DA comic storytime: Chaos part 2

Alright Sup Forums, it's time for part 2 of this journey to celebrate this comic ending yesterday. Tonight, we read in hell because this is chapter 5 and the story of how Soinc got AIDS.

Part 1:

Other urls found in this thread:




Hopefully there will be more people tonight.
It was bad timing on my part for doing this while someone else was doing The Unfunnies.






BTW, if you can't tell, that's a grave stone he's smashing.

Because the comic ended yesterday and I want to celebrate.

Also the suffering of others is kind of my fetish.

And Shadow's boobs continue to change size.

Say what you want about the quality of this comic, the artist pumped out over 300 pages in about 14 months. That’s a really impressive for a webcomic.

If she teamed up with a good writer they could work some real magic.

It's pages like this where I need to remind myself this is the same Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2.


>long story
Oh you better believe this is going to be a long story.

And now we're Sonic Underground.



Oh boy, please tell me this is your first time reading this.


Hey OP, First timer here, and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON


A flash back to how Sonic got AIDS.
You might want to read the first thread if you haven't already.

Yeah, I just saw some overwhelmingly devart Sonic on the front page and wondered what the shit that was about, and clicked on that page. God damn, what is this shit? Took me a minute to realize that's some kind of shitty lip stud and not some geisha like lipstick

Dun, dun, dun!
I don't haven anything that cool in my basement. Then again, I don't have a basement.

I've been trying for months to find a worse ongoing "so bad it's good" comic on DA.
I can't find anything to top this one.

>My house's name is Not Important

I don't want to take up any more images


Not going to like, I expected something more rapey with the leadup to his secret basement.

aaaand they get chaos emerald aids?

Oh no, mom and dad are fighting again.

Just wait, just wait.

It's best to read the next few pages with this playing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not 100% sure this is how divorce court works.



Now who's this guy?

Oh, it's this guy.
Honestly, this isn't something that needs to be spoiled, but I'm just doing it to make it seem more dramatic.

So when the fuck is he getting AIDS?


Sooner or later.
Just kick back and let your guard down for now.

He's getting Chaos Emerald AIDS, isn't he.



wait, what? He lives in like, a cottage. Why is he dressed like a schmuck, standing before furry Judge Judy? Divorce court? Can you just give someone the throne by way of stamped it, no take-backs?

Maybe, maybe not.

I won't spoil it.


Is there any reason whatsoever these had to be Sonic OC Donuts?

Who's coming for them!?

>aids incoming

Besides the judge, there hasn't been one OC so far.

Get ready, because the person coming for them is....

Dun, dun, dun!

Bet you didn't see this coming.

>tells a person standing right in front of him to quit hiding


They're all OCs. Nobody is on model, in character, fits in universe, fits in any way whatsoever to the source.


Good point.

>this is going to be a dramatic moment
>I should make his face go comically undetailed.


This comic is the gift that keeps giving.

aids gun?



>I expected something more rapey with the leadup to his secret basement.

The artist forgot to censor a dick or two, so I had to take the time to censor some of these pages.

This is known as the comic where Sonic gets AIDS, but it's also the come where Sonic gets raped by the father of his comic GF.

I'm sure there's some kind of acorn joke I could make here.



>one day I had just snapped and became hostile... and reached out with my tiny T-Rex arm

He might have been a good king, but we shall never know.

Sonic, I'm pretty sure it was self defense.

PAGE 100!
And the worst is finally over.

>You will never stab your rapist and escape covered in his blood and cum.

Life is suffering.

>self defense
Nope, just like in MoS, this was cold blooded murder. There is no ambiguity whatsoever.

user, I...
Sure, whatever you're into man.


I think the author was taking pleasure in drawing several pages of Sonic being graphically gay raped. I think they were into it, sexually.

You know, he's still covered in fresh blood.
Just saying.

Going to take a quick break and then be back to do chapter 5 part 2.

Actually, she has said that is her fetish.

>Actually, she has said that is her fetish

And we're back!

Ask again later, if I link it to you it'll lead to spoilers.




I won't be around much longer so link in a spoiler tag


Sorry, I won't be able to link to in in this thread.
The confession is to the side of one of the pages later on.

>finding the drug smugglers faster than the cops
Sure, why not?

>hiding his identity
>but he still has those bright green tips and distinctive hair
Sonic's not too bright.


Well, he's also joining a drug smuggling operation that uses kids.
That's not a smart move either.


Yep. This is happening.


>making an OC who's only in the story to rape Sonic

Also, I had to do more censoring on this page.
I had to black out hedgehog dick for you people.

>my character
What did she mean by this?

Yes, because one rape just isn't enough.

You shoulda used this to censor, baka.
