse chapter.

I'd agree with you if I were storytiming in the /hyw/ thread, where I only post one page a week, but here I'm also actively trying to derail the Alt Hero spam thread.

Anyway, let me at least post the final page of chapter one. Just who is this mysterious stranger??

Well, she's a filthy mudslime and garbage character.

The designs could be better but that cover alone is already 100x less pandering and obnoxious than marvel stuff on average.

Bump. :^)

>Thinking Kamala Khan is a bad character

>Bump. :^)

Well, alright then.

Fuck this mysterious stranger, we're moving on to chapter 2.

>no politics
I take it you haven't caught up then.

It's Cory and Liri! At some point between this page and chapter 3, about 90% of the fabric in Liri's skirt disappears. I have no idea why, the artist just started drawing her that way.


I can't find a single interesting thing about this. All of it is so by the books and just boring.

Assuming you're the artist, you should REALLY look into working with an actual writer.

Last time I say something political in the Valiant comic was the Harbingers Renegade one where the HARD Corps got praised by Donald Trump via a tweet. But then again I only read Harbinger and Bloodshot so far, I haven't caught with Ninjak or X-O.

I flatout don't read Faith.

Liri's facial burn is supposed to be a big dramatic mystery, but literally the first thing she does is shove a flaming object into her mouth and hurt herself.

Liri's kind of....she tries her best.

>>I just read valiant and boom studios books to get away from political commentary in my books.
But why?

>I can't find a single interesting thing about this.

Buddy you're in an Alt-Hero thread, and you're looking for good comics?

Why spam your shit if you know it's not good?

I could spam squirrel girl instead?

The same reason people will do 'Here's my stuff, I'm not that great an artist/writer though'

It's a mechanism to make themselves look more sincere than they actually are. Sometimes it works when they actually mean it.

this is sad

and the designs are "appears on screen in the background of a TV show" tier

Oh no, in this case I'm actively trying to be obnoxious and spam Vox Day's shill thread, I've been saging all my posts so as not to bump it.
