Someday, someone out there will create the greatest animated anything known to man. Perfect art, perfect animation...

Someday, someone out there will create the greatest animated anything known to man. Perfect art, perfect animation, perfect story, perfect characters, literally nothing can compare to its greatness. It will shatter records, garner multiple accolades, finally end the perception that animation is either kids stuff or tryhard edge/shock humor and earn the medium mainstream respect. It will become known as the Titanic of animation, or more fittingly, a modern day Fantasia.

And Sup Forums will hate it.

So, MLP?

there's no way that'll ever happen. I agree that Sup Forums will hate it no matter what, though

>It will become known as the Titanic of animation
A tragedy with lots of deaths?


Already happened! Wubba lubba dub dub!

>the Titanic of animation

so, overrated shite?

Well, of course, anime exists.
But is that really a reason to give up?

You knew what he meant, smart ass

>the Titanic of animation
>co will hate it
>co hates titanic
Really activates your almonds

Titanic the movie or Titanic the Boat?

Spirit Science

The Simpsons already exists user and it turned out to be a false prophet.


Get out.

The greatest animation ever couldn't do any of those things.

Meta threads are cancer
OP is a faggot

you’re right
Why does it hurt so much, co?

Space Dandy already exists, user.

yes it could idiot, animation is literally the perfect medium
drawings > pictures
movies > pictures
animation > movies or drawings
It's just hard to make

for me that was lastman, I honestly can't find anything to nitpick about it, its a 10/10 for me

By that logic vidya is the perfect medium if you had an infinite amount of resources/time to make said game.

Animation’s biggest constraint is how much money has to be poured into it to get to acceptable levels of quality, which is why it only really works in a country that pushes intense working conditions as a cultural standard for relatively shit wages. That hinders the potential for storytelling in so many ways that 90% of what we consider the tropes associated with animation (in the West or East) are built around said financial restraints.

If I remember correctly when you do the numbers Disney's 2D films were actually cheaper than their 3D stuff, and lots of live action stuff is even more expensive. If people cared as much about animation as they did about reworking old movies from the 80s we could have more beautiful 2D animated films but they don't.

It'll probably be that new ghibli movie Miyazaki is working on.

>It will become known as the Titanic of animation
but we already have that. Two of them, in fact

this looks SO fucking bad, what the fuck Italy?

There's two more, one of them is called tentacalino or something.
9/11 comedy movie featuring talking planes and animals when?

It was already made 36 years ago.

If you mean Titantic the ship, lots of people died on it.

If you mean the movie, it's overrated shit and incredibly boring.


Fuck off, /mlp/.

So some live action movies are expensive.
Why studios choose live action over animation?

Sup Forums literally never once liked MLP unironically, it was pure irony till spergs took it seriously.

Wasn't that the point of The Thief And The Cobbler, which took decades to be produced and never even got finished?

This but American


See .

Damn fine movie, but far from perfect

I like MLP too but come on now.

Stop bullying your little sister