RWBY/RT General #1246: When they see your dick Edition

Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell us it's good
>2. Read the pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Don't believe their lies

1080p archive:!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog

RWBY Volume 5 Episode 3 link:

Previous thread:

This was made first


Weiss is shit

>RWBY only ever all meet up in the latter half of the pen-ultimate volume
Could RT be bad enough dudes to pull off the biggest ruse cruise in history?

Posting in Weiss thread instead

Give me more Ruby reactions

reminder that adam's killing spree is not over yet

As long as they aren't separated 100% of the time, it could work.

Also, Yang a best, in case this is the thread that gets to live.

Get ready for the training "Arc"


>RWBY reunites but every character has their own goals and separate for a volume or two and meet up after.
It would suit the RPG vibes I guess, so long as it doesn't default to RNJR again, what about Yang and Jaune getting an adventure or Nora, Ren and Weiss?

did he died

O fucking love you.


What if Ozpin and Oscar DON'T merge? What if them merging was one of the lies that Salem alluded to in Divide and the previous host just slowly dies/fades out of existence?

What if he isn't cursed, and he's just possessing and sacrificing others on purpose?


ok we all can agree that jaune's OTP is suffering, but which route should it go?
-jaune is suffering and stays pussy
-jaune is suffering and becomes better huntsman, by beeing motivated by the suffering.


Different pairing would be the way to go.
Split it up in intermissions, where more people can interact and then arcs.
Start with the original pairs, RW and BY, to settle any bad blood/feelings after V3.


So what kind of people is Qrow going to scout out to join the fellowship of death flags? post pics and why

He should kill himself.


obviously the latter

Why is Weiss so shit?


I somehow don't like it, but it could work as a test of loyalty.
But it would require a massive suspension of desbelief for Yang to even go along with that.

Because you touch yourself at night

The best OTP's are when both partners help each other in some way, the latter means that as Jaune gets better he must suffer more.
So the latter.

It would also depend on who gets slammed into a team with those pairs. RWJN YBSR? I know they don't really have to keep the team dynamic but my autism can't allow me to ignore the RPG vibe I get from the game.
One of the reasons I always say Jaune is a Warlord with levels in Fighting Man.

Given the course of the story, WY and RB seem more likely.
Yang is going right to where Weiss is, and Blake's family will likely flee right to Mistral after being chased out of Faunstralia because reasons.

And then they'll all meet up again at the bandit camp and have a big ol' celebration cake while Raven and Cinder patiently wait in silence off on the sidelines.



Oscar is still shit. Only here because Ozpin told him to, and now Ozpin can assume direct control.
Should stay in Ozpin mode all the time. I don't see why we should care about Oscar.

>Hey Rube, remember how I said that the 2 souls merge and only memories remain of the old remain?
>Yea, well, we finally merged, the ol' Ozbin's goner than Pyrrha , haha
>sorry about that
>anyway, its now just me, the Oscar, in this body.
>Just the good old Oscar the farm boy
>So, anyway
>You wan't to go get some cookies or something


He'll be the new Zwei for the group

Report this one, it's second and was already called

This one is better

Oscar is still shit. There's no reason to care about him. He's only there because Oz told him to, and Oz can assume direct controle anyway. They should let the Oz mode on all the time.

> the situation room returns
This was the point I realised that we were seeing RWBYg’s renovatio imperii

Yeah the other one was made first (Also better because Weiss)


How old is Winter?
Qrow is at least in his late 30's, and considering Weiss is same age as Yang, so Schnee mom should be around or older than Qrow, meaning that Winter could be around 21-25?

Oz can only do that for a short time because Oscar is too weak to support the Merge.

The one with more replies should stay

he'll find help from lord adorable


>yang's hand

I don't care which one gets deleted but I've called making threads previously and people just stuck to the first one posted

Then Oscar is fucked.

And I don't mean by Ruby.

Stop it, user. You’re going to get us in the shit. This thread is obviously the one that’s taking off so please just delete your thread. Or are you doing this deliberately?

>Raven's upskirt on the laptop screen

I figured she's probably mid 20s at the most.

Just ignore the autistic boorufag

is there fulgrim rube?


The other one has incorrect rules in the OP. This one is better.


>3 episodes in and no good fight scenes

Oh, it’s that fucking boorufag bitch again. Well I’m glad RWBYg knows to ignore his threads now.




Just wait until the bandit camp rumble, m8. It’s gonna be mayhem. CEM (at least) vs bandits vs RNJR, WY, and Qrow and his friends.

So Adam's "Blame it all on the humans" coup is kinda busted already, isn't it.

Idk why but that just doesn’t look right

>She was a good leader.
Good leaders don't get subject to a coup, nor do they allow members to act against the interest of their organisation with a slap on the wrist.
Good leaders do not hint that they would be alright with the methods of the offender if they could produce even greater results.

Sienna was not a good leader. She was interesting but her relevance was only so Adam could coup and take over the WF, now he has done Sienna is worthless.
Why do these people care so much? Colour has fuck all to do with anything in fiction.

nah it's gonna go full civil war status

>Most interesting
>Fucking shown for five minutes if that
>Missing the point of the Faunus so hard shits heading of to the nearest galaxy
People like this are why we haven't been to Mars yet.

You forgot about the white flag Jaune

As a PoC, bitch can kindly fuck off

Go fix your hurricane-boned shithole island instead of bitching about a fake Texan anime, you make us look bad

fear not

It's stupid but I'd live if hiwo drew Nazi neo or Weiss stepping on or about to execute sienna khan just to put people real pissed like he did with the bumblby fucks

To any with sense and a brain but then martyrdom is a powerful force and Adam has the trust of many people within and outside of the WF.

That's a shame. Solidarity first.

This started it up earlier than you think, last week or so, but I haven't been able to keep up with it since the photo editing software isn't on my laptop, which is what I use for most of the week.

That was the best part for me, especially since it covers up the fact that Adam's sword is off screen a bit for that scene where he is sitting.

Anyone got any more situation room ideas? I couldn't think of more from this episode, maybe outside of that bit where Leo gets strangled by the watcher grimm

that's ww2 you ignorant cunt

No I meant his hair is not good. Put a helmet or something on him



This hasn't been funny since 1944

>Passing privilege

Is this actually a thing?

gas mask was as important as helmet

Weissfags worse than cinderfags

Why? He's not German.

was Ilia just standing in the crowd with a bedsheet draped over her like a ghost?

let's raid her

Not your personal white fang

Yes she was

And it worked

It's a meme user, like all the British have crooked teeth, drink tea constantly and are all evil.

Yes. It was the perfect disguise.

Is she autistic?

You go first. See how far that shit gets you.

She can turn invisible, but that's how she hides in a crows.

Still too old and busted, once you get Taiyanged there's no going back

Shut up, dumbass.

Yes. It looked dumb, but she was certain it was worthwhile for the dramatic reveal.

>implying that's a Weissfag and not the ban evading boorufag

it's just a loose suggestion, not an order

Best girl