How did Clarence get away with this?

how did Clarence get away with this?

Other urls found in this thread:!Ep4hVaiD!G-AePb9wUashBcZ0NCHoa4ApPFxcz-ydnsTz38_Acuo

How did Clarence even exist? Fucking garbage.

same way Sonichu got away with this

it gets away with shit because nobody watches this shit

I'm so sorry Cartoon Network doesn't cater to you exclusively.

¨With what? Someone drinking?

I don't understand this one. Maybe I'm too innocent, or dumb, or possibly autistic.

That one's hilarious. The thickest straw I've ever seen.

Is that Kimby? What episode was this?

capture the flag

so they ever gonna address her line in that episode about having first hand experience being in jail?

>it's Kimby

What happened?


get away with what? is it because she's the same colors as the wendys girl?

will they ever explain her hair stroking tendecies?

What is this getting away with

Children being happy


l-lewd children lips!

>hating on the second best cartoon airing right now

okay provide context in video form, so we can se whats so wrong with it.

>airing right now


>tfw Kimby will never slurp your cum through a straw


Probably just some nervous tick.

Crap, I forgot this was a Christian board.


what a pointless thread.

Whats the first best?


I'm sorry, user, but nuPPG is better than Clarence


Not even worth a (You)

it didn't now it's cancelled.



they just can


fuck no. not even close

she wants the N so bad...

the only comic i've read so far from Clarence was the one that had Ms. Baker's sister in it

I have a healthy disdain for Clarence's mediocrity like any mentally sound person and even I know that you're wrong.
Even if it's bait.

if you know you're getting cancelled (or at least you know what episode the series will end), should the creative people start not giving a fuck like supposedly the sonic boom guys are doing?

pic unrelated.

Ooh, a CLARENCE thread! Quit fucking sexualizing children.

we would if it people do more good non-daughterfu art.


Anyone have the tumblr post about Clarence's creator having a mental breakdown? I think he ran around grabbing breasts, fighting police with kitchen appliances, and singing "They Might Be Giants" while his best friend cried in the hospital.

try looking for it in chris savino threads.
pretty sure that got posted there.

>I think he ran around grabbing breasts, fighting police with kitchen appliances, and singing "They Might Be Giants" while his best friend cried in the hospital
You're only right about the They Might Be Giants part:

Quit sexualizing gross old hags.

Not giving a fuck how? I wouldn't mind some crazy episodes, but I doubt they'll give up completely or did, Clarence production has been over for a while now

iirc CN told them not to do anymore clarvangelion stuff (last done in 2015) for legal reasons.

then they did new stuff this year, so either CN told them it's ok or they're getting the ax soon so "we're doing what we want!". obviously they're not going to do the level of audacity sonic boom is doing but if they know the show will end, would they try to make the final episodes as fun as possible (even sneak a couple of jabs in)?

i think they're done with the production of the final episodes, it's just CN would stretch those out till 2018.

holy shit she drank someone's blood????????

What? Clarence did Evangelion stuff? I need to fucking know now.

I'm an actual, unironic, honest to god pedophile and see nothing lewd about this.

This is fucking autistic.
But I love Eva crossing over with shit, so I'm eating it up like banana pudding.

Get away with what?
I think you're just looking at this through the eyes of a sexually repressed manlet who seeks sexuality where there is none, user.



You are loosing the point anons. First of all Clarence is a fucking chad. Second of all What about the Damian/Jeremy theory? I'm fucking nuts about that, I looking foward a development of the Clarence's father clues that the staff are showing in the episodes during the final of the serie.
What the fudge with Balance? What IS he?


Women do that when they are horny as fuck.
>Kimby is actually horny all the time

Someone edit sperm into that blood vessel part.

i REALLY need to sit down and read all those Clarence comics one of these days

is there a Clarence booru?

ok but I'm gonna need some julep.

fuck this evangelion shit

not yet.
google gave me other boorus that at least have clarence in them.

good lord, who drew clarence as astrid (furry booru)?


this ok?

why is this a thing

link for halloween episode!Ep4hVaiD!G-AePb9wUashBcZ0NCHoa4ApPFxcz-ydnsTz38_Acuo

I remember my first day on this board too.
I was such a sane and well adjusted human being with common sense.

then it all went to shit.

I need ms. julep in my life.

crew likes evangelion but not enough to make references of it in the show like other shows.

i mean jeff having six toes got plagiarism accusations from gravity falls fans. adding eva references in the show proper would bring the same thing from SU fans.

no one is sexualizing anyone. stop projecting your sick fetishes onto other anons

>i mean jeff having six toes got plagiarism accusations from gravity falls fans
> gravity falls fans

Reminder Tomboy is probably having a bad day without Clarence by her side

Apparently there's a Thanksgiving special airing in 10 days.

just the one episode? ehh, i'll take it


I just watched Clarence after a long break and apparently Amy is still there.

Didn't she leave after the first episode? Why didn't she show up again for so long?

It's true tho. Everything else is completely unfunny.

Impossible, what episode


The election episode? It was a flashback

there are still episodes airing, it's not over yet, just ending

Post more cute pics of Clarence girls


Requesting that HD redraw somebody did

wtf it lasts less than a second

OP is trying to get himself v&

>Ms. Baker's sister

Is she bae?

Pointless? yes, just about half of these threads on Sup Forums are pointless, but the OP's Pic definitely got what he wanted: replies.


>*Post more cute pics of Clarence WOMEN
FTFY. We already have more than enough unnecessary loli art. What we need is more of

Did she get flashed?

God I need to get back into Clarence, I fell off it around 2015-16?
Clarence himself, was kind of annoying? I dunno.

I'm fond of the lifeguard but there's nothing of her.

clarence is a great show and all the kids are cute, even belson and sumo.

>Clarence himself, was kind of annoying? I dunno.
yes I guess, I mean I think that' the point of his character. He isnt supposed to be a friendly self insert character, just another *annoying* kid from the gang, just like Sumo is the *poor* kid and Jeff is the autist.

So wait this tumblr was made by the Clarence Crew?