Seinfeld in muh bear show?

Seinfeld in muh bear show?

>people still watch this trash

What's a mons?

>blackwashed elaine

she was fairly swarthy.

>left out Michael Richards
Of course


>Japanese characters
They made a "Seinfeld is my favorite anime" joke in 2018



Nobody watches Seinfeld you bufoon.

characters as in the kanji they used for the logo

Like it or not Seinfelfd has consolidated itself as a classic

she's clearly mexican, she only dated a black guy


Why is the title card in Chinese? Is Panda watching this show?

It was a baby panda episode and he was in a chinese enclosure

why does the guy look so much like Logic?

thats korean and this show loves to jerk off koreans

So Seinfeld started in 89. The carnival episode showed a huge 80s/early 90s phone. The cubs are like children in that they can talk to humans and not just among themselves, though Ice Bear is non-verbal either because he's canon autistic, or the youngest and still a baby. At least Panda is taking college courses, though all three showed up to be Nom Nom's interns for college credit. The bears age like humans and are in their mid to late 20s.

they also dabbed during the carnival episode which only began in 2014 at the very earliest
just accept that the timeline is shit and nonsensical

>yellowwashed costanza

oh geez

They dabbed in that episode? They also mentioned parkour in the laser tag episode. Maybe memes just time travel through them.

>though Ice Bear is non-verbal either because he's canon autistic
go back to tumblr with this disorder shit

it's just his quiet type, and his 3rd person speech he later got was from that russian guy he grew up with

Wait what if this isn't Seinfeld but the Korean imitation of it?

I kinda feel like these references are just for the audience and aren't entirely set inside the timeframe. Like, if it doesn't matter in the episode itself it's basically just a random thing that might as well not even be canon, or it's like a "viewer changed perception" like with Forever Young playing in the 1800s in Regular Show

well the creator is of Korean descent and one of the more prominent boarder (Bert Youn) is also korean (Bert had to temporarily leave AT during season 2 to serve his mandatory time in the SK military)