Capeshit needs more female villains. I need more sexy hip swaying

Capeshit needs more female villains. I need more sexy hip swaying.

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Don't need to be a villain for a good hip swing, someone post that .webm of Elsa during that one song. Fuck if I know how Disney got away with that one.

Enchantress was shit, but Hela was pretty cool and they did an excellent job with the outfit.

This. And Doctor Poison was just awful.

God I love it when they show Cate's hips.

>Enchantress was shit

Only endgame Enchantress. qt gf and stinky swamp witch were both excellent


Why is green such a popular coloring for witches?

She IS beautiful...

Probably connection to nature, as well as disease/illness.

It just works

Green and purple are basic comic villain colors anyway. Secondary colors as opposed to the heroes' primary colors.

I want to kneel to Hela

>user likes green colored super villain witches
OP, have you ever heard of a gal named Circe?

Conservatives hate nature.

The main villain in Ant-MAn and The Wasp is going to be a gender-swapped Ghost. I'm curious how they are going to portray her, I hope she stays true to the character - a filthy paranoid with a hidden heart of gold.

Female villains are the worst kind of villains.
Only faggots who can only think with their dicks disagree.

it's a calm colour but can be associated with SOME violent behavior. Blue is too calm and is rarely ever violent

Are you a fucking idiot? Do you have to think about everything in terms of gender politics?

Nurse Ratched and Annie Wilkes from Misery are two of the greatest villains of all time male or female. Female villains that are be real sadistic, loathsome bitches are great.

A question that has baffled scholars for centuries

Incel detected.

Go and stay go, /poltv/.

Green is not a creative color.


It's not about any politics, you idiot. Just about common sense. Women simply can't be good villains. They will never be anywhere near as intimidating, memorable and charismatic as male villains.
>those shitty examples
Thanks for proving my point. Those suck compared to even mediocre male villains.
> Female villains that are be real sadistic, loathsome bitches are great.
You're a fucking moron.
>le funny incel maymay

>wanting sexy villains from live action shit


>muh Sup Forums
>muh Sup Forums

>"I-I'm not an incel! Girls are just awful!"
Yeah, if you insist on acting like a piece of shit, that's how people are gonna treat you. Just callin' it like I see it, mate.

>white knighting so hard you start sounding like a crybaby
lel, this is pathetic even for Sup Forums.

Evil Matriarchs is a funand sometimes sadly true concept.

Hela is hot, Enchantress is trash. Swamp bikini is gross, and Hela comes with a giant dog you can play with

So many mistakes in the word "boring"

Calling out a moron for whining about cooties is white knighting now, is it? News to me, but okay. Used to be it was acceptable to tell someone to grow the fuck up.

The only one whining here is you, m8. You seem to take it personally too. Are you a woman by any chance?

you type like a girl

I'm "taking it personally" because you're ruining what was a perfectly good thread about female villains. Strange how someone who enjoys the topic takes umbridge at the derailing of it.

Amd you type like an idiot. You got a point to make, or are you not finished drooling all over your keyboard?


Hahaha Calm down lady

>Enchantress was shit

I disagree, she was pretty cool looking and different, Hela gelt generic as shit

Warlocks like to stick to black/purple/red so the witches called dibs on green

>X not a creative color.

that doesn't exist honestly

meh, she looks too boring, just standing there barely moving or emoting.

Even that back shot looks weird, like a body double or something.

Also they hide the ass instead of showing it unlike Harley Quinn, loses points

>Enchantress was different
>Her plan was a blue sky beam
The only good part was June transforming into her. That hand flip was nice

Source on that?

Who would you cast as VIPER aka MADAME HYDRA?



If we can't get her as Lady Death, I'd say Eva Green

>That hand flip was nice
My sister thought that too.

Is your sister Sup Forums?

Will she puke?

>The main villain in Ant-MAn and The Wasp is going to be a gender-swapped Ghost.

Say what now?

Comic Con

>It's not about any politics, you idiot. Just about common sense. Women simply can't be good villains. They will never be anywhere near as intimidating, memorable and charismatic as male villains.

GLaDOS, Maleficent, Azula, Diana Christensen, the Queen from Snow White, Ma-Ma from Dredd, Poison Ivy, Yzma, Asami Yamazaki, the White Witch, Miang, Shodan, Lady Eboshi, and Princess Kushana would all like to have a word with you.

They announced it back at SDCC (and Laurence Fishborne is also in it)

Green on humans is generally associated with illness.

>no good shots of her ass

And you need to fuck off and read some comics

there we go

Shit-tier joke character.
Boring evil cunt.
Are you fucking kidding me? Azula is hot garbage. Not that anyone on AtLA is a good villain.
Literally who.
>The Queen
See Maleficent.
Edgy and boring non-character.
>Poison Ivy
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. There's a very good reason you are more likely to find someone who likes Joker or Riddler or Penguin or Bane or even motherfucking Clayface who likes Poison Ivy and not because he wants to fuck her.
>Asami Yamazaki
The same shitty archetype as Anne Wilkes. This is embarrassing.
>White Witch
Never bothered with that game
>Lady Eboshi
Obnoxious cunt and a shit villain.
>Princess Kushana

Female villains are always shit.

You should be gassed

No you, waifufag.

The fuck did you think was going to happen?
Never give a list to an user. It's just taking their bait.

>Literally who.

Female villain from the satirical film Network (1976). Faye Dunaway won an Academy Award for playing her and she's probably one of the best written and interesting female film villains of all time.


Play Xenogears again. She holds up better than any of the male villains from that game.

>Never bothered with that game

If you did you'd see a great villain

>Lady Eboshi
>Obnoxious cunt and a shit villain.


Dude, just forget it, he's a hopeless case and it's probably way past his bed time by now anyway. Sup Forumstards should be shot.

Ugh. You're right. I always get pulled into this kind of shit.

I could probably namedrop classic female villains of history like Morgan Le Fay, Circe, and Grendel's Mother and this moron would still be like "boring" "witch stereotype" and "dumb bitch".

Sometimes if you argue with an idiot long enough people can't spot the difference.

>one of the best written and interesting female film villains
Wow, what a high bar.
>She holds up better than any of the male villains from that game.
Still dogshit.
>If you did you'd see a great villain
Doubt it.
Because Miyazaki can't do anything good that isn't good animation, period.
Miyazaki is a hack who butchers any work he adapts. Nausicaa is downright painful to watch if you read the manga.

Maybe because it's true. Mythological villains are hardly interesting in general unless they had reimaginings ala Paradise Lost.

She's the god of death, she's not supposed to emote. I'll grant you that she's oddly still. Can't tell if it's a mistake or a stylistic choice.

And she's almost 50. There's no way that ass looks any good in an outfit like Harley's. The bodysuit makes her sexy. As for why we didn't get any gratuitous ass-shots, it's because Thor is porn for women, not for men. Why do you think we got a scene with multiple extended camera angles of Thor's topless bod?

I saw Donnie Darko recently and she looks old as fuck in that movie too.

Ironically he seems to put a lot of effort into it.
I don't think he's baiting, I think he's genuinely autistic.

There were some nice shots when she walks around in the bifrost hub without her cloak.

She has a small mouth and jaw, and big cheeks. Makes her face look prematurely droopy and wrinkley. I like her in this dress though. She's fucking cute as hell.

>Rita repulsa
But she is actually attractive.

>Zemo, Ghost

>Miyazaki is a hack who butchers any work he adapts. Nausicaa is downright painful to watch if you read the manga.

So he butchered his own story? He wrote the manga, dumbass. You sound like an idiot and lose credibility the more you post. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>So he butchered his own story?
Yes, faggot. He's that fucking inept although I'm talking in general.
>You sound like an idiot
Coming from a retard who thinks female villains can be good.
>lose credibility
Well, good. You never had any in the first fucking place.

It was fucking obvious they CGIed the Enchantress's body when she got her power back.

She ain't Viper after her shitass appearance in the Wolverine movie and since HYDRA is still around according to the tv shows, she's most likely gonna be in them, sadly.

just stop

>Yes, faggot. He's that fucking inept although I'm talking in general.
You're a fucking idiot. If you said Howl's Moving Castle I might agree with you but Nausicaa is one of his best films.
>Coming from a retard who thinks female villains can be good.
This view is retarded. You realize this is just as stupid as feminists who try to say that films about "male problems" perpetuate toxic masculinity or some stupid bullshit. You never look smart when you discredit an entire group, no matter what it is. When I see people who say they hate country music, 99% of the time they're dumb shits who have only listened to Dixie Chicks or some Kenny Chesney songs. Don't be one of those people. It's literally impossible to take you seriously.

You first, shit-taste faggot.

>shit-taste faggot

And compared to manga it's puerile garbage. What's so hard to understand? Another proof that whenever Miyazaki gets to make a movie he has to ruin everything.
>muh horse-shoe meme
The difference is, good country music is not even hard to find. Willie Nelson is hardly an obscure name for instance if you're willing to do even a little bit of research and he's rightfully considered one of the best. Meanwhile people always make lists of "best female villains" and they always suck.

>stinky swamp witch



>good country music
Never existed, established garbage is still objective garbage user

t. nigger

>Meanwhile people always make lists of "best female villains" and they always suck.
See, this is where you lose credibility. It would be one thing if you were lamenting the fact that there's no good female villains because you really want to see one but your stance is literally "women suck and don't make good villains" so why the fuck would anyone care about what you have to say?

Think about vegans who protest against companies that sell eggs or meat products. Do you think they give a fuck what vegans have to say against them? Vegans were never going to buy their product in the first place so who cares what they think? But people who care about chickens being cage free and are willing to pay a little more to make sure farms do that is something they might actually pay attention to.

That analogy applies here. You've basically proven that you will not accept female villains no matter what they're like. There is no female villain that can meet your criteria of what is "good". Your opinion on female villains is literally that there are no good ones so asking you what makes a good female villain is like asking a Muslim what kind of baked ham you should buy for Christmas.

Let's try an experiment. Name some of your top male villains and I bet some Anons will be able to think of some female equivalents or at least ones that are similar. Then we'll see what you have to say about those.

Either you'll admit that there IS a such thing as a good female villain or you'll admit that I'm right and that you just hate female villains.

it's you behaving like a monkey right now

Capeshit needs to die.

>It would be one thing if you were lamenting the fact that there's no good female villains because you really want to see one
But that's exactly what I'm fucking doing. Why else would I look up lists of best female villains in the first place?
>Name some of your top male villains
>Judge Holden from Blood Meridian
>Lorne Malvo from Fargo
>Lex Luthor (if you're thinking of Veronica Cale, please don't even bother responding with that boring bitch)
>Patrick Bateman (the book version, movie version is obnoxious as hell)
>Gus Fring
By the way, feel free to call them boring, I don't give a shit.


>I don't give a shit.
It's clear from this thread that give an incredibly big shit

You're just falling for an ebin trole.

>muh trolls
Go be paranoid somewhere else.

It seems that you're too autistic for even Sup Forums senpai