Superman is too strong to be interesting!

>superman is too strong to be interesting!

>superman being so strong is what makes him interesting!

>superman isn't interesting

>I used to like superman when I was a kid, but I don't want people to think that I'm still a kid, so I don't like him anymore

I have never read a superman comic, so is he interesting by being too strong?

Usually said by a DBZ fagot too

>watches goku destroy planets and become stronger than god himself
>"superman is just too strong, you know"?

>someone said this about my favorite character once
>it hurt my feelings so badly that my head imploded into my jaw, leaving only my detached face and forehead behind
I'm pretty sure I recognize those symptoms.

The only thing that got hurt was our foreheads for facepalming. And the other person's credibility

>I'm not offended, I'm smug and condescending!
I definitely recognize those symptoms.

Pot, meet kettle

>No it's you that's offended not me! I'm smug because I'm indifferent! That's why I hate you so much! Because I'm indifferent and detached!
I definitely recognize those systems.

I don't mind the superman powerlevel for the most part but they never should have given him flight.

No, but his powerset is too versatile.
>ok, he's super strong. I'll just freeze him
>laser eyes!
>fuck, ok, I'll burn him
>frost breath!
>I'll....hurl him down from somewhere?
>he can fly!
>Fuck. Ok how about I just taze him.
>alright fair enough
>wait what?

>I only read picture books for children but this fact doesn't make me insecure therefore I am actually smarter than everyone else who doesn't read picture books for children
>I enjoy picture books for children despite being an adult therefore everyone must feel the same way and anyone who claims otherwise is lying out of insecurity

is this meme?

The problem is when Superman's traditional weaknesses aka Kryptonite, magic, red sunlight and energy drain barely faze him because plot

Another problem is when beings that are 'supposedly' on the same level as him or higher like Darkseid, Mongul, Bizarro, Cyborg Superman and Lobo start jobbing to him like no tomorrow, once he gets 'serious'.

People who say this are anime guzzling retards who don't understand that comics aren't solely about fights

>Supes isn't op, he even has a fatal weakness

huugh comix make grog mad

>every superman story has been about his moral compass since byrne.

Not a big expert on Supes, but so far there's been two kind of stories about him that i liked. The one about what he represents, and the one about his fundamental loneliless and being alien. Good shit.

There should be one of these representing your average peabrained Sup Forums using gamer