Was it odd to find her strangely attractive?

Was it odd to find her strangely attractive?

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I hate Sup Forums's forced memes.

yes, because nobody remember her or her movie.

Disney's first attempts at CGI had such a weird, bland look.
Is this movie good?


They're married in the future, right?
So is it technically not NTR?

its a heartwarming movie. But, it's really fast and the humor is fast as well. If you can overlook that, then yes it's good.

It's /ss/ motherfucker

>Disney's first attempts at CGI had such a weird, bland look.
Are you counting Dinosaur in that?
I mean it was weird, but I don't think bland is really a good word for it.

... Yes. It is totally weird to find Angela Bassett attractive. Downright kooky even.

Fuckin' hell, these forced memes just keep getting more and more asinine.

That's Nicole Sullivan. Angela Bassett was the lady in charge of the orphanage






That only makes it even more asinine.

literally all CGI movies look bland

Seriously. Nicole Sullivan has one of the hottest voices in animation. Her characters don't deserve this stupid "What did they mean by this" treatment.


>to find her strangely attractive?
Brainlet phrasing. It implies that her attractiveness is strange rather than the finding of her attractive to be strange. This is wrong unless you just think she's some really freaky fetish shit, which you find attractive on those grounds alone.

>I correct forced memes on Sup Forums professionally


Not kidding, one of the first movie that made me tear up.

I'd fuck her voice if I could

What if I was hoping to have my response become part of the copypasta?


Here's a question for all Sup Forums girls (if such thing is possible): If you had the chance to meet your significant male's younger self, would you /ss/ him?

What? Would you do that with a loli version of your wife?

I haven't seen it in years but I think it's very underrated.

At least I remember liking it a lot more than BH6 and Frozen.

At least is not the forbidden one.



>you will never be adopted by your future wife while you are still a kid

Imagine if that happened and his future self was dead or not married to her anymore.

I never found her attractive I did find him attractive though

Is she Asian? She looks asian

Imagine pursuing a hot girl and knowing you couldn't fail because you've seen the future and know you knocked her up.

>Adult Franny is Nicole Sullivan
>Young Franny is Toph

She's perfect

she was made for /ss/

never noticed how rare black hair is on white people

She's Italian. Maiden name is Framagucci according to the script.


I enjoyed it which surprised me because I was prepared to dislike it.
Saw it in the theater with a bunch of kiddos I was minding for a summer day camp.

That was a fun day.

Were you watching this movie earlier too? It was on Disney lol

No, i obsessively watched it in the late 2000s


Director was very friendly with the LiveJournal contingent of the Robinsons fandom way back in the day.

And were you active on LJ during that time? How cool, I'm envious