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What is she /swco/?

On one hand I'm glad. On the other I'm afraid that he's gonna die soon.

What is he /swco/?


Where is she?

Maybe he lives to be in the Ghost when it's destroyed in Rogue One.

Their technology exists beyond the realm of "speed of light" being any kind of barrier, just stupid people trying to defend their own stupidity.

>when it's destroyed in Rogue One

The Ghost survives Scarif. It's on Endor.

They're trying to cling to anything they can to insult TFA so they get desperate, there's plenty of things wrong with it but fucking lasers isn't one of them.


Truly the galaxy's woman magnet

I hate myself for only just realizing this dude was supposed to be Jaxxon

Fucking perfect thread.

He is never going to die, and they are going to live together and have babies and it will be great.

If the Disney-Fox deal goes through, I guess this will put the "Fox owns permanent rights to A New Hope" thing to bed.

And based Disney can finally put the Fantastic Four into the Star Wars Universe.

Plot twist: Hera dies. The General Syndulla on Scarif and Endor is her clone, Heera.


Why does Jaxxon always get shit on?

No Hera lives. Hera, Heera and Kanan live together and make babies

Yes Ezra need one

He's a relic from a bygone era

>that thing
pick one, user

the talks are dead


>I need to speak to Admiral Raddus
>He's returned to his ship!

How? Did they ever explain just how Raddus got to his ship? Did they develop Star Trek transporters?

I figured he got in a shuttle and flew to his ship in orbit immediately after the meeting?

He used his jetpack.

He swam.

singer mother

I didn't get better art ......so we work with what we have


Everything I ship ahs a bad end

He borrowed Galen's grapple mechanism

he use nijutsu from Naruto

>single mother

>Kanan is the father
You misspelled single, user.

Welcome to Star Wars.

Stop picking shitty ships.

> Jango's no way fag face

Truly the most autistic man in the galaxy?

>Novel starting their child when?

I know

Outside of Zam, none of those are shitty.

>Shitty Ships


> Kisses instead of money

Fair trade yay or nay?

2025 star wars new tv show the son of a Jedi

I know

I just wanted to further hurt your feelings

we get a Kanera kiss Now this two need a hug

Wut? Those are the least shitty ships ever.

Thats quite evil of you user

How though? His ship didn't have a shuttle bay.

He swooced right in.

Has there been a single canonical romance that ended well?

He contacted Chief O'Brien and had him transport him directly to the bridge. Make it so.


Owen and Beru? They died but it wasn't because of each other at least.

>bad ship
That's LITERALLY the best ship possible you fool. Unbelievably pleb taste.

Leia and Han

kek holy fuck, I honestly cannot think of a single relationship in all of Star Wars that didn't eventually go to shit

the fucking closest thing I can think of his Han and Chewie's friendship

He ran. Right into space.

> tfw the Jedi were right about romance

It must burn all the Jedi haters up to see

he's looking for a relationship that ended well i.e. they grew old and died together in a time of peace

there will be always fanfiction

Not if you ship Obi/Siri

the closest might, MIGHT, be Lux and Ashoka, if they ever bother to tell us how that's going/ended



That is literally no one in Star Wars. Someone either dies or turns evil before that.

that is the point, love is a fucking curse in Star Wars

They stopped being a thing after Ondernon I thought? Lex got married and Ahsoka became a lesbian?

Obi wan Ventress
my guilty pleasure

hey newfags, check this out

who are these literal who's and is whatever they in considered canon?

Oh yeah I forgot about that

So the Jedi were right :(

Shattered Empire, so yes. Poe Dameron's parents.

but was this ever explicitly mentioned or just some crazy headcanon that sounded plausible

I honestly don't know, I never kept up all that well with Rebels until Thrawn showed up

Siri is a literal who. No one but buttmad fanfic writers still care about that relationship

Poe Dameron's parents

Obi-wan doesn't deserve love


Mine too. That team up they had in the Maula rc was the best.

well there you go, in literally 3 generations worth of story telling only one romance exists that ended well

just proof that the only relationship worth having in Star Wars is friendship/bromance


Of course all the reptilian aliens in episode 8 were bad guys, with one of them dying in a really awful way. Of courseā€¦

Yes he does.
everytime i think of Obi/Satine I think of the ending to Last Samurai, and the end musical piece 'A Small Measure of Peace'.
Obi/Satine deserved it

I'm sure those gays from TFA will live happily ever after. you can't kill gays in current year, can you?

Suu and Cut from TCW

Yes totally the most when they flirt when they fight


Siri and Satine look kind of the same from the description, so you could say Satine is a canon Siri. Both even died in Obi-Wans arms.

He doesn't even have testicles

>implying after order 66 went down Cut was still his own man

Just saw the episode with Rukh. Considering his voice and manner of movement, I still say he would've been better with a less near-human face, and instead something a little more like this, or similar.

Though I think his voice in the show is a bit too modulated.

Add Ventress Legend and you know Obi wan curse

Actually, he was. I think a newer novel even mentioned him. Also, no Jedi were around.

Anakin and Obi say hi.

Heres the only relationship that matters

No offense, but I think Sabine might be gay for her little friend.

What about this one?

best lovers

That's funny, but I hate Ezra too much to allow it.
