Henry Cavill Read Superman Rebirth and Confirms Black Suit


i love this guy

They should have just had Kal El land in England and went with that.

this interview perfectly shows why every person hating on him should be knocked the fuck out

I have to see this movie just to see how obvious it is that the pornstashe got cged out.

The guy just seems so kindhearted.

Is it confirmed we live in the True Brit universe?

Also Henry is pure and deserves better.

Ooh Raised by Farmers.

He'd still not give a shite about most of Britain. And would have voted Brexit. If just to spite the urban arseholes.

Cavill deserves better than Snyder. I wish someone would let him be the charismatic fucker he is instead of the emo fuck Snyder forces him to play.

>he reads comics and current floppies

Nigga just became /myguy/

Say what you will about his superman, but Cavil's just a nice kind of dude. I mean, this is the guy that almost DIDN'T get cast cause he was too busy to pick up the phone fucking around on Warcraft. His real personality has the humble sort of confidence (but not arrogant) sense of how he carries himself, yet the way he acts and behaves is just a jolly 'nother day at work for him. He's Superman, he's mustached, and he's fine with that.

No one hates Cavill.
They hate the Caped Autist he's been forced to portray in badly written movies.
He's hardly the first nice guy to play a role people don't like.

while i dont disagree that he is charismatic as fuck, its mostly because he is ridiculously attractive.

fucking based

Cavill's a nice guy, but he can't act and he's been given a wooden role. I don't hate him but he's a bad Superman.


>but he can't act
Have you only ever seen him in capeshit movies? He's a damn good actor outside of them.

Him and Evans are the true embodiment of their chatacters it's just that Cavill has been given a shitty script.

Also he fricking reads comics and is into World of Warcraft and table top games, I want to marry him.

Did he ever comment on FO4?

Someone hasn’t seen Man from UNCLE

He was upstaged by Mickey Roarke in SPEAR AND MAGIC HELMET in the movie Immortals.
He's pure television-tier as an actor.

Yes, he was pretty decent in a well directed and VERY well written spy movie once.

Based on everything I've read about him, I'm not entirely convinced he isn't an actual Clark Kent from a different universe that ended up in ours.

>Yes, he was pretty decent in a well directed and VERY well written spy movie once.
So was Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans. Neither of them have achieved any real success outside the MCU. Scarlett is fucking terrible also. But people like them so they do watch them.

>Henry Cavill as Superdad

We NEED this

God Damn, this guy is attractive.

>Cavill: It's fucking shit for casuals "proceeds to Todposting"

>Henry Cavill as Superdad

>Russel Crow as Mr. Oz

I need this.

This. Oh my God. This!

Post furry, futa, mlp and trap porn in those panels.

>In the article, Cavill also describes his love of video games. “I’ve been playing a lot of single player games, like Skyrim,” he reveals. “Goodness, that’s a great game. “
>Indeed, his love of games is so great that when director Zack Snyder called to offer him the Man of Steel role, he nearly missed out due to playing World of Warcraft. “I saw it was him [calling] but the thing is, you can’t save World of Warcraft, you can’t pause it. It’s live.”
>"I do it all the time." Henry Cavill admits he visits fan forums. "Trolling happens."

Or just having Supes in Hamilton/Smallville instead of Metropolis

Eat shit!

What a guy

>Neither of them have achieved any real success outside the MCU.
Snow White and the Huntsman made 4x the box office as Man from U.N.C.L.E, which made about the same as Into the Heart of the Sea.

Dude, UNCLE only made $25 million over it's budget, even Evans' work in the Fox F4 movies is more successful than that.

What reality are you living in?

I think he was talking about critical success

No. You eat shit, fuck face!

can you call anything that can't recoup it's costs a success on any level?
Man from UNCLE failed to break even against it's modest marketing budget.
Also, it has a 6.2 average critic score, it wasn't lauded as an incredible movie by any measure.
And it's by far and away Cavill's best performance to date.

Your being gay for him doesn't make him this Great Success.

>he could be here trolling the fuck outta DCU Film threads and we'd never know

>Snow White and the Huntsman
It was shit though so why would I care how much it made? Cavill is in Mission Impossible you faggot, if that makes a shit ton of money are you going to start claiming he's great?

UNCLE wasn't a critical success, but Into the Heart of the Sea didn't break even either and both Snow White and the Huntsman (6.1 critic score on IMDb) and the new Star Trek movies were critically panned.

He's in Mission Impossible though which is guaranteed to make more than Snow White. Also Hemsworth was still fucking terrible in that movie so I don't get what your point is.

>>>>"It's very difficult to take a picture of your own S"

When he got the role of Superman, he called his folks and none of them really cared.

Shit's sad.

I want to groom this man's mustache while Amy Adams sucks his dick

>Critical panning matters when it's not muh DCEU.
Jesus Christ, you guys will never settle on metrics, will you?

Knowing what Cavill is like when the cameras are off is what makes me equate Snyder with Shymalan.

For real

Is not for Snyder and Goyer, he could have been a fantastic Superman.

Maybe Joss and Zack's Frankenstein movie will fix Superman's shit. Not too many extensional crisis episodes and not too many quips. Just right.

It's too late now. It doesn't matter how pretty the skylight is, if the foundation is falling apart the house is still doomed.

>Superaman is resurrected just like his character
I can't think of more perfect time to recton him into the perfect Superman
It rhymes

Two wildly different but equally terrible directors independently working on the same movie isn't going to "fix" a goddamned thing.

And like said, his Superman is kinda fucked even if the next outing has competent people running the show.

Nah, he'd need that plus a reboot and a new Lois.

If the DCEU does get rebooted, i hope to god that Henry stays. I would say Ben too, but we need a younger Bats.

The DCEU sucks balls, as did Huntsman. I like the Star Trek movies but that doesn't mean critics or real Star Trek fans did. But the DCEU's perceived quality has nothing to do with whether or not the other Chris' have been successful outside of the MCU/DCEU.

>and a new Lois.
Not muh wifu

>“You’ve got to enjoy life! I mean, you’ve got to,” Cavill said. “When I’m making money I’m spending it on nice stuff, whether that be lavish holidays for me and my friends or just seeing something and going in a shop and saying, ‘Yeah, I want that for the house,’ and buying it.”

>He stressed that the money isn’t spent on himself alone. He likes to splurge on his friends. He also pointed out he is especially grateful for his money when it comes to long-distance travel.

>“Spending money on my friends, buying dinner for everyone, drinks for everyone, it’s a nice place to be, and I like people to feel cared for,” he said. “People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this, but travel’s great as long as you’re going first class. I mean, traveling to New Zealand in economy, it sucks. Especially if you’re over six feet. But first class? I’m not going to ever pretend to be coy about that. I love it.”

Is he still getting snu snu from Angel Dust?


He really could be an amazing Superman. He showed more personality in this one interview than almost 6 hours of movie time. Just shows what a complete and utter hack Snyder is.

Will the Rebirth comics save the movie?

Don't get me wrong, I like Adams.

But she is a TERRIBLE Lois Lane.