Cool, Hellboy is going to be in Injustice 2

>Cool, Hellboy is going to be in Injustice 2
>This fucking gear
I think Im going to be sick

I like that OP is so triggered by it that he would blog on Sup Forums about it.

You know that's an alternative outfit right

has comic Hellboy ever worn pants?
I thought he it was always shorts.

You a right, that is funny user


Default is shorts

Sick with anticipation, user? This isn't even bad looking.

You could just use the default, or more basic-looking common gear.
Who am I kidding though you don't even play the game.

I play the game and I am mad hellboy is the only character that is comic accurate

Its all about the stats

>what are regen tokens

My dick twitched a little. In a strictly violent and HETERO way

TFW no Invincible ;__-


Churilla's version wears pants, but he also wears boots for some reason

I try not to bother with anything Robenson writes so I just don't think about it


>cartoony face
>hyper realistic everything else

Does this qualify as Uncanny Valley?

People are still playing this game? lol

Aren't gears banned in competition play anyway?

how often do you think he stabs himself in the dick with that belt buckle?

still waitin for the complete edition

I just pretend that he is wearing a silly mask

might get this if it goes on sale this holiday season. how is it?
what kind of filthy microtransactions are there? like characters that can only be unlocked by buying them.

DL'd the beta just to play Hellboy because it said it had all the characters. Turns out it has weeooweeoowee except Batman & Friends.

It stays on, but it becomes purely cosmetic. Gear moves won't work either.
Actually, you can enable competitive mode that disables gear in any game mode, but most people don't
>opponent picks lvl 4 Harley, I pick my lvl 20 Superman with all stats at 2,5-3k
>bring up the match options menu, turn on competitive (it needs to be turned on by both players)
>he doesn't do it
>i keep flipping the switch, hoping he sees it
>nope, he starts the match
>"top 10 anime rape scenes" for 10 seconds
>he ragequits

It's not the most technical fighter, but it's fun.
>what kind of filthy microtransactions are there?
You can buy shaders and premium skins (all shaders but toutnament ones can be unlocked through gameplay, premium skins can only be bought), transmog gear and instantly level characters to lvl 20 (after you max out at least one on your own).
>like characters that can only be unlocked by buying them.
Darkseid. You can also buy Brainiac, if you don't feel like beating the story to unlock him.

Goon when?