Some brazilian did this and it is pretty neat

Some brazilian did this and it is pretty neat

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A nice call-back to what made classic Tom & Jerry great.

Uncultured burger here - can someone explain the divine figure? Is she some kind of incarnation of Mary?

Legal, mir gefällts.

>lizard character uses the fact they can lose their tails on purpose as a method of escape.
I think this is the first time I've seen fictional media acknowledge that. Bravo to the creator.

But user, that was 7 years ago...

Yes, it is mary
we have black statues of her here

Yeah, but I only found out about it now, and never heard about it on Sup Forums


Is she the most popular, get-shit-done figure folks pray to? Or are there other saints that get prayers for specifics needs? Come to think of it, does she count as a saint?

Well, it depends, my grandma had a specific saint to pray for every single conceivable problem,sickness, bad grades, alcohoolism. But I guess people who aren't that old or just not that religious just pray to god

>A nice call-back to what made classic Tom & Jerry great.
here come the cuphead fanboys

Exept this time it is right, this is basicaly Ton Jerry, but with a lizard and death in the brazilian desert thingy instead

Save for thr stock sound effects it was pretty good,someone's passion project?

Cool. Thanks for the insight.

Except the animation style of Cuphead pre-dates Tom and Jerry? Or at least the T&J I'm thinking of.

I don't know, they have many other animated shorts

Here's a Canadian animated short I found the other day

check out this one, it is my favorite

Is the cattle skeleton male or female? I couldn't qute tell

I don't think even the creator care about this

He prayed to Saint Mammy Two Shoes?

Yea with Cuphead I'm thinking more 30's Merrie Melodies and Fleischer stuff

Our Lady of Aparecida, it is Mary

Damn that was real nice

I love all the little bits that make cartoons like these so great, like the zipper on the tail, the coffin sandwich, and the fucking landline prayer

Are you some brazilian?

>Dial tones play as he casts the cross

There are direct callbacks to classic Hanna-Barbera direction in T&J cartoons in this short and even Death yelling at the end sounds like Hanna's own voicework (he did all of Tom's screams himself).

Makes me think of this

>a thing with a lizard in it
>another thing with a lizard in it

Where the fuck did I say they were similar?

I just said it made me think of that scene.
>animated lizard with desert background
Yeah, so crazy that this would remind me of that scene.

It is hard to infer intention from a short post online.

Pretty good t b h.

And that is why you must always assume the worst, right?


I didn't know tom & jerry's mammy was a deity in brazil.


This was great. When the vegetables showed up I was immediately reminded of my US History 1A class at college in how corn, beans, and squash was the triple play combo for centuries in the broadest parts of NA and SA.
Loved the tail detach. Loved all of it, really.

It is, I sacrifice a mouse to her every month

That was amazing


Some days ago it was the anniversary of 300 years that some people found a statue of her in some river.

Also, posting my city cartoon here also, it is on portuguese, of course.

It is about witches and satanic rituals

brutty good


I've definitely seen it before but can't quite remember where, I think it was in a movie.

I demand porn.

Cool stuff. Is the grim reaper being a cattle a Brazilian thing, or just something the cartoonists came up with?

Good stuff, OP! Thanks for sharing.

Not that user, but gotta some things to say about it.
It's really a Catholic thing; we have this sort of pantheon of saints and, if you have a particular problem, you pray to one of them for a solution.
Your eyes hurt and you hope it not to be something serious? Pray to saint Lucy. Your business isn't going well? Pray to saint Pancratius. It's really and old timer thing, since this kind of religious traditions are being lost, and most people just pray to God/Jesus anyway instead of looking for something specific.

just the animator thing.

She counts as a saint, well at least for us.
Other than Jesus himself, she's one of the main figures Brazilians pray to, along with St. George of Cappadocia and our most famous preacher, Father Cícero.

Maybe he didn't, true, but in Brazil we do have the Reaper as female. She's the Crone in the Black Cape (among a number of other titles).


Will Brazil save western animation?

Cleiton looks like a cool dude.


Brazilians can't make threads because range ban


Thats some bulshit I tell you.


I'm aware they were rangebanned, but I can't really tell if it was in Sup Forums or if it's still enforced

Yes, it's this one

The images depicting this incarnation of Mary are usually made with black stone or metal because the original image was made of dark clay. Due to that, representations in non-sacred (as in not made by the church itself) imagery often give her dark skin.

Catholics have a lot of saints they pray to, and Mary in specific is seen as a figure who intercedes in favor of repenting sinners alongside Jesus. She's perceived as someone closer to the common folk than Jesus. Worship of Mary is very common in Catholicism and there are several depictions of Mary all around the world, related to specific reported apparitions. This one Brazilians worship has to do with a statue that was found on a river and many miracles happened around it (I don't remember if there was also an apparition of Mary herself, as there usually is), the Vatican eventually recognized it as a legitimate manifestation.

As for other Saints, Brazilians are fond of Saint George (Christian martyr from the Roman period) and Anthony of Padua ( patron saint of marriages), both come from Portuguese tradition.


brazillian here, i'm not
I was banned from creating threads on all boards for some weeks earlier this year though

That's from Terrarium in Drawer.
the text is edited

I bought VIP.

The little things