*disagrees with you*

*disagrees with you*
*smashes windows*


Prolly some sjw drama. All that comic people care about these days

faggot couldn't be happy with one thread

Any proof this is sjws and not just blacks?

SJWs attacked a comic book store where Ethan Van Sciver was having a signing event. Apparently it was completely unprovoced too.

>stop drawling sex woman
>nah I'm good
>fuck you comic store

Anything to get crazy fucks like that lcoked up, I suppose

This is actually a perfect summary.

sjw are comically violent

Mods don't exist.

Obviously they saw Thanos getting beaten up and got carried away.

Maybe they just tried walking through the glass?

What if they're Black SJWs?

unlikely. black sjws know to manipulate the optics of a situation. they would have protested or otherwise shown up in person.

What if it was a false flag operation?

You have to be very petty to do this shit.

*disagrees with you*
*throws chair*

There's no proof of that.

>It's suddenly a false flag when the shoe is on the other foot
Gave me a thought

That window was a Nazi user


Fucking faggots

I doubt it. I mean, this is entirely characteristic SJW behavior.

>Sup Forumsbabby doesn't understand when they're being mocked


It wasn't sjws or black people, you know who it was? It was women
This is what histeric bitches do, they don't like you so they spread rumors about you or they trhow a drink in your face or they break your shit and like about it
Granted not all women are like this and way too many men are like this nowdays, this is clearly a case of toxic femeninity Wich is a fucking epidemic, no wonder when you treat men like subhuman and women like princesses you end up with this

>he posted [thing], he must be Sup Forums
Oh, right, the ever so popular "everyone I don't like is [your choice here]" card

Oddly identitarian for an anonymous imageboard, too

Nigger, this has to do with comics. Just because you want to cover your ears and ignore it doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it.

Fuck SJW, really. Fuck them in the ass. I don't give a shit what you say nothing can allow you to fucking destroy the private property of someone that doesn't agree with your (retarded) opinions.

This happen to a comic book store because a comic book artist didn't want to fall in line with the retarded petitions of a retarded group.

Actually it probably was the same psycho who stalked Sciver on twitter and threatened to attack him and his family.

Did they leave a note?


But 3 fuckin threads? Really?

no but they did draw a poop swastika

This is almost as big as gamergate

You know there have been a rash of burglaries in the area right?

>SJWs threaten violence against Artist
>Artist shrugs it off and make his scheduled appearance at a given venue
>Next day venue at which Artist appeared has been violently damaged
Yep, totally unrelated burglary.

>Threaten artist
>Damage the venue in the middle of the night long after he'd left


>Robbing a comic store.
They'd probably lose money going through the effort.

>grasping at straws this hard

SJW have been known to be this comically retarded though.

So if someone drove a car into an innocent crowd of people instead then they would be off the hook

Is this the hill you want to die on?

Amerifat genocide when?

>delusionally defending SJW violence
Face it, snowflake - your "progressivism" ain't so progressive when your self-proclaimed "peaceful" organization resorts to barbaric methods of violence in order to achieve it's goals. You're no better than any of your enemies.


proofs that aren't known liar EVS?

Anyone have proof the artist was being harassed or threatened before this? How do we know he's not just making shit up?

>mouthbreather can't form a coherent sentence


sorry, is "Where is the evidence that this was carried out by SJWs from a source that isn't Ethan Van Sciver, who is a known liar?" better


>shut it down

Just like my Japanese animes

How they act in the past whenever someone disagrees.

I heard about this from "Diversity and Comics." Anybody else here watch his channel? I usually don't into YouTube bloggers but his channel is pretty decent I think.

nah just comic people on Sup Forums

they've never been shy about their vandalism or their protesting before, though

throwing a brick at a glass door in the middle of the night long after the person they're protesting has left doesn't fit their general MO

Jesus christ, how many signs did they order if they had THAT many left over after at least a thousand people showed up?

Who's funding this shit?


Who throws a brick at the door of a comic book store, without robbing it? Who would even try to rob a comic book store to begin with?

Grass roots = can't order signs?

one of EVS's little fan club trying to false flag

Not sure if you're joking or retarded.

The only people who false flag anymore are sjws

>What's a Kinkos?

>carrying through with threatened violence is not their MO
Lest we forget this pizza shop is comic-book-themed and represents their "Nazi" enemy in effigy.

Both. He made a similar comment in one of the other 5 threads.

They did it AFTER he fucking left, during the night. There is no evidence that isn't muh feelings.

there is documented evidence of his fanboys false flagging for him so he can play the victim

>nothing is stolen

Nah, right-wing people can false flag as hard as lefties. The most recent example I can think of is Laura Loomer claiming that someone slashed her tire when it was really just an old busted tire that fell apart on its own.

He's the Mr. Enter of comics

D&C, please go.

I thought his whole thing was "I don't care what you think."
Besides, he wasn't victimized here, the venue was. I'd be pissed on their behalf as well, if their store got smashed up after hosting my event.

>Other people are violent so we have to be just as violent too.

>his channel is pretty decent I think.
He literally called a book SJW for featuring a women who said she wanted to go on vacation. The dude's delusional.

>They did it AFTER he fucking left, during the night
"Let's go commit a crime in broad daylight and blatantly show our faces to make it easier for the authorities to catch us" said no criminal, ever.

>There is no evidence that isn't muh feelings.
I never knew who the guy was before today, but if someone threatens violence and then a related property is damaged guess who the prime suspect is. It seems to me that the only "muh feelings" here is for the SJW community.

>c'mon user, people calling artists nazis and threatening violence couldn't, in any way, be responsible for damaged property incited by their irrational hatred
This is what you sound like.

As someone who's left as fuck, has lived in California their entire life, and has been a registered voting liberal democrat for 10 years even I have to agree that Antifa isn't in any way shape or form "innocent".

They didn't deserve having a car driven through their crowd, but boy oh boy did I expect it to happen way earlier. I honestly thought the first person to do it wouldn't have even been a politically driven one. They fuck around in roads so much and block traffic so often it's a fucking miracle this has only happened once. And that's not even mentioning the constant personal property destruction that they do and piss everyone around them off with.

Prior to the Trump elections I'd literally never felt this much disappointment in the left. There were moments, but I always laughed and considered them outliers. Now we're turning into howling fucking apes over every god damn tiny thing because we lost and want to riot like a fucking sports team. This shit is disgusting. Fuck Antifa.


I wasn't too into the controversy when it happened so I could be wrong, but wasn't there evidence to suggest they were attacking his car?

Burgers are from Germany - how did this become a derogatory term against Americans?

While they're named after Hamburg, hamburgers are actually an invention of the US.


I think these are funny, I just didn't understand how Burger became a slur for US cits.

Got any more?

You can watch the videos of it around. They were rioting about a white supremacy thing and attacked his car when he drove near them, but he intentionally drove toward them prior and clearly sped into the crowd once it started happening. He hit a bunch of cars ahead of him, also. Ironically, he only really seriously damaged one person, but the damage was that they had a fatal heart attack because of the whole thing after being knocked backward onto the street (possibly by another protester) so even then he sort of didn't do the fatal damage with his car. That being said he was still the source of the whole thing, so he should still be blamed for at least part of it. There was clear intent to begin with, it was just more than likely egged on after it began and he could have been convinced to stopped.

I should also add, the "fatal heart attack after being knocked backwards" thing is pretty openly debated. I'm not actually sure how true that is considering how many people want to muddy the info surrounding the event.

Aren't medical reports like that public domain? Should be easy to look up what she actually died from. If it was blunt force trauma from the car it would blatantly be on the report.

Not him, but there's still blunt force from crashing down on the ground, so depending on the position they landed could muddy that up. Also, a lot of those cases could be from the brain beating against the skull from the knock back. Alternatively, it could just be some really good lawyer muddying up the reality of the situation.

>bitch says she was raped at a party
>dink says the sjws broke his window

it ain't even his window

Ever hear the story about the boy who cried wolf?

If someone threatened to rape her beforehand and there's actual evidence that she was raped then it's a safe bet to assume she's telling the truth.

This doesn't even register on the H.E.A.T. scale

>bitch has drunken sex at a party then claims rape the next day
>internet says burglars broke pizza shop window after SJWs threaten scheduled guest with violence

See? I can do that, too.

Nuh uh. Not real proof. :^)

Black SJWs are people who would otherwise be civilized if they hadn't been brainwashed by SJW ideology. They are not niggers.

>I'm totally not racist guys haha

Not him, but I hate everyone who acts like ghetto trash, white people included. People who act like that truly are sub humans.

>I cant just go to the store and not get hit on
I-I-I can't breath

Same, but the difference is I don't use a racial slur to describe them

>"Let's go commit a crime in broad daylight and blatantly show our faces to make it easier for the authorities to catch us" said no criminal, ever

You underestimate the level of retardation SJWs are capable of.