Why isn't a charlie brown thanksgiving as popular as say it's the great pumpkin charlie brown or a charlie brown...

Why isn't a charlie brown thanksgiving as popular as say it's the great pumpkin charlie brown or a charlie brown christmas? I've always found this one to be one of my favorite charlie brown specials.

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I always thought it was.

Isn't it? It's easily up there as one of the most memorable Peanuts TV specials. Maybe your perception has something to do with Halloween/Christmas being more popular holidays.

I never see it get talked about as much compared to the halloween or christmas specials

Well who honestly cares that much for Thanksgiving
It's essentially a glorified family get-together and most people are just waiting for black friday and cyber monday anyway, both of them surpassing Thanksgiving in terms of Holidays

Nostalgia is my guess.

Charlie headed up the stairs from the basketball court to the bleachers. He'd been a little late, something he always made a point not to be, in meeting Peppermint Patty at the track just ahead.
She'd beaten his record again and he didn't want to make it seem like he forfeited to her. He'd pushed himself to beat her last record, and when he did she tried just as hard to beat the new one. This competition was actually just a clever way to make hard work fun, and they both loved it. He was only a little late then, but there was no stress. He fought hard not to get hung up on little anxieties like that anymore. Depression reared its vile little head here and there but it didn't stop him from being proud of himself for the first time in his life. He'd come so far in the last few years. He couldn't imagine being the way he'd used to be anymore. Time had changed him.
He'd just rounded the corner from behind the shower-house when somebody swung out and blocked his path.
“Hello, Charlie Brown.” said Violet.
She startled him, though he didn't show it. He'd seen her around constantly for years, but he couldn't remember the last time they'd actually talked. In fact, he might not have even made eye contact with her since, either. He was glad to catch up.
“Hello, Violet. It's been a while since we talked last.” he said
Violet's eyes lazily moved up and down at him. “It sure has, hasn't it?” she smiled.

Charlie felt something was missing. Violet would normally only come up smiling when Lucy wasn't far behind with something to taunt him over.
Lucy was the only one who took the time to tease him anymore over the last few years. She had obviously been pulling punches, given the circumstances; he hadn't seen a football within a hundred feet of her ever since Snoopy got hit.
An old ghost of queasiness surfaced briefly. Whether it was the thought of his old pal's passing or that wretched, taunting football. He didn't bother to dissect it.
He looked past Violet's shoulder for Lucy, gearing up to tune out anything that followed, but he saw no one.
With Lucy absent, Charlie assumed something else.
“I'm not in your way am I?” he asked.
“Hard not to be. My, but haven't you gotten bigger?”
“I suppose I have” he replied, trying subtly to step around her.
He didn't want to be rude, but he also didn't want to be late. He supposed Violet did when she quickly blocked his path again. Her smile widened, and in turn, Charlie's sank.
Ah ha, here it is. Charlie thought. She doesn't need Lucy backing her up to say something mean about me. She must've been thinking on this one for years.
“You've really been working out,” she said leaning closer to his face. “...haven't you, Charlie Brown?”

Charlie had to take a moment to try and rationalize this behavior as hostile, but he couldn't. Her tone was foreign. She'd never sounded so... interested? Despite this reading, he wouldn't be tricked, so he just went through the motions.
“Oh, yes. Quite a lot for a while now. I've been trying to focus on something that keeps me motivated.”
Her eyes scanned over him again, more slowly this time. “It really shows.”
Charlie thanked her while trying again to step around. She leaned against the wall, resting her chin on a fist. He wasn't going to leave without having to ask.
“Violet, it's nice to be catching up and all but-”
“-Charlie Brown?” she interrupted. “You don't suppose I could feel your muscles a bit would you?”
Charlie froze. There were a million things he would have never expected her to say, but she had said one and it baffled him. A torrent of questions flooded his stream-of-consciousness and he couldn't think. Being as polite as he was, he tried to answer promptly, but he stuttered.
Violet giggled, not cruelly. What was this? His confusion made him blush.
“You've never had a pretty girl ask you that, have you Charlie Brown?”
He could only stutter more, hating himself as he turned even redder.
Violet looked at her fingernails casually. “It's alright, pretty girls are hard to talk to.”
She looked back up and directly into his eyes. “But not if they like you.”

Charlie was far from the quickest-witted kid in town, but he wasn't so stupid that she hadn't just made it as plain as possible that she was flirting with him. This was even more inconceivable. Never had he ever imagined that any girl, let alone the haughtiest, snottiest bully from his childhood, would ever, ever find him attractive. Had it been beaten so harshly into his head that he was undesirable? Had that been the root of so many of his insecurities? Clearly the answer didn't matter now because Violet Grey was hitting on him. Of all the contrived, anxious over-thinking he did in his life, this was not one of the scenarios he had dissected. Nothing remotely like this had crossed his mind before and so he was completely unprepared.
He couldn't take much longer, he knew, so he untied his tongue and pretended she had asked something less ludicrous to reply before it was too late. He'd never be too late for something again.
“I don't mind.” he answered finally, holding out his arm.
Violet readily reached out and ran her hands along the contour of the thoroughly disciplined muscle mass of his arm.
“Mmmm...” she sounded.
Without asking, she reached further in and stroked his abs lightly.

Her hands were slim, soft, and delicate. She really was beautiful, he thought. He sacrificed his manners momentarily only since she herself had been so bold and caught a brief glimpse of her perky teenage cleavage behind her modestly buttoned top. If she noticed, she pretended not to, staying focused on his masculine form.
Her hands moved up to his pectorals more cautiously, looking him in the eyes again seemingly for his consent. Her face was smug, she knew he would say yes. He flexed them just enough so he didn't need to answer her verbally. She moved up, putting both hands to work on each side of his chest, massaging him, almost.
“Oh no.” Charlie thought in despair.
He couldn't control it of course, he was only human. Her touch aroused him, and his lower half betrayed his will. High treason! His unmentionables started to stretch, making way for his hardening manhood.
“This is it. The first girl that's ever thought I was good enough to get this close to is gonna see me pitching a tent. I'm done for. Why do I always ruin everything good in my life?” his lamented silently. She was sure to notice.
“Uh oh, she's going back down.” he reported internally. “I'm gonna be embarrassed again and she's going to laugh and tell all of her friends and everybody. Most of all she'll definitely tell Lucy! I blew it! I blew it!”
As Violet's wandering hands made its way back to his belly her eyes widened and so did her smile. She gasped, placing a hand on her cheek in phony astonishment. It was happening.
She looked back up and made eye contact with him again, but Charlie saw no malice. His expectancy scrambled.
“Charlie Brown,” she mewed playfully. “You shouldn't have.”

Charlie felt sick to his stomach. No. That wasn't it. This was similar, but it didn't feel bad at all. He didn't feel the cold sting of queeziness. This wasn't a sinking black hazard that twisted and twisted so hard that he froze. This was sharper, stranger. It was related to the sting, but somehow sickly nostalgic. It felt...
Charlie didn't know how to feel, but his knees were weak now, his heart picked up pace.
Violet must have noticed because she giggled again and the only thing Charlie had managed to do since anything else was breathe heavier.
"I always thought you were cute, Charlie Brown. That old wishy-washy way you acted all the time was the only reason everyone ever teased you, you know."
Suddenly, she leaned in with her tip-toes, pressing her hands into him.
"Charlie. Brown." she emphasized.
As she stressed his name, her hands snaked under his saw muscles and to his sides, squeezing them. She was closer than ever now. Her keen, brightly-colored eyes were like a hypnotic serpent of sin that Charlie stared into with wicked interest. He'd never made eye contact with such a beautiful girl so long. He'd known Violet for as long as he could remember but he hasn't ever stopped to consider how totally gorgeous she was. This was his chance if there ever was one. He had to move, no more freezing up. But what would he do? What could he do that made sense for this? But nothing made sense about this, he'd never experienced anything like it.
“Do you want to meet after school?” he asked simply.
Violet smirked, “We've known each other for years, Charlie Brown. You remember where I live, don't you?”
“Of course.” He decided to leave out the fact that he would often stare at her mansion in envy. “Should I come by around 3?”
She leaned in. “Make it 4 and Daddy will be at work already.”, and with that, she turned and left. Her hips swung with purpose.
“...Good Grief....”

(Anybody want more? Want an excuse to write.)

Fuck it I'm 4 minutes invested in it user keep em coming
Also write cute peppermint patty and tsundre Lucy pls

“Are you drunk yet, Charlie Brown?” asked Violet.
He was. Being drunk felt like his mind was sharper but his body was rounder. Decisions were simpler, but he was clumsier. He didn't dwell on things he usually did; everything had an easy answer.
“Yes, I think so.” he replied after some consideration.
“I'm blitzed.” said Violet, slouching suspiciously close.
It was silent then, but only for a few thick seconds as the fire roared below the mantle of the mansion's study. The smell of kerosene was pleasant to Charlie, giving him brief sensations of nostalgia and tipsiness.
“Do you remember when we were best friends, Charlie Brown?”
She sure used his full name a lot. Why was that?
He did remember though, actually. But she wouldn't have asked that unless it meant something. Charlie always understood girls, but never got them. He didn't figure he could have said anything then, so he didn't. Thankfully he was right, and she continued;
“We had our own friends and all, you know; Shermy and Patty. But when it came down to it, it was always just you and I, remember?”
He did. Shermy was a good friend, but he hadn't really given much to be remembered by. Like a background character in some TV show. He didn't like the comparison, it devalued a good friend, but it was true. He would always see Violet with Patty, did Violet think the same of her? He had only realized it just then, but he'd probably known Violet longer than anybody. Did she feel exactly like he did?
Charlie looked to his folded hand. “We really did play a lot together.”
She slid closer. Her head seemed heavier than her body from the way she slumped toward him. She was smiling.


“Has your dad always cut your hair?”
Charlie scratched his head. “Can't imagine anyone else.”
An old memory surfaced. “Do you remember when I got you to come to the barber shop?
She chuckled. “I got bubblegum in one of my pig tails.”
Charlie blushed. “Was that the first time you ever wore your ponytail up?”
“Hmm?” Violet looked up, grinning and dazed. “Oh!”, she came to.
“Oh, no, I'd worn it before, but I never wore pigtails again after that. Your dad seemed really sweet, though; being so gentle and all. Mother always takes me to her hairdresser, he's not very gentle.”
Charlie hadn't heard much about Violet's family. Her father didn't seem to like him and he couldn't remember exactly what her mother looked like.
Violet reached down and took a swing from the bottle on the table. After she was done, she silently offered it to Charlie. She cocked her eyebrow at him, she looked tempting.
Unconsciously, Charlie pictured the serpent that had tricked Eve in Genesis. Why would he think that? He was pretty sure this wasn't an elaborate ruse to humiliate him anymore. Then it occurred to him that he wasn't Eve, if anything. Violet was Eve, and this was the begging look she had given to Adam when she tried to explain how wonderful the sinful fruit had tasted.
That's dark. I should lighten up, thought Charlie. So he accepted her offer and drank from it too.
“And boy is he rude too.” Violet continued.
She was still on about the hairdresser, he'd lost his train of thought.
“It's alright though, I'm pretty sure he's a fag.”
Charlie spit his drink out through his nose, assaulted by involuntary laughter. His stomach sank as he slapped his hand over his wet, smelling lips. He saw the disgusting mess he'd made on the coffee table. Tensing up, he waited for a scoff of disgust from Violet, but she burst out laughing. Baffled, but self-aware, Charlie decided to join back in with her. They laughed until their eyes watered.

When it subsided, Violet sighed, slouching again, eyes closed. She was now within arms length. Her head was turned toward Charlie like she meant to talk, but she only breathed.
From where he sat, Violet was lit perfectly by the fire. He was only a boy when he'd last spent any real time with her like this. Now he was a young man, and though it wasn't the first time, he saw how beautiful she was. Her shiny black hair absorbed any harsh highlights on her face, and Charlie was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing any makeup; her skin was totally flawless.
She opened her eyes and Charlie immediately faced forward again. He didn't want to be caught staring and send the wrong message. But there was no “wrong message”, he just wasn't ready to let on his feelings, not yet. So he used his peripheral vision to admire her for then. She kept looking toward the fireplace. Maybe it was safe to steal a more direct look.
So he turned, and with the most perfect luck, Violet did too. Their eyes met, but didn't lock as Charlie whipped his head back, red-faced.
I don't dare look back, he thought. Now I look stupid for turning away!
But then he saw in the corners of his eyes that she turned away too. Had she been just as shy?
I'm gonna look back at her, he decided. And if he was scared, the liquor could do the work for him.
He turned back to meet her gaze, and was surprised to see she was blushing too. She was just as nervous.
Charlie was suddenly invigorated. I'm not nervous for once in my life, he thought. I'm gonna keep staring at her until she turns back. And like the very thought called her, she did.
Her eyes scanned him again, but they'd changed. They weren't the seductive playful bedroom eyes she'd given him outside the school track, they were nervous, and when they locked with his, they seemed almost pleading.
Then Charlie knew what they were asking. He replied with a stoic bow of his eyebrows; Of course you can trust me.

They held it for a while, neither was sure how long. It never broke, and when she quietly grunted he thought she was going to pull away, but Violet parted her lips a bit wider and began pushing her tongue forward. He let it enter, welcomed it with his own, clumsily but carefully having it snake about inside her mouth.
Violet closed her eyes, but Charlie couldn't; he had to know it was real. Earlier that day he had thought of the red-haired girl he had a crush on for years before she moved away. He'd thought dully earlier that he'd never get over it. It was distant now and he remembered that day he couldn't save Snoopy, how life can change so drastically so quickly. Why am I thinking that? I'm supposed to be kissing a girl right now!
Violet let out a cute squeak and abruptly grabbed Charlie's hands, lurching into the kiss. Folding them into hers, she squeezed and held them to the inside of her calves. Charlie felt her quiver briefly before closing her legs in on their hands. Her tongue danced, his went limp.
Charlie enjoyed this as it went. Violet's breaths were getting heavier. He felt the soft, smooth flesh of her fingers and legs warming his palms and brushing the back of his hands. He only noticed they had been moving when Violet broke the kiss and cried out; she'd put his hands in her crotch.

Without thinking, he ripped them away, blushing so hard he might have passed out.
“No!” Violet yelped, not in pain.
Charlie was shocked that she was grinning, seeming to hold back laughter.
“Put them back!” Violet began to bounce lightly on her folded knees. “Putemback putemback.” she slurred, staring at him deeply, smile broadening. “Put em' back, put em' back...”
She rocked her shoulders back and forth playfully, pawing at his hands again while she repeated her mantra. Charlie couldn't resist the sight of her breasts as they swung with her shoulders. She saw him staring.
“You can stuff your face in them if you put your hands back”
“S-stuff my face where?”
Violet arched her spine and pulled her shoulders back. She didn't respond except for looking down with a suggestive expression as she gave her bust a few more light bounces.
“There?” Charlie Brown asked stupidly.
“No, the fireplace” she teased.
“Don't be shy, Charlie Brown. You can touch me. We already kissed, I don't mind if we mess around a little more.”

Charlie went silent, but before he could reach a decision, Violet pulled him into another kiss. This one lasted a bit longer than before. Violet broke it again.
“Take off that stupid shirt. I wanna see your muscles again.” she said bluntly.
So he did. Charlie expected to feel more naked, but found he was more comfortable this way. Violet stared with lazy eyes and a crooked smile.
“Mmmm.” Violet hummed. “Take off my shirt now, Charlie Brown.”
“You're wearing a dress.”
“Take off my dress then.”
Charlie blushed.
“You do want to see a girl in her panties, don't you?”
He gulped. Before she could make another comment, he reached out reluctantly then stopped, unsure where to start. The dress had no straps.
Violet took his hands and guided them to a zipper on her back. Letting them go, she started massaging his pecs as she did earlier in the day. It felt much better half-naked. Closer now, Violet craned her neck down and pecked Charlie's neck. He flinched when he felt a delicate nibble come to his earlobe.
Violet snickered. “You're such a stud. I can't believe I'm gonna be the first girl to get to do you.”
He tried to reply immediately but had to swallow his heart back into his chest first.
“How do you know I haven't done this?” Charlie bluffed poorly. Violet spared him some quip about his popularity and just cocked her lips with teasing, doubtful eyes.
“Because you're so nervous.” She said, her voice rough and breathy. With that, she reached a hand down and grabbed the tight bulge below his belt-line.

Charlie's face went hot with blood.
“I bet you're huge, aren't you?” She mewed while her smallest strokes sent bolts of raw pleasure into him. “You're probably not even all the way hard.” her wrist began to bob, twisting her palms around and around the hardest bits she could feel. Her heart was absolutely pounding. It was hard to keep playing it so cool when she was so close to losing it. Charlie was so hot she didn't know how much longer she could hold out from begging him to grab her somewhere sensitive. His hands never ran the zipper down her back, they just squeezed her shoulders every time she did something bold. Why she expected somebody like Ol' wishy-washy Charlie Brown to take initiative she couldn't figure. That was her fault. He needed a little more pushing to get where she wanted.
“If you wanna touch me somewhere, you can do it. I want you to. Touch me anywhere, Charlie Brown.”
He hesitated. She was really going out on a limb for this.
“You can touch anything you want to. I mean it. Grab me somewhere.”
Charlie was fighting himself. Did my manners poison me? I can't even touch a girl when she's demanding it! What if I mess it up and she doesn't like it and everything turns awkward? I'll never get a chance like this again!

She was getting impatient. Violet tried really hard not to let on how much she wanted him before, and now it was almost too much. The boy really hadn't changed since they were younger, but neither had she. Maybe she always wanted him like this and the time just hadn't been right. But it was now. She was a mess, she couldn't be coy for much longer.
Violet's voice broke into slushy quivers. “Squeeze my butt or something will you, Charlie Brown!? I'm so horny I can barely take it! I want it so bad!”
He remembered the moment that he lost Snoopy, how he did nothing and just watched the opportunity to save what he had slip away. And then another moment, when the little red-haired girl moved away and he also did nothing. He didn't even say hello. Then another moment, Lucy and her football. That was more than one moment. It was years of the same problem laughing in his face and ripping an opportunity away. This was that moment again, taunting him. Here was a gorgeous girl literally begging him to grope her and he couldn't move. The comparison made him sick, and he felt panic setting in.
“Haaahh!” Violet sang, pushing a little forward into him.
Charlie snapped out of his stupor. His hands were warm. Looking down he saw them on their new errand, heavily kneading Violet's upper thighs and ass. Violet moaned more softly as they continued. She was now sinking into him, trying to hug him closer, keeping one hand exploring his back and the other playing with the fabric thickly clothing his cock.
I did it. I'm doing it!
“More. Please, Charlie.” she groaned. “Take me somewhere.”

(That's all I've got tonight, got work in the morning. Will write more if anyone wants it, thanks anyway.)

I did have some Lucy planned for later on...

>all this for a cliffhanger

This really good, please keep going.

>tsundere lucy


These are always funny

Because his meal was so shitty, it needs deus ex machina to have the cast eat in another place by the end.

Families are overrated.

If you have lower standards than Sup Forums.



It came later than the Christmas and Halloween specials. Also Chuck's voice is worse.

CBS ordered a batch of several specials to be made after the success of the Christmas specials, which included the Halloween special. They were made closely together with the similar spirit, as well as the same voice actors. That's why the Christmas and Halloween specials are golden age works, and are highly regarded.
The Thanksgiving special, while it was fairly good alone, came near about the nadir of Peanuts specials (70s).
Also, the generation of kids that grew up on the Thanksgiving special (post-boomers) do not have the same enduring cultural influence on society as the generation who grew up on the 60s specials (boomers, they had a large demographic and considerable social and cultural capital).

Amazing what a difference 7-8 years will make

Thanksgiving specials don't have the immediate appeal Halloween and Christmas specials do, even if it's your favorite holiday there's not much dramatic you can really do with it (and what you can do, like family drama stories, is easily folded into Christmas specials/movies).

Maybe something with Marcie?? Please??