This movie doesn't deserve Gadot's Wonder Woman. She's too pure for this garbage

This movie doesn't deserve Gadot's Wonder Woman. She's too pure for this garbage.

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She is the only reason this movie will make it past $200 million.

The Wonder Woman movie showcased that Gadot needs a bunch of hammy actors and actresses to fill a movie while she does action and makes "expressions".

The Dumb Bumpkin thing isn't going to work when she's older than the entire rest of the League put together.

>implying that Snyder will make her anything like Patty version
She is too happy and optimistic to him,hell the movie already retconned many parts of the characters because patty thought that Snyder works are a piece of shit, Matt will do the same to Batman

DCEU producers and Snyder are so bad that Directors are not accepting the job unless they get COMPLETE FREEDOM, both Matt and Patty already did it, luckily this could save the franchise

Thor is a dump bumpkin even though he's thousands of years old so...


Surprisingly, the character of wonder woman is also supposed to be older than the rest of the league put together (around 2000 years).

this is a surprisingly accurate casting choice then (excluding ben affleck of course).

What comic is that?

That skeleton homo heidelbergensis doesn't deserve to play WW

That doesn't even make sense. Wonder Woman was a solid movie DESPITE gadot. Chris Pine carried that whole thing. Notice how the amazons had to speak like gadot to cover up her accent.

Mighty Avengers

What the problem of her accent?She's an amazon, Peter british accent in the other hand was an awful mistake without excuses.

the marketing for this movie is so fucking bizarre

Superman is missing from half of the advertising material but is present in the other half. I'm not hyped or intrigued, I'm just confused as to why they couldn't commit to either building up to a surprise reveal or to just put him in the promotional material

You didn't understand the other user. He was talking about the character, and the fat that her retard act won't work now.

She's not the oldest actor after Affleck, although she looks that way

Also, it makes absolute no sense that she's 2000 years in the solo movie, considering she just trained a few years from childhood into adulthood.

Wonder Woman is garbage too, I see no issue here

Are you serious? WW was mediocre and Gal "I'M ACTING" Gadot was one of the worst parts


she can't fucking act! why do people think she's good? The movie was decently written and directed and Chris Pine was amazing but Gadot was terrible in everything but her costume



>no screenshot
Got ya

i hope theres a cameo of derek from zoolander in it

I closed my browser and my internet went down and now neither of them have a (you)

After the embarrassment of SvsB, I'd imagine they'd be shy about boasting both supes and bats on the same poster for awhile.

Holy shit!!
What is that!


Could we?

Wonder Woman's the most overrated movie of 2017. Gal Gadot CANNOT fucking act


don't even try to entertain the notion

>7 fucking capeshit movies in 1 year
When will we admit it's too much?

Agreed.She's the saving grace of this turd for sure.

I admitted it a few years ago, but studios will only do so when they stop making money.

If you'd told me 15 years ago that comic book movies would be the dominant movie genre, and that I'd be thoroughly sick of them, I wouldn't have believed either statement. And yet here we are.

Remember when Sup Forums threw hissyfits at the mere mention of Gadot after sge got the role? Seeing anons jerk her off now is fucking weird after seeing all the hate she used to get around here

she's cute, she's just not a perfect WW, they went with the diversity route but since the actress is cute (she's a supermodel afterall) people eventually accept her, but it's far from being a majority. the movie being decent was the real saving grace, if it felt shitty like MoS, top kek...

>diversity route
Looks pretty fucking white to me

If that's what you're insinuating


>Thor is a dump bumpkin even though he's thousands of years old so...
Thor can be a "Fish out of Water" because he's only been back to Earth from his Magical World for a few years. And even by Thor: Ragnarok he's pretty sophisticated.

Diana has literally been a part of modern society since WW1. She's can't be the fish out of water, she would be more sophisticated and worldly than Bruce Wayne could ever hope to be, especially with her magical ability to speak all human languages.
Now we get to see if Gadot can handle THAT, or if Snyder completely glossed over it.

Gal was shit though. She was elevated by her co-star and the general charm of being a fish out of water. She still can't act and without those elements she's just awful, as seen in BvS. I do not understand the praise for her, she is an absolutely dogshit wooden actress.

She is those things, and also undeniably the best thing about the DCEU.

>She is those things, and also undeniably the best thing about the DCEU.
Not her, her director. There was nothing wrong with Cavil as an actor either, but he was told to act the way you saw him on screen by Snyder.


>especially with her magical ability to speak all human languages.
I think Amazons are just supposed to be really, really smart. Though somehow not smart enough to tell that "Ottoman" isn't a language.

There always were stupid waifufags that liked her

>best thing about the DCEU.
That's patty, so far all problems in her movie were caused by snyder ideas or WB intervention, but even with those problems she managed to make a good movie for DCEU in the end

Is this a loss edit?


it was annoying
she also speaks like a slow person

>just supposed to be really, really smart
There is no evidence that they're smarter than the average human, they're just immortal.


Their brains can obviously retain much more knowledge than the average human given that Diana claims to speak hundreds of languages on top of her normal knowledge.


Gal is such an adorable klutz

Many humans can speak several dozens of languages, if you give them hundreds of years this would be easy.

I'm not part of the people who were easily impressed by an imitation (but stupid and annoying) because it was the first time they ever saw Wonder Woman portrayed with a non-bland, non-ballbusting personality

DCEU Etta was far better than classic one.

Of course she will be bland again in Justice League. Fortunately she won't be all "little boys don't share" and "mankind is shit" I guess.

Part of Bendis' run on Mighty Avengers. I wouldn't recommend it because Bendis decided to incorporate thought bubbles along with his dialog bubbles. Those issues will take nearly twice as long as regular comics to read and also manage to have half the content.

Wonder Woman movie was okay but nowhere near as good as BvS. JL will also be far superior to Wonder Woman, even with Whedon influence.

>only 7
Need one per month to kill all other genres. The other genres don't even matter.

>why do people think she's good?
I feel like a large majority of Sup Forums would say she isn't. Also people are too in love with the idea of having a progressive female centric superhero movie that criticizing it or Gadot is blasphemy. Agree that Gadot was easily the weakest part of that movie. Also the CG was "off" in some moments.

There's also the people who, for some reason, think she's hot, and like her just for that.

Tony really should've stayed like that whenever he armored up.

THICC director

Anorexic "actress"


its because, whether they'll admit it or not, despite her not being beefed up enough, she still looks the part and has the least shitty costume of the whole league aside from Bats maybe.

>aside from bats

The costume material looks like shit and the cowl pushes his cheeks forward to the point of making him look like a bag fat baby.

That costume looks fucking terrible. I don't give a shit about comic accuracy or whatever the fuck, it has to actualyl work on the screen in an actual movie and that looked terrible.

I dunno, I think it's at least better than the Nolan suits.

Where did she learn them from? The Amazons were alone on their islands for most of civilized human history.



I don't get it, which ones are Whedon's?