ITT: Sup Forums characters that voted for Trump

ITT: Sup Forums characters that voted for Trump

Impossible. George thinks Republicans are commies.

I hate that republicans commies!, they are so soft with the new USSR!,

That might have been true in the '90s, but now he'd probably be all for it. You know he's the type that reads shit from Breitbart and watches Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a fan of Trump, so George probably would have voted for him.

donal drumbp is a razizd oomba loomba wid diny hands :DDDDDDDD

Hank Hill

Hank wouldn't have voted for Trump. He most likely would have voted for Jeb.

Ted Cruz would have been his primary choice. No question.

But it's not as if he's going to go third party or for that mormon dude in the final.

So he's part of the John Birch Society then?


Uncle Ruckus.

Mexicans should stay on the other side of the fence like the sign says.





Not sure about Ted Cruz either. I think there would have been more of a chance of Hank voting for Mitt Romney over Ted Cruz.

Which reminds me, Carl totally would have voted for Trump.

It's only logical

Also Shake

I think you can make a case for Romney, but I think his north east big buisness rep loses out to Cruz's texas home field advantage.

Hank would've absolutely voted for Trump but by now would have regretted it, thinking he should've voted third party (possibly Johnson, but he'd hate the weed legalization issue). He probably hated Ted Cruz too but would've voted for him if he won the primary. Definitely voted Jeb in the primary.

I can easily see him wearing a MAGA hat

Shake seems too lazy to vote. Carl was on disability so he would not want his gibs cut

Carl probably can't vote because he's a convicted sex offender.

but hes an illegal alien isnt he?

He didn't vote for Lex. why would Donald be any different?

I thought he went through the legalization process?