They cut the scene that made it obvious she was gay

>They cut the scene that made it obvious she was gay

This is the fucking christfags doing.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not a christfag and even I'm sick of the homo agenda.

Nobody cares. Fuck off.

>This is the fucking christfags doing.
No, it's Russia and China. Russia makes your films rated R with any hint of gay, and China blocks your film, because a country suffering from overpopulation doesn't want to encourage the one sexual aspect that would decrease that problem.

The 'homo agenda' of wanting to exist in media, outside crude stereotypes. Wow what a over reaching agenda.

does anyone else just assume that all women on screen are bi unless otherwise stated?

>They cut the scene that made it obvious she was gay

>This is the fucking christfags doing.

For this one in particular it's more like they hyped her up as being the MCU's first LGBT character and then there was fucking none of that in the actual film.

Which, in terms of publicity and markets ( is relevant) is pretty much win-win for Marvel and Disney.

I'll bite.

Why would we ever want to call attention to it? Shouldn't it just be incidental? Not "hello, I'm X, the gay person, who is gay, who sleeps with people of my own sex". Instead we should get a female/male saying "she killed my wife/husband and I want revenge" or something like that and not much else. Also making older straight characters straight is ridiculous.

Nod true, Last Star Trek was pg-13, there was gay dudes, and they're hated much more.
t. Russian

That shirt makes me laugh.

>>They cut the scene that made it obvious she was gay

Link? I wanna see this scene, for reasons.

Oranges and apples, you can call for coyness after gay characters are not seen as anything special, which they currently are not.

But gay people are special, they're a very small subset of the population. More people have IBS then are gay.

>outside of crude stereotypes
name 1 non crude stereotype in main modern media because i sure as hell cant. the stereotype is all the have to cover shit writers.
90s was the gay kino decade.

Good, you shouldn't make a characters sexuality a defining feature. Jim Lahey is the best example of a gay character done right. The fact that he is gay isn't a big statement or deal, he just happens to be gay and they don't make a big deal about it, and when he jokes about being attracted to Julian it feels natural, bevause they're actual jokes and not just "I'm gay lol".

Right? It's like watching two mirrors face each other as he publicly boasts about being her extramarital affair.

>ITT: Straight people have an opinion on how gay people should be

I bet you're all republicans too, huh.

That's why there's a push for more gay in media. Most gays don't like being seen as special exceptions. Take redheads for example. They're pretty rare, but we see them all the time in media, so nobody thinks gingers are anything special. Just uncommon.

You don't know what the cut scene is like. It could've been very natural and subt-
Nevermind, they made the right decision.

Then take your agenda to the Muslimfags, that throw gays out of the windows. They will appreciate it.

you are the minority, fag. deal with it

When is LGBT going to become truly normalized? Not vilified, not praised, just...there.

Problem is a vocal part of the viewing population freak the fuck out and assume an agenda is being pushed if a gay character so much as hand holds.

This leads to the stupid cycle you describe with the stereotypes and gay mentioning every other scene.

The scene wasn't officially shown I think, they just mentioned removing it

Both of those are terrible examples and evidence of bad writing. You want something so subtle you'd have to question it would even exist. When you get shite like that people will wonder if she was even bi. Personally I thought the scene where she's fighting Hela for the first time was evidence of bisexuality but in the exact fashion I'm certain other people probably didn't pick up on it.

People who want rid of the "homo agenda" aren't the people who want the scene with any evidence of bisexuality they're convinced that ANY attention brought to their sexuality BECOMES their identity because it will never leave their mind. A normal functioning member of society would just shrug it off as she's queer, cool but the internet is a very loud place filled with mewling quims.

>When is LGBT going to become truly normalized? Not vilified, not praised, just...there.
There was a brief period in late nineties/early 00s where it almost happened. For example when the creator of Gargoyles said one of his characters was gay, there was a resounding "Eh, okay" There was very little anger and very little exagerated praise, it was just a thing.

But then something shifted in the western cultural momentum. And all the race issues and gender issues everybody thought were nearly patched erupted again.

less than 5% of the global population.

you fags don't exist as much as you think you do.

Exactly. There are more crippled people than homos. I don't see cripple representation being a thing...yet.

America Chavez... which coincidentally is Marvel.

Well, Marvel current is shit anyway.

Who cares about such a small percentage of the global population? You just don't have the numbers to be relevant.

All I get from this is-

"Being bi is being gay."

Well... yeah. Being bi is a bit gay.

>The 'homo agenda' of wanting to exist in media, outside crude stereotypes
You say that but every media ive every watched Hollywood always portrays them as crude stereotypes.

>based on skewed results because there are still entire nations where you are tortured and killed for being gay

>gay character
Waaah, muh gay agenda

>straight character
Waaah, muh christfags

This, Marvel would have cap break both arms of a gay man if it meant it would be aired in china, can't affort to lose that box office, no matter how many tumblrites get severe anal bleeding

Be more triggered, faggot

He talks about numbers in the USA , y'know probably the country with most trannies after brazil

I think the shift was that the Iraq war made certain media companies that they could make a shitload more money and fill up time in their 24/7 news networks by having two talking heads shout at each other non stop, and that by grossly oversimplifiying ideology, economics and world events they could atttract previously apolitical idiots to watch. The gay thing and a lot of racial shit became culturally reignited in part to fill time and get that "angry boomer" demo.

>taking bait this obvious

Welcome, newfriend

It's always the fucking media, huh?

we can pin point it to 2007-2009. it was when the cultural shift happened.

But "she killed my wife" is exactally what would be shown.

even here in brazil they are a stupidly forgetable number of the population. fags also usually hangout among places who are known for heavy drugs and other bad shit.
middle class teenager girls and women are the only ones who care about them because of tv shows love showing faggotry

>Marvel's bi-erasure extends to the MCU

Cripple representation was a thing in the 90's, back when media did diversity as "we can all get along" instead of "we're stealing your things"

>be hated by loud mouthed bigots and forced into societal exile because a proportionally small portion of the population hates you but is much louder and aggressive and violent

Your existing representation in media is disproportionate to your actual % of the population. In media 35% of people are lgbtqat3.1415926535897...
while in real life it's only about 5% or 6% of the actual population.

On a side note, if she was gay in the movie then I think it was handled magnificently because it really has no bearing on her character either way. She was badly affected by the death of someone important to her and would like to forget about it, but can't so she wants revenge. That's all you need to know. You don't have to have unnecessary information shoved into your face just for a real world agenda.

People go to movies to escape real world crap for a little while, but real world crap keeps getting shoved into movies, tv shows, books, games and normal people are tired of it.
tl;dr lgbtqat3.1415926535897 are overrepresented and normal people are tired of having homo shit shoved in their faces.

why you gotta be racist towards brazilians

Oh hell yeah, I'm getting sick of this shit. And I swing both ways man, I don't need to know everyone's passion for a fucking. Hate to sound like Travis Touchdown here but it's true. If your one quality of a character is that you're gay or trans, then you're a horrible character. We need to have characters who are gay or trans or whatever but actually real life fucking people that don't need to mention about it.

I think Mission Hill's gay couple expressed this greatly, we have two dudes who basically love each other and aren't shoving it in your face. They fight, they have make up sex, they enjoy each other like a couple instead of portraying them as hot and sexy all the damn time.

>Your existing representation in media is disproportionate to your actual % of the population. In media 35% of people are lgbtqat3.1415926535897. while in real life it's only about 5% or 6% of the actual population.

I love how this meme only applies to minorities but not whites. You faggots are overrepresented.

>Human statistics should apply to all fictional universes let alone alien species

Well you know how some gays are about bis.

Implying Hollywood gives a shit about the russian market

China is the only one that makes sense to cut it out


The part where her wife died wasn't obvious?

>two girls in the same scene

This mentality is the wrong kind

Terrible character. The same generic stronk womyn of color stereotype you find in most films these days.

Not at all.
At no point does she allude to her grief being anything beyond survivor's guilt over being the only valkyrie to make it.

Speaking of, how the fuck did she survive?
Sure Blondie took the hit for her, but what stopped Hela from killing Black Val five second later?

And why did they exchange zero dialogue at the end?

And why is nobody bothered by the convenience of Thor bumping into another Asgardian in the middle of nowhere, who just happens to want revenge on Hela?

And how the fuck did Odin cover up his and Hela's past when Asgardians are practically immortal? Val hasn't visibly aged a day since she fought Hela.
Wouldn't tons of current Asgardians have been around at the time?

And were those 200 people (at most) really the entire population of Asgard?

Fuck this movie is dumb.

I get the point of depicting gay people in media is mean to be progressive, but from a practical standpoint a character's sexuality isn't important in a lot of stories.

Like, I think you can use it for romantic comedy or for relationship comedy, or maybe for romantic drama. But supposing your story doesn't involve some brand of romantic storytelling, a person's orientation is really fuckin' trivial, you know?

Oh, so if statistics don't matter, why have gays in films at all simply because they exist in real life?

Why does literally every "powerful" female character have to be a dyke?

Because otherwise they might be attracted to a male, and then they would no longer be powerful and in control.
Truly strong women hate men with all their hearts and beat them constantly, both physically and mentally.

Nobody uses statistics to justify putting gays in films, dumbass. They exist and thats it.

the patriarchy sees any powerful woman as a threat so they think she must be a dyke to "put her down"

blame men for making strong women lesbians

If Whites and heterosexuals are producing most entertainment in the West, they don't actually NEED to cater to or represent anyone else, unless there's money to be made in doing so. No-one owes you anything, make your own entertainment.

You answered your own question. He killed everyone who remembered.

or be like india and make your own Hollywood.


>they exist
Barely. They neither need or warrant the kind of "representation" they are getting.
Normal people are getting sick of it.

>Let Crazy Dykes Into your movement because you’re desperate for numbers and can’t police yourselves
>People start associating you with Crazy Dykes
>Somehow this is the fault of men
Birds of a feather flock together.

as always, men are to blame.

Who is that? He looks familiar but I can't place them

>We have to be represented all the time. It’s not enough to just have to ability to live like normal people, no. We have to be constantly pandered and paid attention to to represent our specialness.
You are a gigantic child.

Just wait until they have more kids, then you'll see the numbers go up!


>Implying Marvel is run by Christians
They're run by Jews that are trying to appeal to the Chinese Market. And guess what? Despite not being religious, let alone Christian, the Chinese don't approve of homosexuality. It's almost like there's some strange pattern of isolated cultures realizing the same conclusion that homosexuals and homosexuality is a genetic dead end piled with higher chances of STD, suicide, depression, bullying, etc that turns people off from it.

Be less fragile.

It's funny because homos are the fragile ones who break down from hearing words they don't like, but now you're ironically calling someone else fragile!

Boo hoo there's gays in the media.

Do we really need gay people? What purpose do they serve?

>Every character is default hetero
>Downgraded to bisexual
>Eventually confirmed degenerate homo

Thanks for clarifying, guys!

And yet people got mad at Star Trek Beyond

Not sure if bait but China has kind of had a long running history of having conceited ignorant evil rulers that could, i don't know, be homophobic and then make being gay punishable by death.

That kind of has a large effect on a population that otherwise doesnt know.

no, but I wish to share in your vision

To conservatives, scapegoats; to liberals, pets.

>to liberals, pets
Oh. so like brown people?

Actually Chinese has rapidly growing christian population. Also they were pretty okay with homosexuality in general so long as it didn't lead to depravity.
Although you're absolutely right about the cost of STD, suicide, depression, bullying turn the people away from it.
name one emperor who ordered the death of gays. Don't make bullshit to sell your narrative.

except the only one hyping her was Tessa herself and all it was was her stating in an interview that her headcanon for Valkyrie was that she was bi. Nothing official about it was ever said, people just fell for the clickbait headlines

They protect the herd while not producing offspring of their own to place more value on. Thats the literal evolutionary reason.

Russia is why we keep getting Ice Age films

Not everyone needs to provide some personal benefit to you

Everyone was talking about Cate Blanchett as Hela but this bitch got my dick hard as well. Especially in that armor in the final scenes. Idk why but I have such a huge fetish for action girls.

Anybody else doesn't mind gays, just the liberals that hype them all the time?

>This is the fucking christfags doing.
No it's called Disney wants to have it's cake and it eat it too. They want their brownie points they missed out when Wonder Woman movie happened, but they don't want ID-political outrage to hinder it's blockbuster draw power.

Everything has at least a few people made about something. What's your point?

they fetishize them to the point where it becomes disturbing. They care nothing about the characters

I do, but I also feel like lesbian shit in general is the most played safe bullshit. Being Gay on the other hand...

posted too soon. They'll throw the SJWs a bone by adding that scene in the dvds.