She should be the star of a GF spinoff

She should be the star of a GF spinoff.

Steven Chiuniverse

Candy should never make up the majority of a meal. it's bad for you and will rot your teeth.

Same applies to basing a show around Candy.


I'm still mad that Candy and or Grenda weren't much more popular. 99% of Gravity Falls fan content is about either Bill or Pacifica. Fuck them and fuck you GF fandom.

Roadside Attraction didn't do much favors for Candy's and Grenda's popularity.

>99% of Gravity Falls fan content is about either Bill or Pacifica. Fuck them and fuck you GF fandom.
That's general rule of thumb for most fandoms. Once certain things/characters/parts of series break through the popularity thresholds (aka, become way too popular), they become the only things people will notice and care. While, the remaining characters are still going to remain the same. TL;DR, circle jerking at its worst way possible.

>a cute nerdy character not being as popular as the blone bimbo bitch
it really activates the old almonds

>everyone's faces when Grenda got a swimsuit scene instead of Candy

You're joking, right? I absolutely hated how much attention Grenda and Candy got in the show overall. It was unnecessary, and they were absolutely a waste of screentime.

They were gag characters for one-liners and they got to tag along on adventures more than actual characters.

Soos, mcgucket, Pacifica and Wendy should be enough to carry a show, maybe one of Wendy's younger brothers, to do some romantic arc with Pacifica.

Candy's voice actress didn't really put any life into the character. She almost felt like she was there just to meet a diversity quota in the cast. Adventure Time fans are going to rage at this (that show was full of shitty and half-assed voice acting which made it unwatchable to me) but it's true.

She was also overshadowed by Grenda, for better or worse, a total over the top gag character that ended up being used for subverting the "ugly girls can't get good looking guys" stereotype. Even in the 'Grenda and Candy' scenes, it was Grenda doing most of the heavy lifting, literally at times, while Candy often had no lines at all beside her.

In season 2, the manlet also took Candy's character in a weird direction. It felt like she was just an Asian Mabel, boy hungry, even willing to backstab her own friends. Like Alex tried to ape the Asian kid from American Dad and failed miserably.

And that was even before we got to Roadside Attraction which basically destroyed what was left of her character's respectability by having her dump and friendzone Dipper for a petulant reason just so the hack could "kill" a ship that was hardly even that big in the fandom to begin with.

I feel like Dipper and Ford would be better

> Wendy's younger brothers, to do some romantic arc with Pacifica.
Do not want.

>Wanting more Candy
It's like you never saw Roadside Attraction.

>Soos, mcgucket, Pacifica and Wendy should be enough to carry a show
You forgot Robbie

His character lost whatever entertaining value it had once he got paired up with Tambry. and I’m not just saying that because I shit Robbel

You can never have too much candy.
Unless you have too much candy.

I prefer Fang

>he doesn't want the beefy chick to be secretly insecure about showing some skin

Yeah, but GF didn't have a character called Fang.

We all prefer Fang

She's literally the most generic character among the girls.

The awkward nerdy asian girl.

They had about the same popularity until Pacifica's season two episodes made her less of a bitch. Don't forget that Pacifica's popularity didn't explode until Northwest Manor Mystery.

GF doesn't have any side-character heavy enough to have its own spin-off. She is boring and it would stink as protagonist






That would be pretty boring

She is a check Chinese Mabel knock-off, and we all know how genuine article went.