What do crystal gems feel like? are they hard like rock or gemstones or do they just feel like humans?

what do crystal gems feel like? are they hard like rock or gemstones or do they just feel like humans?

uhh human

never has it been implied they feel any different from humans.

Their bodies are, for the lack of a better term, projected matter. So while having form and enough give to manipulate themselves they have no internal structures just a consistent density.

Flesh like outer layer - Bones + Empty filler = Hot Dogs

Gems feel like hot dogs.

they have some softness to them

Gems do not have female genitalia no what your dick has told you

Titty is not genitalia.

>Ronaldo punches Pearl's hand and hurts himself
>Sadie bites Topaz's hand and it bothers Topaz enough to release her

This is retarded

alot of stuff doesn't have female genitalia but dammit user i'm still gonna stick it in there just to see

You can break your hand punching a normal human being. Happens all the time

When standing right next to them there is a disturbing lack of presence.

>Gems do not have female genitalia

...As far as we know.

But they have other physical characteristics that resemble the female form, so who knows?

Smooth like stone but soft, slightly cooler than human flesh, flexible as flesh but without the wrinkles or folds human skin has.

Why do gems have breasts? ,it's not like they need them

I don't know much about SU, but I feel like I saw someone at some point mention the creator saying that Rose emulated a human female reproductive system or something so she and Greg could have a kid, right? So, they CAN have a pussy, if they want. They ARE shapeshifters to a degree, aren't they?

Perhaps they can shift their density consciously.

They don't, bar fanart. The only Gem who actually has tits is Rose, because she's an anthrophile.

They were created as shapeshifting automatons. Copying native life is part of their base programming. Humanity was the first and only intelligent species they ever came across and despite their disdain for all organic life they found the human form so useful that it became their default form.

To an absolute degree. Amethyst proved capable of transforming into a fully functional helicopter. (And a little car). So they can even form moving parts.

But I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Amethyst is the shapeshifting champion of all gems anywhere. Garnet rarely changes, and we have never seen Pearl change her shape at all except after being poofed (leading to much speculation).

Anyway, Amethyst could undoubtedly form female genitals assuming they don't already have such, but despite her earthly nature I feel she's a bit body-shy when it comes to the touchy-feely stuff.

Topaz did not strike me as particularly impressive, physically, given how big she is. Connie was giving her a fight.
Maybe Topaz is Era 2 and therefore a wimp compared to Era 1 gems.
And, of course, Pearl has been a warrior for 6000 years - and probably the most fanatical trainer of her kind.

They are literally human.


user, we live in an era where fellas have new kinks and want to touch things with their dicks

They literally are not.

they are realtime hard-light projections of simulated homo sapiens sapiens, with significant abstraction below the surface (skin) level.

Ronaldo is also Ronaldo

Pearl is a trap and he is definitely not gay.


They have humanoid forms.
They are not human, retard. Learn what the word "literally" actually means

Considering how gems are made out of energy, sex with them would be amazing

be married to


They can form them though, if the need should arise. That's how Steven got made.