Why is it still the greatest cartoon on television?

Why is it still the greatest cartoon on television?

because its creators didn't abandon it.

I... would not call it the greatest cartoon on television. I think the cartoon with that title is a cartoon with exemplary animation. South Park has pretty average/mediocre animation at best.

Because it's funny and has likeable characters. Granted I think it's weakest when it goes too political. The best episodes are the ones where wacky shit happens to the kids and it isn't tied to any politics.

You mean awful/shitty animation at best. Average/mediocre means 5/10. Where are you going to justify 50% for it?

I don't know anonymous. I've watched plenty of adult and children cartoons and South Park is like a slightly underwhelming version of The Simpsons and a hugely underwhelming variation of Futurama.

Would it kill them to give Kenny some proper lines? stop making Stan & Kyle copies of each other? Give Wendy some screentime? remove Butters? and make Cartman stop being so antagonistic towards his own group? even Ed Edd Eddy were more united. Cartman would fit right at home with the Eltingville Club.

>the greatest cartoon on television

It isn't it's garbage. That was like, the only good ep this season.

>The best episodes are the ones where wacky shit happens to the kids and it isn't tied to any politics.
Its kinda hard to think of ones that weren't though. I was about to say the Meteor shower arc, but then realized they constantly shat on the ATF

Watch the first 3 seasons or so.

I love the way Cartman spoke in the early seasons, it was hilarious

He actually sounded fat

I don't know why they changed the voice. Maybe it was rough on Trey's voice or something.

Venture Bros would be the greatest if they actually gave a shit and produced it regularly. Hard to give a fuck about something when the creators take a three year break between 8 episode (and decreasing) seasons

It says something when Simpsons became shit by Season 10/11 while South Park was still knocking it out the park by then.

I went through the early seasons and it's hard to say when they did their first bad episode, rather than just one with problems but still okay.

South Park sucked from the very first day and the only thing worse than South Park is its shithead fans. It has never been funny and has actively been a drag on society at large. If South Park's makers were burned at the stake along with every copy of every episode, it would be a good start. The kindest thing I can say about South Park is that I once bumbled into an episode about Casa Bonita and they got it right, Casa Bonita was exactly like that. They then showed a little boy asking a woman for sex. South Park and you are awful for liking South Park.

An Older Person

>Blah blah kids these days blah blah
>Sincerely, a faggot

>Its kinda hard to think of ones that weren't though.
Casa Bonita. Literally the show's best episode.

>>Goo goo gah gah goo goo gah gah.

>>Poo poo.

>best episode


>Ching chong ping pong chang chang ching
>Ding dong

It really isn’t, it’s small time baby shit on what they consider “edgy” compared to what we have now

>>Ptbtbtb pbttbbtbt pbtbtbtbt pbttbbtpbtbtbtbt.





>remove Butters?

Awww, hamburgers.

>Mmmf hmf mm hmmfmm hmm
>Mmh hmmf

Neither of those are Red Hot Catholic Love.

OP said on TV user, not on TV every 4 years.

>greatest cartoon
The animation is so shitty it takes a 1week to do it, while real animation takes a couple of months.