So the SAGA OF STAR BUTTERFLY continues tomorrow?

So the SAGA OF STAR BUTTERFLY continues tomorrow?
Was there any spoiler or hint that Toffee returns?

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Unfortunately no user
And knowing Eclipsa is free, it's apparently confirmed he ded

Literally the most anyone could hope for is that Eclipsa has an interest in him for some reason, with a reappearance linked to that.

But I don't think it's likely, and he's dead for sure. The only reason it doesn't seem totally impossible is that 3 isn't the last season.

There's no chance he's dead. Being crushed by a giant pillar when you are immortal is nothing. He'll crawl out from under there eventually.

If so, why don't they just crystallize him?

Also there's still the whole everyone being quizzical about his name. I doubt that was just a quirk.

But his flesh isn't typical septarian flesh anymore. Also Eclipsa is free Toffee is dead.

The whole scene,from Toffee reappearing to walking away was amazing and i love it but no matter what, this screenshot along with the redraws always makes me laugh. Moon just lost everything and Toffee is just like "is this bitch done with her tantrum or what?"

I like when they have him sigh in a "fuck this" way when Moon starts charging toward him.

Back to the time-out corner.

Ludo has his finger so something might happen.


Yeah it's been awhile since unseen it. It was a bit before or a bit after he got crushed by the pillar he grabbed his finger. I'll see if I can find it.
Woops it was toffee eye not his finger that he grabbed. Sorry it's towards the end after he gets crushed by the pillar.

Thats a comical moment and not really forshadowing or any sort of hint

The only thing that I can think of is the fact that only Toffee's eye remained and there is a noticeable glowing eye on the season 3 poster that was recently made. There's also the fact that I really think there might be a little bit more about him that we just do not know yet but it is possible to end his story where it ended so I don't know

I don't believe he's coming back but just to play devil's advocate, people said the same type of thing about the wand unicorn when it was first introduced, Eclipsa's chapter causing possession, etc.

that's why i got confused, i clearly remember that that was an eye

I too knew it was an eye but still looket it up since Toffee IS missing his finger the instant before being hitted by the bean (but after that appears with all fingers so it was just an animation error)

I think Rasticore would be enough of a Septarian-Regen subplot for the time being, but maybe we'll get to see the last of him now since it was him who helped Ludo in the void, and he still has his eye. I don't know.

>didn't hear it's now the Jackie Lynn Thomas show

Post Janna

>Those eyes
Not my Jackie

i think it would have been better if i tried to start conversation about Toffee in this thread

can we talk about the lore and not about the ship?

Also, is Eclipsa really evil or she is a misunderstood person? we should also not forget that Nefcy said Toffee isn't "evil" so i'm pretty sure his story isn't finished.

Sorry, not sorry :

Toffee seriously was the most disappointing villain since the Korra roster.

Anyone remember THIS dipshit?

About Eclipsa, she said she has self control issues so, not evil on puspose but can cause quite the disaster.
About Toffee,he must have had a reason to put Comet on his novelty tent and will not rest until i learn those reasons

>That excitement
muh heart

Star Vs. the Forces of Evil is a better, or at least more useful, title for fans and creating awareness of the show than Star and... would be, because just abbreviating it "Star Vs." sounds good and is still obvious what's talking about. The other version would have to be, what, SATFOE? Star and the FOE?

But Star and the Forces of Evil works better for emphasizing the negative aspects of Star/Mewni, how Ludo was pretty much a main character in the first two seasons, and now Star's involvement with Eclipsa. Now that I think about it places both on a more even level.

It shouldn't be that deep, but it is.

>Toffee seriously was the most disappointing villain since the Korra roster.
Yeah, but to be fair I think that they intended for him to be the final boss. Then they got the greenlight for two more season so they wanted to continue with Eclipsa. I still have hope that he'll be brought back in some way. Eclipsa knows a lot about monsters and the occult, so it woulnd't surprise me if she brought him back from the dead. That or Rasticore might help.

He's dead Jim

>tfw you care more about Svtfoe lore than your own life.

i really have a shitty life indeed.

What do you care most about?
>Will Star be a good princess?
>Whats moon all about?
>Is Janna really the cutest? answer yes

Not that user, but:
>genuinely cares about mewni but doesn't know what she's doing most of the time since she wasn't trained properly
>the final boss
>no, it'sHekapoo

everythings in the story.
but Star at the top.

I'm the only person who fear the show is gonna end on a bad note? like marco and Star departure or even somethings like "everyone forget about everythings, except Star." ?

>like marco and Star departure or even somethings like "everyone forget about everythings, except Star." ?

I would love this, more sshows need to have sad ending, they are great come to think of it I cn't think of a sinle cartoon with a straight up sad ending

Which one would you like?

Jackie Janna hybrid looks cute

Star/Jackie or the triple fusion.

>more starcofags tears
>only one earth center episode
>another Marco and Hpoo episode
>Eclipsa possible leading Star
>Possible Monster arm return or mention
>Star makes Mewni people monsters apologists

Are you ready for this possible train wreck/ Disappointment / Awesome shit?


Star/Janna is objectively the best. Jackie pls go stay go

rillerino pls starjanna

How does it feel being so wrong

Jannastar pls

Y'know what, Star/Janna too.

What's the name of this filter? I swear I'm seeing more and more artists use it. It turns makes the colors faded and uses that circular pattern.


Hey, now! Zaheer deserves a bit of credit! If only for sort of managing to seize the role of season's protagonist from Korra and improving the show that way.

1,2 ,3 makes my pee pee hard


Could we stop with these rolling images? It just makes the threads die faster and fucks up discussion


Post waifus!



Everyone wants JanStar
So Janna really makes anything better.
Jannafriends win again

Here goes nothing.

id love to be vored by my princess

Janna is the cutest confirmed!

And Jackie makes things worse

ahh jeeze


Janna is the perfect woman

You can fuse her with anything and it gets better.

>train wreck/ Disappointment
>doubting the madwoman

No she isn't
Thats what makes her perfect

Jackie/Janna best

>later that same day

all of the combinations are hideous

>She uses a spell to turn the Marcobody into a zombie and controlls him with his heart
>she got this fetish watching "Warm Bodies"

This pure Janna is best Janna

best girl

That was one of the weirdest adaption of any story I've seen.

All Jannas are pure




Janna! It's Janna ladies and gentlemen

Excuse me but I love Janna, so you're stupid

How about some alt-fusion?

>that bottom one's pose
Fuckin LEWD
I'd go with triple treat.

Rollin for that thicc Starkie


Eclipsa will just resurrect Toffee. That's why he was so cocky after Star blasted him. He knew she would be free and could bring him back.

the only true chart
Wich one is it?

Triple treat>Stanna>Starkie>Jankie
Starkie>Jankie>Stanna>Triple treat


Why is she SO perfect?

r.i.p. in peace

So... where are those Jannas people?

stalking marco in his closet i guess.
Maybe even every single Janna from every dimension

Truly Manna is the purest form of love

Starckie is such a babydoll in both versions
they need to fuck right about now

Will Janna ever become the queen Mewni deserves, bros?

>Marco marries Star
>"Call me after your divorce"
>Janna becomes queen when Star dies and Marco remarries

It's possible

How will the wand look like when Janna wants to use it?

In our heart