Which one?


Is this shadman

i have a thing for boots and fishnets

Why would you stick your dick in either?
>Starfire's head is half shaved
>They look like cheap prostitutes
IS it purely bait or are waifu fags this desperate?


Good News! Sup Forums has warped your mind

Raven cause fishnets and no stupid shaved head
Also source?

"Thrones of Bones". Doesn't air until next Friday.

I think it's from the upcoming heavy-metal-themed episode of TTG.

I'm not sure how I feel bout the show going back to the "popular 80s musical genre celebration!" well so soon again, but if it gives us more sexy alternate designs for the characters I'm good.

I still wish there was more "sister funtimes" fanart with prison Starfire.

No, but unless he's completely off his game, it soon will be.

oh thanks

no I know it isn't him because the arts much better but it seems like his kinda design


Left. Always left

>Beast Boy is Ted Nugent

>settling for a womanlet


Welp, I'm drunk of course he's fucking Lemmy

This one.

>not liking shortstacks

Witch one? ARE YOU HIGH?!?!!?


I got a thing for fishnet stockings, but Starfire looks like she is up to more lewder stuff than Raven.

I want to grab Raven's ankle and lick her leg clean.

Porn when?

Lick her leg clean? Is it dirty?

Left, seeing her trying to be serious only for her cheeriness to leak through would be nice.

Begging for a season 4 folder.


Boy, if it wasn't for that entire "Love is a universal force too" thing, that actually would have been a pretty good movie.

Fuck yoooou.

Who's gonna be Wendy then

>be metalfag
>greatest wish is to have a metal waifu
>have a childhood crush on both of these characters

I can't believe I'm saying this, but both me and my nostalgia boner are looking forward to this episode.


10/10 it's okay - IGN

Beast Boy looks like he's going to a gay bar. Like, even moreso than usual.

He's Lemmy, you fucking mong.

The designs are metal enough I suppose, but the real question is, would the music be?

>That Raven
>Beast Boy is dressed as God himself

Im actually looking forward to an TT Go episode

I hate it. TTGO is pure cringe.