Why Courage the Cowardly Dog is the best cartoon


he became shit after the face reveal

i don't think he made it anything special though since he was doing that instagram bullshit



It's been a long time since I watched, but I could never get over how repetitive it felt. I could never rewatch the entire show.

You can't relate to handsome people we get it

It had no dumbass anime video game references, automatically puts it above most of the cartoons out today.

he's a 5'8'' manlet, so looks dont matter

You know why manlets exist? Because they reproduce

not particularly.

>cuckt1cal references
I hate that faggot so much.
>b-but he donates to charities
Who cares? Charities are nothing but money-laundering schemes for crime-lords and corrupt politicians anyway.

>Ignoring the Official Podcast

Big fella, sit down

Alright we get It.
You're a reviewbrah fag

Literally who?
I'm just tired that his content has never changed one bit over the years.

>Literatly who
>"Gee what's a Google"

>not particularity

I have no desire to google some YouTube cucks and their drama desu

I disagree.
He dropped doing gaming content consistently in favour of stuff like Moist Meter and shitaposts.
Official Podcast has been one of the few things besides Oney and RLM I watch on YouTube.

Also I like his charisma.

We get It grandpa, Youtubers are witches and Black people are the boogeymen

I wouldn't say it was all that great. It was cute funny and charming, but it wasn't GOAT.

I also didn't care that much for Tower of Zalost. It felt like it dragged on too long. After all, it was ran for longer than a usual episode.

nice contradiction

>e-celeb shit
what an on topic thread