Why was he so perfect in this episode?

Why was he so perfect in this episode?

>wishes to be the strongest guy on the beach
>becomes the strongest guy on the beach
>kicks Francis's ass
>woos Trixie
>goes around being alpha as fuck
>so goddamned alpha that he becomes stronger than any guy who dares set foot on his beach
>so goddamned fucking alpha that Trixie still thinks he's hot even after his alphaness is too much for her body to handle
>so goddamned motherfucking alpha that he becomes stronger than a fucking whale
His only mistake was unwishing the wish rather than wishing the world was capable of handling how alpha he had become.

What's more alpha than just being alpha?

Only the most beta would settle for "just" being alpha.

Dare I say, he might even be omega.

But wasn't Omega the last greek letter...?

>His only mistake was unwishing the wish rather than wishing the world was capable of handling how alpha he had become.
the question is how would such a wish manifest?

Timmy is alpha and omega.

Because he became bara as fuck. Even though the voice really ruined it.

He is a puny twerp compared to her.

Firstly, while the alphaness of his approach will still cause the earth to quake, it will no longer cause devastating shockwaves, so that the 7 billion betas may live in awe of his alphaness instead of fearing him as a seaweed monster.

Furthermore, girls will no longer break at his touch, as their bodies will be made to withstand the power of his most alpha hugs. Naturally, a side effect will be that only Timmy's alphaness is capable of satisfying them; all other males would effectively be thrusting at a brick wall with a cooked macaroni shell.

I'm sure Vicky thinks so. And I'm sure Timmy is going to enjoy vigorously disabusing her of that notion.

Do you have a webm of the guys burning money on that episode?

Not him but I have the gif.

I do now!

Who would win in a fight, Beach Timmy or World Breaker Hulk.

The battlefield is on Timmy's beach, they cannot destroy or leave Timmy's beach in any way

Beach Timmy automatically becomes stronger than Hulk.

Gamble a stamp?

Whoever wins, we lose

Only if we don't get to see it.


>Even though the voice really ruined it.
To be fair, even his Double T In The Morning voice wouldn't have been sufficiently manly.


Glad to see part 5 finally got animated.

let them fight

Ah, but this is Thicc Vicky, not fit Vicky. Totally different form of battle.

Although, given the definition visible in 's thighs, Thicc Vicky definitely her fair share of muscle. Actually rather appropriate given Beach Bummed Timmy's lack of leg day.


Hulk gets stronger the madder he is.

Timmy keeps getting bigger.

Eventually there won't be enough beach to contain them both.

They cannot leave the beach, Timmy becomes forced into obscene contortions to match the size of the area until the pressure causes either him or Hulk to die in a way similar to Tetsuo's girlfriend in Akira.

But can Timmy beat Nicole? Her strength isn't actual strength, it's toon force

Presumably, "cannot leave the beach" means not stepping off of the beach area (jumping within the beach boundaries aside), which means Timmy will keep growing as long as he can keep at least one foot on the beach.

>His only mistake was unwishing the wish rather than wishing the world was capable of handling how alpha he had become.
But then Jorgen would get all over his ass.

Unless being more alpha than Jorgen is against Da Rules, I don't see what the problem is.

Timmy's made wishes that have altered Reality's fabric much harder than that one would

As far as dangerous Timmy wishes go, this wouldn't even crack the top 1000.


>timmy wishes that the entire universe counted as part of the beach
>continues to grow and his alphaness ascends mortal understanding

This is some Saxxon-level craziness and I love it.

not him but I've contemplated commissioning some FOP art from Saxxon, partly because I do like his stuff, but also because he's one of the cheaper artists out there

I don't get Trixie's character, she's sometimes show as the queen bee bitch type that with other popular kids, humiliate nerds. Other times, she's show to be a ok person or even actully pretty nice.

She's only nice if she wants something.

>you will never be cartoonishly alpha
fucking kill me now

It's a pretty accurate portrayal of popular kids.

depends on writer



>"I wish I hada gun!"