Recommend some webcomics, Sup Forums

Recommend some webcomics, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Rice Boy
Order of Tales

Next Town Over
Sleepless Domain


Are webcomics becoming too neo-con and influenced by rightwingnut murika?

>Erfworld btw

Heroquest has a webcomic called King of Sartar. I posted a thread but no one took the b8.


Errant Story.

Join the best fandom


Love it just for someone embracing the weirdness of Glorantha.

blm comic?

Romantically Apocoliptic, Gone with the Blast wave. Also vote for Zee Captian in the next election, for he/she/glurp is a Wizard.

I honestly thought that thumbnail was a picture of a circuitboard with a huge shit on top of it.

Digger if you want a completed story


i like vattu, but it's too long and too slow, and sometimes it's hard to get the character's motivations, or their feelings.

Unsounded. There is currently a break between chapters so plenty of time to catch up. It resumes in the new year. Its author/artist is very punctual and when it's running it updates three times a week. Great world, characters, story, and art.

John John's Queer Experience

Wait there's a fucking Dark Souls comic and nobody told me? Is it any good?

you damn skippy its good. none of it is official though and its all fan-made but the quality of the art and storytelling is muy bien.

Kill yourself my man.

Elf is a treasure.

>AD&D: The Comic
Shame it hardly ever pops up when it comes to recommendations.

Assigned Male


Sure, I'm in the middle of storytiming a little every night. Be careful, it's not for the weak of heart.

>no "he is a good boy"

Maybe you're just a brainlet?

Devil's Candy.
Camp Weedonwantcha.
Outsider if you're into leepest dore and willing to wait until Judgement Day for the conclusion.

I haven't found any other webcomics worth reading. In truth, Unsounded is the only one I'd consider truly exceptional.

Ennui Go


Gone With The Blastwave (updates really, really slowly)
Camp Weedonwantcha (frequent updates)

God damn mang, I loved the world built in that one but the execution is just a fucking mess.

This Ennui Go is god tier

Stand Still, Stay Silent