Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw this will make and possibly exceed its goal well before the deadline
>Things like World Destroyer haven't even made a tenth of their goal yet and the deadline is almost up.

I know nothing about this property, all I know based on that twitter screenshot is that two top-tier VAs are apparently interested. Care to share what's sooooo hilarious, OP?

I won't donate until there's a stretch goal for an animated version of I'M SAD

It is a comic that is legendary for being just fucking awful. All the characters look like they're melting.

the fuck

Didn't this guy also make a kickstarter for a game that ended up with his partner running off with all the money and him having to release a really shitty product?

>I know nothing about this property
This transcends "poorly executed concept" to "creator went batshit insane"

>half a million dollar goal
>already $67k pledged
>that fucking voice cast
What the fuck is this? Do those actors even know what this is or do they just have a standard fee? I can't believe what I'm looking at here.

Maybe. That's exactly what happened with Homestuck though



Not that I'm interested in OP at all, but World Destroyer isn't that promising and tons of better animation fundraising attempts have been ignored.

I think /tg/ dislikes this comic with great intensity.

I think it actually looked better at the start.

This give me hope that one day Might be able hire Jennifer Hale for my badass magical girl cartoon some day.

yeah and then he had a mental breakdown over it.

Fumbles and Dies Horribly are seriously the best goblins in the comic.

You know what? Everyone give him a $1
If this happens, if this actually goes through /tg/ will be FOAMING at the mouth.

Did the bald guy fuck the slave girl?

Didn't he have a mental breakdown and remove the snake girl because of hussies girlfriend leading a witchhunt against him?

>Billy West
>Phil Lamar
>Jim Cummings
>Jennifer Hale
>Maurice LaMarche
>Steve Blum

what did /tg/ ever do to you faglord

they're complete hypocritical schizos over board identity.

The thumbnail made me think that I was looking at bootleg Grundos.

I hope this suceeds so it can spark interest in the tons of other GOOD webcomics getting their own animated adaptation



Wow I never knew this comic was a reference to an actual internet comic.

So you couldn't hack posting on /tg/, got it.

You know what? Now I unironically want a Pastel Defender Heliotrope anime to be a thing. Make it happen.


>So you couldn't hack posting on /tg/, got it.
What's to hack? its just general threads, system wars, shit threads, pol bait, and the pdf thread.

Anyone have that picture this guy drew after he lost his fucking mind? The screaming thing smashing the doll or whatever?

It's a violent, preachy comic with weird art, about a kind of shitty Dungeons and Dragons game.

The guy making it is kinda fucked in the head, but he's such an earnest little nerd that I can't bring myself to hate it.

Why do they look like turds?

In my depraved headcanon. They have two cute little pureblood Yuan-Ti kids. The girl is named after the Dwarf, because Minimax is a shit like that.

why is this funny (outside of the hilariously bad art in that pic)? what do I need to know to be able to fully enjoy laughing at this?

How quaint

Because it's shit.

what kind of helmet is his styled after?

>Pastel Defender Heliotrope
what exactly am I looking at here? what am I getting myself into? I could be reading those crash bandicoot/sonic/whatever comics so this had better be good!

I'm also very interested in this

holy shit lol
context: dude is a super famous scientist and really good at it or something and he just bought a half priced sex doll

also got BUSSY for my captcha so... you know... make your own joke I guess

This better be in the cartoon.

It's "Little green ghouls"
>stop being "that guy"
It's Sup Forums. We're all "that guy"

I dunno, but I don't think GS should have such large gaps in the face bit. More smaller gaps would be fine, but if someone tried to stab you in the face with that the blade would fuck you up.

i'm sad

the show is called goblins though, he was adjusting the quote to fit with the topic

/tg/ here, not sure where this aggression is coming from but go fuck yourself.

When Goblins succeeds, we all lose

i'm feeling fat and sassy

these are some powerful delusions for a mediocre comic centered around torture porn and lamia rape

>/tg/ here
no you are an user. go back and post 40k memes and make more generals.

I'm so /tg/ I know who Tessagog is.

>Pastel Defender Heliotrope
it's hard to describe the plot, it's about a sex doll that is brought to life and becomes some kind of superhero, despite of how it may sound right now it's not a sexy comic at all and the themes about what it is about are all over the place.

i'd say unicorn jelly and to save her from the same author are stranger but pastel defender heliotrope is more easy to follow

I feel like we definitely need the previous page or something

The fun thing about it is that without all these voice actors they'd only need half the budget.

all i see is stu pickles

I'm so /tg/ I know what Tessagog was: a mistake.


Crashing those threads by pointing out similarities to that other shitty waifu was glorious

>mfw Sup Forums is familiar with this

geez why anyone would want to watch this awful shitty melting "artstyle"
it's so awful
better completely change artstyle

will it be this tier?




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>He was inspired by other comics likeElfquest...
Fucking knew it.

What's wrong with their eyes

They're sad.

Literally retarded.


Why does Sup Forums hate everything I like?

You like Goblins, user?

You like goblins?
user, I'm sorry for your lots

What's wrong with your FAAAAAACCCE?

Name five Sup Forums-related things you like.

That's actually a very well made kickstarter.
But I highly doubt Goblins has enough fans to reach even the first goal, much less any of the stretch goals. It's also too weird and infamous to gather enough fans of those big-name VAs.

A welcome change from the main person running off with the money at least.

You have shit taste


Unlike Goblins, PDH transcends "autistic webcomics" and goes straight into "outsider art" territory. It has this really fascinating mixture of profound and batshit insane, drawn in a style that can go from childish doodles to almost Moebius tier art, sometimes on a single page.

came here to post this

I think it has been storytimed here before, I'm not sure if they ever finished or if they got too far though

This is exactly right. Are there any other web comics like that? It may be heresy, but I'd say Jack partly qualifies.


I respect those actors far too much to hope this shit succeeds, but I guess a paycheck is a paycheck.

this guy really needs loomis

>465 for the pilot
>wants nearly 2 million to actually finish the series
Getting that house must've gone to his head if he actually expects that much, even the pilot goal is a stretch. He'd probably have been better off aiming for a single, self contained 30ish minute episode, and then going to actual investors if it turned out well.

Also, why are Rape Ranger and his fucksnake even listed in the cast if its only covering book 1? IIRC they appear much later.

>to almost Moebius tier art

The environments and ship designs can get pretty impressive.


Thunt is dead.

I can understand most of the thought process behind the writing in Jack. While I may be an autistic fuck myself, I feel like this still disqualifies the comic from the outsider art category.

Is the top one meant to be blind or is he looking in opposite directions just for funs?


I feel like PDH has some untapped meme potential.

I see a fellow user with culture.

>they're getting money

I want off this ride!

He's supposed to be kinda retarded.

>People have forgotten about the Goblins Trading Card Game debacle
never trust Thunt. He has some problems