Children of the King

Storytiming a rare Finnish comic book, "Children of the King", the first installment in the Praedor series.


These albums are surprisingly hard to find even in Finland.

Wait, theres english translations of these? Or are these translations fan-made?


Fan made. As far as I know there's never been an official English translation.

Fucking post timer limits me to 1 post per minute.

where'd you find this? is there one for anabasis?


Some random torrent. I'm very glad though, these albums are very pricey since they're rare as fuck and sell like hotcakes. I will never for the love of God understand why, since a re-print would obviously be very lucrative.


I do have the privilege of having read most of Petri Hiltunen's comics including Praedor. It's great stuff.

His take on "Macbeth" was excellent.

And the world he created for his "Praedor" series is pretty awesome. Unique, even.

There's even a role playing game based on Praedor. Complete with everything you'd see in D&D - monster manual, combat system, skill chart.

I really love Hiltunen's art style. It truly complements the dark nature of the subject matter.


I doubt there's anything other than what I'm posting available online. I've looked hard, and these are the only scans I've come across.

Rare and pricey huh? And I have them all on my shelf.

They go for at least twice their price these days.




I hope someone's getting something out of this image dump.

Problem is you're storytiming this while all the burgers are asleep. Only us mongols here at this time of day.

I am


I am, I enjoy Hiltunen's "Väinämöinen" strip comic but never read Praedor. I had no idea any of that stuff's been scanned, let alone translated.

Can't really help it, I'm only awake now.
Good for you!

It was a bit of a surprise to me as well, but I am glad it happened. Hiltunen's work needs to be more well-known, since it's so excellent.

Gonna take a break to smoke a cigarette.


I'read this before but thanks for storytiming OP.

No problem. I did this before on the other chan.


That other chan reminds me of Northpole, with its multiple image uploading. On Northpole you could upload as many as 16 images per post.


>implying burgers care about regionally recognized eurocomics
Apart from few enthusiasts, they barely show up even for highest quality franco-belgian stuff.



It's funny since European comics are generally of a higher quality than their superhero of the month bullshit.









I think so too, although burgerbooks are usually done on tight schedule and euros have more "it's done when it's done, delays are not a problem" mentality which results in getting more polished product. Although competitive attitude and "which region is better" stuff are only leading to both sides being ignorant on purpose to good comics from across the ocean.
What's the other Sup Forums like btw? I rarely lurk there. Worth checking out?


It's true that it's largely a matter of schedule when it comes to comics. Smaller publishers often put out a lot better content than some like Marvel who have a certain time constraint. And comics aren't controlled by a few large corps in Europe so artists just publish what they want, when they want.
>What's the other Sup Forums like
It's not much better. Though I do like the multiple image uploading.

I mean, fuck, look at weekly manga. It looks like total shit compared to stuff that's published at the artist's discretion.



the manliest of men

>not american
What is the point?

Gonna take another cigarette break.





>What's the other Sup Forums like btw? I rarely lurk there. Worth checking out?

Not the same user but I have storytimed a couple of things there. Big advantage is you can attach multiple images which makes storytiming way easier.

I love the multi-image uploading. Posting the pages one by one takes quite a lot of time compared to posting 5 at a time.


It's also probably also a hassle to download them as well.


Forgive my stupid grammar mistake. I'm drunk.

Still gonna post the whole comic.

It feels for the 'the other chan' to refer to a place that's really new as far as my usage of Sup Forums goes. I remember when you could be talking about krautchan or 7chan and shit.


New moot doesn't allow the name to be said. That's why you have to use the euphemism "other chan".

but there are so many other chans. which one is this? 8?



Just try typing 8 c h a n without the spaces in the reply box and see what happens.



For me personally, it's technically better and I enjoy that the board is slower - definitely leads to better discussion - but fuck me the outrage baiting and getting hyped over complete bullshit is just the same as it is here.

Thank you for posting an actual goddamn comic.

And that does it. I hope you liked the comic!

I tend to use the DownThemAll extension for saving storytimes, or other times when someone posts a large batch of images that I want to save. It's not too much hassle that way.

Thanks for the storytime!

True, its superiority is due to technicalities such as multiple image uploading, but the board culture is just as cancerous.

No problem, I'm aware of such extensions already too, but I've always viewed them as somewhat of a hassle in and of themselves.

Damn i remember reading this a long time ago at my local library. Good shit, thank you for posting.


thank you


Thank you stranger.

Show me your honor!

That's the problem with drugs, you have to keep taking them.

Should this thread stay alive?

It fucks with my sleep pattern as well. Oh well, what can you do. I'm addicted already.

I'm thoroughly enjoying it, thank you. I've never heard of this author before or seen any of his works but this is great.


Thanks for posting.

Thanks! It took some time, 2 hours to post the whole album.

Why the fuck haven't these gotten an official translation yet? Why not even reprints?

This stuff has massive potential, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if Hollywood would be interested if Praedor just had more exposure, so why does Hiltunen just sit on his ass? I doubt the publisher has much say in the matter

I have no fucking idea and you're absolutely right that Praedor has massive fucking potential. That just makes it even more absurd!

Hes a Finn. He does it for the memes.

That's the book with tasteful homosexuality in a fantasy setting, no?

I've seen in once before, on /tg/ I think. It's a nice comic and I'm happy to read it again. Thank you OP.

>Why the fuck haven't these gotten an official translation yet? Why not even reprints?

Anglos don't translate, basically. I'd wager my left ball that only one of the two involved in this scanlation could actually speak its original language and both only learned english as a foreign language.