Isn't OK KO a much more interesting and original cartoon than The Loud House?

OK KO doesn't have pedo appeal so you won't catch Sup Forums talking bout it as much

Not really, but since The Loud House will be ending soon, it will not matter.

>OK K.O: Let's Be SJWs

How not? OK KO is more original both conceptually and stylistically

But we talk about KO more you fucking retard.
Yes, did this need a thread?

Eh? i don't even get what you are talking about.

Ok Ko just teaches kids to be nice and friendly towards one another. and i mean, you can call that social justice i guess - but that's good social justice. there is nothing wrong with teaching kids how to not be assholes

>Yes, did this need a thread?
Sure, why not?
If people like this thread they will comment, and if they dislike it, well, the thread will die

I fucking told you all and there is the proof
Beware the SUfag false flag


OK KO is really shitty looking.

>OK ko doesn't have pedo appeal
Have you not seen potato?

Why the fuck would you even compare the two shows, other than to start shit on Sup Forums?

Jesus, you shitposters are getting lazy, I mean at least with the SU vs. STFOE shittery, you have the excuse that they're both clearly inspired by anime/magical girl genre stuff, but this shit is so pathetically transparent.

Friends, if you're reading this, don't fall for the bait. Let this thread die.

Most recent episodes

>OK KO Lets Be Zeroes
870,000 viewers

>Loud House
2,170,000 viewers


Stick to something more in your show's minor league, like Paw Patrol or Steven Universe.

The only show that would be in the same league as Steven Universe would have to be a show that is just a doodle of shit with stink lines rising from it throughout the whole show.

But Steven Universe is a great show user

i was about to make a serious reply until i saw your tripcode

It is not. And Steven is fat and ugly.

No, its just a muh weebshit references with a shitty doodle style

fuck off

I've enjoyed OK KO much more than boring Loud House where you can predict the entire course of the episode in the first 2 minutes.

Faggoty collab by Newgrounds hacks that CN only greenlit because they know SU is gonna end soon and they're desperate to throw anything out that could print money

>Loud House
Pedo bait

I'm gonna say both are equally shit but in different flavors.

Steven Universe is dead, Japan killed it

Misinformstion. Loud House will continue production without Emitsavino

>talking abut a show with a cancer general that always gets relocated to /trash/ for pedoshit and incest

Its not original in any way at all, but gotdang is it entertaining

Haven't watched loud house tend to not follow the meme of judge show for its fanbases or Sup Forumss general memery of being high standard/shit on anything popular, would anyone from /thlg/ recommend? /sug/ fag here.

I read that manga a couple years ago, and I just found out from your post they made it into a show, thanks user!