Is there a Sup Forums character as dashing as tuxedo mask?

Is there a Sup Forums character as dashing as tuxedo mask?



He even had the same voice actor.

This guy?

I really don't understand how Tuxedo Mask was so liked when he really did nothing particularily badass in the show. All he did was be an emotional crutch for Sailor Moon for few seconds, while jobbing in -almost- every direct confrontation he decided to take part in.

And his romance was shit. At least in the manga there was a bit of chemistry, but in the anime it was like "Oh we were in love millions of years ago? Alright guess we gotta date now. Oh we got a kid in future? Guess we gotta fuck now."

Not to mention how abrupt his breakup with Rei was and it was never brought up again.

True, forgot about that.

Mamoru a shit. Everytime there was a romance scene with him and Usagi, like that episode with the balloon monster uguu-ing over them, it just felt flat. Maybe the "I don't love you anymore" scene was a bit more emotional, but still not by that much

There was some chenistry in how they hated each other at first. Also what do you mean it was better in the manga? In what way?

He had a good outfit and was hot.
His character being shit was partially a casualty of the episodic nature of the show.

More of a /lit/ character, really.

Really the nigga's real name is "Mamoru"? As in "protector" or something like that? What's with Japs and transparently uncreative naming?

I dont know, but for alot of the anime i watch ive noticed theres alot of symoblism in the names. Its weird and i think there trying to be "deep"

his personality with overt overcompensation for his lacking ability

No shit
>Hajime no First Step
>(Fist)shiro (of the North Star)
> Dark Future Number One (Kurosaki Ichigo from Bleach)
>(Lie)pp (One Piece)

At this point I almost miss Toriyama randomly naming his characters after food items and clothes.

For kids' shows/comics it varies between trying to give kids something of a hint to the character/lessons on how their crazy cryptolanguage works, simple theme naming you see everywhere (same way "Dexter" makes you think nerd, etc), and straight up goofing (one of MHA's characters is literally "Shadow Very Dark aka Jet Black Hero Moon God").

We're no better, look at theme naming in shows like Foster's and Powerpuff Girls.

>same way "Dexter" makes you think nerd
What? Pretty sure Dexter's Laboratory is the egg to that chicken.

Never watched Foster's but PPG is a (mostly) comedy show aimed at toddlers, not an action show with sometimes adult themes aimed at teenagers.

>aimed at toddlers
user, did we see the same movie?

>Pretty sure Dexter's Laboratory is the egg to that chicken.'re kidding, right?

The original pitch for PPG was as "The Whoopass Girls." It was always a pastiche of anime, comic books, and generalized pull in an inclusive packages skewed towards the teen-and-up crowd. Sailor Moon is the same thing, just played entirely straight instead of being a semi-parody.

*pulp in an inclusive package

I've got three that are even more dashing than him

>Mamoru a shit. Everytime there was a romance scene with him and Usagi, like that episode with the balloon monster uguu-ing over them, it just felt flat
Dude, that was a gag. To be fair, half a gag and half serious. Ikuhara likes that kind of shit. I found it hilarious

>literally neckbeard

I guess not.

As a filthy foreigner I never made the link honestly. Point taken.

>skewed towards the teen-and-up crowd
Are you fucking kidding. Teenagers and adults weren't watching PPG in the 90s, even if they have adult fans now. It wasn't Teletubbies but let's not pretend it was the Simpsons.
Sailor Moon is pretty kiddie, but that convention exists in more mature manga.

There's literally no hair on his neck.

The anime creators were /u/fags and were butthurt at Tuxedo and Usagi hooking up so they made it as shit as possible and made him like an incompetent idiot.


That's a quote taken out-of-context. Ikuhara said that he was always looking for ways to kill Mamoru because he wanted Usagi for himself. Ikuhara is a troll so this kind of statements shouldn't be taken seriously

>Are you fucking kidding. Teenagers and adults weren't watching PPG in the 90s, even if they have adult fans now. It wasn't Teletubbies but let's not pretend it was the Simpsons.
Please stop talking about shit you're not knowledgeable about. Half the jokes were for parents. There was an entire episode that was NOTHING BUT BEATLES REFERENCES. It got its shot at a movie BECAUSE of the huge tertiary audience. The show itself was even explicitly marketed towards both demographics with shit like Superfriend crossover commercials with boob jokes. It was literally thought up as a goof for young adults and then converted into an all-ages property to get it rolling. Even Craig fucking McCracken is adamant that it was a show for everyone.

Please. Stop saying bullshit. You do not know what you're fucking talking about.

Tuxedo mask is the greatest character in fiction

Usuagis the best charafter from the series, but im trying to loose weight so i can cosplay as tuxedo mask