Dem french comics, mang

dem french comics, mang

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Is this another one of those broody loser broods while cute girls throw themselves at him but his idiotic hang ups don't let him enjoy life comics?

girls have cooties user, gross


Reminder that this is STILL assault, whether it's a male or female perpetrator


The Japanese and the French have a lot in common it seems.

I don't know why that comic triggers me. I hate this slice of life shit.

Japs and Frogs have been mutual admirers for quite some time actually.

what does it say

So are the French so randy because the British are such prudes or is it the other way around?

>tfw you will never have a cute submissive blonde bf to bully around
Why even bother living?

>You have worked enough for today, haven't you?
>I'm just in/I've just arrived.

>I'm not in the mood Heidi...

>Are you sure?

>Come on, don't be so prude/sulky/whiny

Americans are so prude that this shocks you.

Now I can understand why Muslims love US. They share lots of it.

not shocked, just disgusted. armpits are gross, and french women who rollerblade down the promenade with their unhsaven arm hair are pretty disgusting too


>being this virgin

Nah, the japanese would've let you see them...

I just want more Dad.

May I have a source please?

What was the name of this again? I think I've only read the first book here on co.

>he doesnt want to stick his nose into a womans hairy, stinky pits

What a fag

I'll give you a hint, user. That post isn't referring to the character.



Is there context for this? Or does the boy just crave cock?


Well, now I feel silly.
Thanks user.

Who would not crave cock in France?


Que salsa

>only some of my children are white, I've no idea why

>pubic hair

That is not how Spanish works. You are literally saying: "What (a) sauce!"

Try saying: "Cual es la salsa?"

>fucking in hay

Wtf I was speaking french

Why did he scream? What did she do?

They look like a couple to me judging from . So it's different.

>Oh la la that was good!

>Hey, we should do it again !

>Ahah, no, it is physically impossible you see.

>Come on, I'm sure it can work.

Different moms, same dad.

why are they taking over france, then?



Actual virgins will disagree to this.

>Helping someone improve their Spanish is being a cunt

Because the MC was retarded and blew the chance with both girls
I mean, even in fiction, how can you be that socially inept

>Prison School
I dunno if I would use this as an example for, well, anything except some sort of surrealist fetish romance

I get people don't like unwanted sexual advances, or even that they can be scary for fear it'll turn violent if you refuse.

But I worry we're making a society where no one can make any sort of advance because the only thing separating romance from sexual harassment is the ability to psychically tell if someone is in to you without having to ask. If you guess wrong, your life can be ruined instantly. So why try at all?

He was still sensitive.

>But I worry we're making a society where no one can make any sort of advance because the only thing separating romance from sexual harassment is the ability to psychically tell if someone is in to you without having to ask. If you guess wrong, your life can be ruined instantly. So why try at all?
I'm slowly giving up on it myself desu.

I wanna read Vives' new book about bitter sweet summer romance and /ss/.

>But I worry we're making a society where no one can make any sort of advance because the only thing separating romance from sexual harassment is the ability to psychically tell if someone is in to you without having to ask. If you guess wrong, your life can be ruined instantly. So why try at all?
I have the same fear, doubly so because I lead a team of 8 people on my job and it's getting super easy to trigger someone without meaning to with an off color joke.
As for the romance department, we may as well not do anything except talking and let the other person do all the physical advancing. Or alternatively, do the smart thing and date someone not in this culture (immigrants, international dating, shit like that)

Well lately I've at least realized why everyone insists you've 'missed your chance' if you didn't have a ton of sex before high school. Before high school, it's all just kids not knowing better and clearly needing more strict abstinence only education. By high school, authorities are more willing to try people as adult. For boys, anyway.

>been thinking about this image for years since my laptop died
>randomly shows up on the front page of Sup Forums
yes! yes!


Go on.

Getting visited by the picture fairy is always nice.

At least with women being allowed to harass there's still an avenue. Even if it's a less used one that's unfair to men, at least it can still happen. But what happens when no one is allowed to speak to each other?

All for equality, but maybe we need to examine if a sexual advance on it's own should be considered morally wrong. I'd be willing to tank some booty touch so long as the line is drawn at people who get loud, violent, or insistent when you refuse.

I wish I could but I can't read French!
It is available on Amazon Kindle internationally though.

And what is your point? Cause i cant see it


I don't speak baguette. whats it say?

It says: Putain, mais d’où tu me touches là ? Oh, allez, mais n’importe quoi, sérieux ! Allez, va mourir, là ! Putain, vous avez vu ça, il est à dix kilomètres de moi !

It is a French comic after all.

At least most regulations and maybe the law still say whether something constitutes harassment needs to be determined by a reasonable person (judge or jury), so while the nutjobs can scream loudly about RAPE and HARASSMENT, a judge and normal person can still throw the case out if it is just some harpy screams
Really though, just avoid these people when you date. If they turn out to be one, get out

stupid woman, everybody knows that Adam doesn't swing that way

Maybe it's just sour grapes, but I'm starting to see sex as overrated and I'd only really be interested in it as part of a long-term relationship like marriage. Probably because I ERP online and already get my rocks off that way, so the only real appeal to me is the intimacy/procreation bit.

I dont speak surrendermonkey. what does it say?

>No turn into a plane position
>No carrying an edgelord position
Trash list



How does one impart the Art of War upon the dating scene, ol' wise Sun Tzu

Sound of the door swinging open/close.

>The art of dating, then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: (1) The Bro Code; (2) The Apartment; (3) The Club; (4) The Wingman; (5) Method and cologne.

Unless everyone treats you as guilty by default. Including after it's thrown out in court.

>I'm starting to see sex as overrated

That's true but not the accurate way to put it. It's more like people misunderstand how important the emotional aspect of the act is, and that includes men and women. Sex just to pass time by having sex is kind of ho hum and empty.

anyone have a link to that french cartoon where a little boy is given a doll by his grandma and it comes to life and fucks him?

True, nothing is worse than guilty in public opinion, but if you find yourself in a situation where everyone is being unreasonable, you would be better off removing yourself from the toxic environment anyway.

thank you

Wait, why is she speaking danish?

Badly accented Danish at that.
What a strange decision.

>I'm starting to see sex as overrated
It is don't get me wrong it feels great but even with someone you love it's a shallow and surface-level pleasure.

>It's more like people misunderstand how important the emotional aspect of the act is
Sex exist solely for reproduction. The problem is people trying to find some greater meaning in sex

You sound someone who has never had a fuck you were truly in to.

You sound like somebody who's never done something enjoyable outside of sex.

It's a pretty simple concept. Man or woman, a great deal of physical attraction relies on an individual basis of what you think of the other person. Physical attraction easily follows mental attraction. A person you thought nothing of before physically can become incredibly beautiful to you once you get to know them.

This is the just how most people work.

And so goes sex. If you're not in to why you're doing it or who you're doing it with or some other reason within the act itself, it feels pretty ordinary. Mental engagement can drastically change the experience for the better or for the worse.

I don't disagree with anything you have said I just don't think in grand scheme of things sex is all that

the only thing we have in common is that we take a lot of antidepressant

Are you feeling OK Satan, you know we are all here for you, and that you can come back home anytime you want.

>No carrying an edgelord position
That's the "Same but with less touching eww"

>because the only thing separating romance from sexual harassment is the ability to psychically tell if someone is in to you without having to ask. If you guess wrong, your life can be ruined instantly.
It's easily avoided if you just make sure you're not unattractive.

Isn't this by the guy that mad e that incest /ss/ comic with the faceless farm girl with huge tits giving her donkey dicked little brother handjobs and getting gang raped by doctors that the author insisted was some kind of convoluted metaphor for his thoughts on capitalism and not at all incest rape porn?
Because it looks like the same artist.

Los Melones de la ira? The /ss/ part is a really minor one. It's mostly about the doctor rape.

I just found it amusing that the guy had the gall to say it wasn't intended as porn.

So bland that the only reason anyone talks about them is because of the nudity/sex.

Source user!!


Nasty nasty french...

More please!

Best reason I can think is a H.C. Andersen shout out. She's certainly not voiced by a native speaker.


It certainly shouldn't be seen as such, it's just its placement in society as a pinnacle/postgame content to a relationship makes it seem greater. It's just a facet of a relationship that can be useful for bonding as well as entertainment, and shouldn't be the most defining factor so much as a regular factor in a relationship.

yo fuck france