Is Darkman Sup Forums?

Is Darkman Sup Forums?

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No. I mean it was made due to Raimi's anger at The Shadow being taken away from him, but it's not actually a comic book.

It is a fucking great movie though. I wish any modern comic movies had a villain half as great as Durant.

>Robert, I have good news and bad
>Custom dictates that you render the bad news first

I wouldn't say it's Sup Forums, but he's had three comic series about him:
>Marvel's 3 issue movie adaptation
>Marvel's 6 issue sequel series (that got reconed when Darkman II came out)
>Dynamite's 4 issue "Darkman Vs Army of Darkness" crossover
>Also there's two fully completed issues of a ongoing from Dynamite that got cancled before it was released.

More Sup Forums than all the threads speculating about how much money various movies did or didn't make

There is a comic crossover with Darkman and Army Of Darkness take the fucking elephant.

>That scene where undead Durant has the Three Stooges as his henchmen

Darkman was always weird as a matter of him basically being leprosy man, which doesn't give you super powers, it makes daily living that much more difficult because you can't tell when you've hurt yourself and it makes injuries that much more deadly because you don't seek treatment for them.

>>Marvel's 6 issue sequel series
Is it better than the movie sequel?

Which one?

Darkman II, which is the one retconned the comic, I guess.

I'm missing the last two issues, but the first part deals with Darkman fighting a businessman that thinks Darkman is a demon, and the second part (the last two issues I haven't read) has the re-animated head of Robert Durant on robot-spider legs.

Lol ur moms seeing a darkman

> yfw when Durant STILL has five more points to make.

The movies are Sup Forums but I'm sure there is some comic out there.

Well, The Shadow isn't a comic book either. And I remember reading that he actually wanted to do Batman first, before Tim Burton got hired. If that's true, WB has been fucking up long before hiring Zack Snyder.
It'd be so fucking great if WB hires him to do a Plastic Man movie. He's the only one who could pull it off. Too bad Bruce Campbell is a bit too old to play Eel, 'cause he would've been fucking perfect.

Honestly, along with Creepshow and Sin City, it must be one of the most Sup Forums movies out there.

>Well, The Shadow isn't a comic book either
The last 70 decades of Shadow comics should say otherwise. He didn't start out as a comic, yeah, but he still counts because that's where he is in nowadays, with both pulp and radio being dead.

Imagine how Liam Neeson feels about these movies.

Are you implying the Taken movies aren't so much worse than this?

Darkman had one good movie but Taken had three.

He also had Mr. Furious' power of always being angry.

Liam Neeson was in the good Darkman movie and the Taken movies go from mediocre to shit, and he was in all of them.

Taken was never a cinema masterpiece
They were popular because it featured one man cutting a huge swath through criminal pieces of shit and taking them down in the most brutal way possible
You people should remember that not everyone goes to the movies for the next artistic masterpiece, they go to be entertained.

What the fuck are you talking about? Darkman is not some art-house pretentious film, it's just 10 times better than some mediocre shit like Taken which has been pretty much already forgotten by now.

>That rubber finger

Darkman, much like The Incredibles and Robocop, is so inherently comic book-ish that it's hard to believe he isn't a comic book character on the big screen. I think Peter David did an article a while back about how Darkman was the most comic book movie to date, not a good movie per say, not a good movie like a comic book, but a movie as close to being like a comic book as you could get in the medium of cinema.

>not a good movie per say
Yes, it is. Not perfect, but damn good. Better than 90% of superhero movies made in the past 15 years, for sure.

No one has tried to top the helicopter scene yet either.

A animated Darkman series would work well, maybe STARZ should pick up where HBO left off since Evil Dead is doing well.

I'm sad that we'll probably never see Liam Neeson flip his shit as gloriously as he did in Darkman.

Blade 2 is the superior 'dark' movie. This is where Guillermo Del Toro goes down on the audience. It starts with long licks with a nose bump on the joy button slowly. He smiles as he does this… Watching the audience begin to squirm, then he takes the audiences’ clit in his mouth and just licks it like crazy, the audience is ready, on that precipice, then calm. He backs off… long licks again, brings in a finger to massage a bit, licks from the bottom to the top… The audience is cooing… He has them, they want release. He acts like he’s going to give it to you, takes you right to the edge, the audiences’ backs arched, ready to cum…. Backs off pinching the nipples just so, his head bobbing up to say, "You like?" The audience shifts around needing release, he builds again… The pressure at a near boiling point… Each stroke and moment a hypersensitive place… Two fingers to the sweet spot, the audience is there… right there at that point… suddenly he’s relentless taking the audience through a rampage of orgasms… trying to get away, trying to escape… back back back, but he has you, and he’s never going to let you forget this moment, the audience was electric… Frenetically frothing… Guillermo hears them begging no more, when he decides to stop for a moment, there is that relaxed calm… The audience relaxes… labored breathing… a sated smile, WHEN SUDDENLY THE RELENTLESS BASTARD IS AT IT AGAIN!!!! You begin laughing, trying to push him away, but no… more pleasure, more joy, more fun… You can’t handle it, you start giggling and screaming… And it goes like this for quite some time, till at the end… The credits roll, the theater lights come up… You look at the screen, you realize you want that tongue again… You want that feeling again, and you watch it again and again, because damn he respects the clit!

I'd like it better if some of the deleted scenes were kept in. Raimi was trying to balance making a superhero movie for Universal with Payne's monster movie style transformation and a Beauty and the Beast romance with his fiancee. For one thing Durant's boss was going to have more screen time to flesh him out, like the deleted scene where he's fucking a pile of money after he went on a date with Frances McDormand.

I'm also annoyed Bruce Campbell didn't get to star in the sequels instead of that guy from The Mummy but that's a subjective thing not actually related to the film's quality.

Raimi did make "Darkman" after he lost the directing gig on "The Shadow", but he was briefly up for directing "Batman Forever" before Joel Schumacher was hired.

Did you just quote Harry Knowles?

I had read he kinda lobbied to get the 89 Batman job, and his failure to get the job was what pushed him to do Darkman. Might be bullshit though, it was in one of those 90s magazines like Fangoria or something.

Allright, let me explain this whole "Batman-Shadow-Darkman-Raimi" story a little bit.

Before Batman 89, there were talks of producing a Shadow movie thanks to the resurgence in popularity of the character due to the 70s series and the big effect the Superman movie had on Hollywood. Walter Gibson, The Shadow's creator, was very excited for this prospect and even began to dig through his old files wanting to write new novels. Unfortunately his eyesight was failing him and he had a stroke and died in 1985, and thus the project fell through. It stayed in limbo for years until 1994.

Raimi's career effectively began in 1981, and for a long time he tried to get the rights for both The Shadow and Batman. There's information floating around stating he lobbied to direct Batman Forever, which came out in 1995, and was rejected because he wasn't a big enough name (this was all of course before Spider-Man).
He submitted Darkman to Universal Studios in 1987, and the movie came out in 1990

As to whether he made Darkman because of Shadow or Batman, it's fairly obvious that Darkman has much more in common with The Shadow, but he's also his own character. Raimi's name has been attached to the prospects of a Shadow reboot for years. He still had interest in adapting the character even after Darkman and even after the '94 movie. Of course he confirmed around 2012 that it wasn't happening

So the timeline goes like this
>Superman movie happens in 1978
>Batman and Shadow movies stay in the works for the following decade
>The Shadow's creator dies and thus the project stays in limbo
>Sam Raimi tries to secure rights for both characters (mostly The Shadow) and fails
>decides to write the story he wants anyway and submits in 1987
>while Darkman is in production, Batman 89 comes out
>Darkman comes out the following year (1990)
>The Shadow movie comes out years later (1994), gets accused of being a Batman knock-off, and bombs critically and financially